
Chapter 241 Three pictures in one, Taiyi golden mother Ruyi

Although that handsome man accidentally lost to Luo Tian in a fight, his expression was still extremely calm, with a faint smile on his face, without the slightest panic, as if he had put life and death aside.

"Whether it's okay or not is not just a word of mouth, but a real competition."

Luo Tian smiled when he saw this, and with a movement of his palm, the purple long sword suddenly disappeared.Then the handsome man was horrified to find that the whole body of the smiling middle-aged man in Tsing Yi dissipated with the wind bit by bit.

Putting the Xuanji Yugui back, Luo Tian lightly stroked the Xuanji Yugui, then threw it back into the Black Lotus space, and said with a faint smile: "Since fellow Taoists want to compete in controlling the flames, let's make up our minds." Accompany."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian rubbed his fingers together, and then condensed a yellow flame, dancing and twisting around his fingertips like an arm.

"Good!" the handsome man praised, "I was born in Zhengyang Palace, Hu Ge."

"..." Luo Tian felt melancholy for a while. It was a good name. Anyone who saw him would call him Brother Hu, but he said without hesitation, "Sanxiu, Han Yi."


Brother and sister Hu Ge were shocked again!

The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in front of him is far more magical than Hu Ge, and Bai Yan'er is willing to marry him. Naturally, he has extraordinary strength and comes from a super powerful family.Unexpectedly, this person turned out to be an unknown casual cultivator, which is really surprising.

"let's start."

This time Hu Ge chose to attack first, because after seeing Luo Tian's terrifying speed, Hu Ge also knew in his heart that his speed was not much faster than others.If the opponent uses speed to take advantage, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to win back the victory.

With a wave of his hand, Hu Ge still held onto Yuan Shouyi this time, an extremely pale flame burst out of his body in the palm of his hand, forming a thick white fireball rolling between his palms, this pale flame As soon as it was used, the temperature of the surrounding space dropped sharply, the air crackled continuously, and even flying ice and snow appeared around Hu Ge's body.

"I'm a good boy!"

Luo Tian yelled loudly, and then a layer of yellow flames swung out from his body, floating and floating on his body surface, as if a giant dragon that had been sleeping in ancient times suddenly woke up.He was also secretly surprised that the flames in Hu Ge's body seemed to belong to the category of ice flames, and they could actually induce wind and snow in this incomparably warm space, which really shouldn't be underestimated.


Luo Tian's violently retreating figure finally had no way to retreat. He stretched out his hand high in the sky, and a long sword formed of yellow flames directly pierced the thick white ice flame ball thrown by Hu Ge. The ice flame ball It didn't dissipate with the expected blow, instead, after being knocked apart, it turned into a very regular arrangement of flames, and then flew towards Luo Tian again, surrounding Luo Tian densely.

Seeing this situation, Luo Tian no longer had any thoughts of hiding his secrets. The Nine Flame Mysterious Art in his body quickly circulated for three days, and red, orange, and yellow flames flew out of his body one after another, forming a three-color flame. The light shield, let Hugo's white ice flame hit it.

Puff puff puff!

Since Luo Tian practiced the Nine Flames Mysterious Art, this was the first time that Luo Tian used three-color flames to fight against the enemy.

The mask formed by the three-color flame looks extremely weak, as if it can be broken with a touch. In fact, the mask formed by the three-color flame is extremely tough. Hu Ge's white ice flame hit the three-color flame and was directly absorbed Come here, and the ice flame will be refined bit by bit by the scorching heat.

"Bing Xinyan, ice mountain and snow sea!"

Hu Ge's face was solemn, his fingers were like knives, and he hurriedly drew a strange spell in the air, and then spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the spell quickly took shape.The formed talisman flew high into the sky, and then suddenly disintegrated.Form a very shocking eyeball picture.

All I saw was a sea of ​​snowflakes suddenly falling from high above the sky, towering icebergs could be vaguely seen in the sea, and the icebergs were constantly rotating and moving. Luo Tian could even clearly see the messy structures on top of the icebergs. pointy ice spike ice skates.

Luo Tian's complexion changed, and now he finally started to face Hu Ge squarely.He did not expect that his level of manipulating flames would be so miraculous and superb. Although he could see that most of the icebergs and snow seas in front of him were formed by illusions, once he was involved in the illusions, even if he could finally escape , It is inevitable to fall into a miserable end with a layer of skin peeling off.

Boo Boo!

Luo Tian's body stretched and stretched, and there was a slight sound from his bones. Then, Luo Tian's body, which was still mastered in the movement of five elements, began to grow gradually under Hu Ge's astonished gaze, and finally turned into a giant twenty feet tall.

"What a sea of ​​ice and snow!"

Luo Tian laughed loudly, and raised his two big hands up with great pride, unexpectedly holding the phantom in the air out of thin air.

"This Han Yi supernatural power is really abnormal! It turned out to be several kinds of exercises, and each of them has been cultivated to a high level!" The girl suddenly changed her face and said to her brother Hu Ge through voice transmission.

Next, what stunned Hu Ge and his junior sister even more was that the three-color flames in Luo Tian's body burned towards the phantom layer by layer along his arms, red, orange and yellow, wave after wave like sea waves. Hit, shaking the phantom to the point of collapse, a violent shaking.

The sea of ​​ice and snow was surrounded by three-color flames. This time, Luo Tian used the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra to fully display the power of the Nine Flame Mysterious Kung Fu, and finally competed equally with the opponent's sea of ​​ice and snow.

The corners of Luo Tian's mouth turned up, and then another very faint, transparent flame fell into the phantom of the ice mountain and snow sea. The phantom could no longer withstand the invasion of the fourth flame, and immediately fell apart.

Fumo Ganghuo.

Although Fumo Ganghuo is specialized in subduing demons and evil spirits, it can be regarded as a kind of strange fire between heaven and earth. It doesn't mean that it has no other power when it is used.Once it was used this time, it immediately became the last straw that broke the camel's back, and completely collapsed the iceberg and snow sea.


Hu Ge retreated palely, and then a snow-white jade tablet with a crack appeared in front of him.

"I am willing to bow down."

Hu Ge staggered back, clasped his fists at Luo Tian sincerely, and then took back the Snow White Jade Plaque with great distress.

What Luo Tian and Hu Ge brothers and sisters did not expect was that Hu Ge suddenly withdrew the phantom, Luo Tian did not have time to retract the flame, the flame rolled up into the sky like a majestic ocean wave, and went straight to the Lianxu figure in the clouds and go.


Luo Tian screamed inwardly, and then shot towards the sky like lightning. A purple lotus flower quickly took shape in his hand, and flew out directly, trying to intercept the four flames in front of him.

Facts are often unexpected.

Luo Tian flew high into the sky, and the two refining images in the black lotus space directly broke through the void and flew out, shooting towards the sky faster than Luo Tian.The letter copper coin and the Zhu word copper coin followed closely behind.

In the end, the purple lotus did not stop the four flames, even though the four flames collided with the cloud of rosy light, and then the two pictures of alchemy and the two copper coins flew straight into the cloud of rosy light without being blocked at all.

Luo Tian's spiritual eyes were running, and he was horrified to see that the three pictures of refining emptiness and the three copper coins directly appeared in the cloud of rays of light, and then the pictures of refining xu and the copper coins each diffused a layer of yellow light, and merged into one after another. together.


A golden light flew out of it, and came directly towards Luo Tian. Luo Tian stretched out his hand, and there was something in his big hand containing yellow flames, it was a bronze Ruyi.

After quickly recognizing the Lord with a drop of blood, Ruyi's message quickly appeared in Luo Tian's mind.

Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi!The No. 20 rare treasure on the Qizhenpu Magic Treasure List!

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