
Chapter 240 You can't fight, and you can't play with fire!

Bai Yaner.

The three princesses of the Silver Shark Clan have a great reputation even in Xueyu Island, not to mention the southern region of the Tianxing Sea, even the eastern region of the Tianxing Sea.Because it is said that except for her elders, this girl has never had a good impression of men. In addition, her strength is high, she is equipped with top-notch magic weapons, and she has the halo of Snowy Island. There are not many women...

For a moment, the brothers and sisters in Zhengyang Palace were a little dumbfounded, they all stared at Luo Tian, ​​who was not blushing and heartbeating.That senior brother even had an inexplicable look in his eyes, man, man, this buddy is really a hero, he is full of challenges and difficult to attack Bai Yan'er.


It seems that Bai Yan'er's name is really resounding enough, even that girl must have heard of Bai Yan'er's name, hearing this, her pair of beautiful eyes kept looking at Luo Tian, ​​and even her tone softened a little. She didn't dare to underestimate the character who can subdue the little demon girl Bai Yan'er.

Seeing that the other party was visibly apprehensive, Luo Tian couldn't help taking out the folding fan pretending to be complacent, and then swiping it away, looking like a dandy young master.

As soon as the two senior brothers and sisters saw the middle-aged uncle on the opposite side, they became a dude in a blink of an eye. This quick change made them a little dazed, but immediately looked at the Lianxu map in the sky, and their expressions changed slightly.

At this moment, the Lianxu Tu floating in the sky was trembling slightly, and the surrounding space was also faintly fluctuating slightly unstable. The three of them were masters with keen senses, and they immediately noticed something was wrong. Yue Yue showed signs of escaping into the void.

"Fellow Daoist, since you are bound to win the Void Refining Map, why don't we decide the winner as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams." The senior brother clasped his fists first, and said in a calm manner, which can be regarded as courtesy first and then soldiers.

Luo Tian smiled slightly, stretched out his robe sleeves, stomped on his footsteps, and turned into the sky with a somersault, coupled with the erratic thunderbolts, he seemed to be stepping on a huge thunderbolt bird, which was so powerful that Zhengyang Palace had always been It was the brothers and sisters with high hearts who were really shocked, and the brothers and sisters with good eyesight finally realized that the magic weapon under the opponent's feet was just a low-level treasure, and then they were relieved.Although treasures are somewhat tempting for ordinary monks, for the two Zhengyang Palaces who were born in one of the best in the Tianxing Hainan Region, they are just children's playthings. tile dog.

In fact, what they didn't know was that the magic weapon Luo Tian was stepping on was originally just a high-level magic weapon, not even a treasure weapon, and Luo Tian rarely used it since he had more magic weapons .But once in a while, when Angel Luo took out the Thunderbird boots, he found that this magic weapon had gradually advanced to an elementary weapon at some point.This simply surprised him.

The Thunderbird boots were always presented by Han Zheng, and whether Luo Tian could return to Xianxiamen in the future is another matter.Naturally, the Thunderbird boots are regarded as a memorable and memorable thing.For the monks, at the flick of their fingers, they can see the vicissitudes of life.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian put the Thunderbird boots under his feet into the Qiankun bag, then stretched out his hand, took out the Xuanji Yugui, and stared faintly at the senior brothers and sisters opposite, "I don't know which one of the two is willing to enlighten me? Or the two of you?" Go together?"

"Hmph! To deal with you, senior brother alone is enough." The girl said coquettishly, although her momentum was extremely arrogant, she looked very cute.

The senior brother obviously smiled bitterly, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face. It seemed that he was used as a thug by this woman for sure not once or twice, and he was already prepared in his heart.Hearing that, with a flash of light under his feet, he arrived in front of Luo Tian.

"It's over."

Luo Tian also had a good impression of this man, he smiled when he saw this, and then didn't say hello, the Xuanji Yugui in his hand trembled slightly, several dark yellow light bars appeared in the air, forming a strange circle, Fall toward each other.

"Tai Shang Lao Jun is in a hurry like a law!"

The man seemed honest and honest, but in fact he was also a master of martial arts. When Luo Tian made a move, the man also had his hands crossed in front of his chest, like embracing Tai Chi, one yin and one yang, one strong and one soft, and then the clothes on his arms bulged After swinging, he immediately let out a low drink, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and then tapped lightly into the void.

A very strange scene appeared!

When the dark yellow circle of light transformed by Xuanji Yugui fell rapidly, a white flying sword flew out of the void. This flying sword was simple and strange. As soon as it was lit, several bright lightning bolts suddenly fell from the void, and directly struck the hilt of the white flying sword.

The white flying sword shook slightly, and then shot out countless curved arcs of lightning, making a hissing sound, spreading out the lightning, cutting a small part of the space piece by piece, and then there were bursts of roars, baring its teeth and claws like a thunderbolt The light dragon circled and whirled in the void.

There was no sadness or joy on Luo Tian's face, he threw the Xuanji jade in his hand high into the air, and it fell directly into the yellow light circle, and then a layer of very faint yellow flames immediately appeared on the yellow light circle, and finally Luo Tian waved his hands in the air one after another, absorbing countless auras from heaven and earth, and with a flick of his fingers, an incomparably strange purple lotus was the first to meet the lightning dragon in the air.

clap clap!

The power of the Lightning Lightning Dragon is extraordinary. With a face-to-face impact, the purple lotus flower formed by the purple lotus sword energy was directly blasted down from the sky, and the sword energy above was destroyed a lot.

The Lightning Lightning Dragon was just as unforgiving, and then it blasted the purple lotus into nothingness, and then the Lightning Lightning Dragon plunged headlong into the dark yellow circle of light.

The originally ordinary dark yellow circle of light spontaneously rotated the moment the Lightning Lightning Dragon crashed into it, as if a huge golden body was spinning in the air, generating a huge suction force, and the Lightning Lightning Dragon was sucked away. After entering, he wanted to escape, but the dark yellow flame gushing out from the dark yellow light bar burst out directly, forming a flame spherical cover, trapping the thunder and lightning dragon in it, refining it little by little.

"Ah?" The man was startled at first, and then his face brightened. He smiled and said, "I didn't expect that fellow Taoist is also an expert in playing with fire. It's all because of my poor eyesight. I don't know if I can have a duel on the flames?"

"Brother Dumb, be careful!" the girl shouted with a sudden change of expression.

"Friend Daoist, you lost."

The purple long sword transformed from one side of Luo Tian's hand lay directly across the man's neck, and he said flatly, "You are no match for me in fighting skills, and you are even worse at playing with fire."

ps: Originally, I wanted to update crazily today, but the instructor called for dinner.I guess I won't be able to come back at night.

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