
Chapter 242 Misunderstanding, Ruyi Breaks the Demon Soul

Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi.

It is said that once this Ruyi is in operation, there will be three-color strange lights shining on the Lingbao in ancient times, which are Luofeng Shenguang, Zhujue Shenguang and Duotian Shenguang.None of these three colors of divine light are born from the innate accumulation, but the first owner of this treasure, Wusheng Xiangu, spent hundreds of years refining it with various rare and secret strange lights with her own great supernatural powers. Legend has it that when this treasure first appeared in the world, it attracted the thunder of the gods from beyond the sky.It is Taiyi fine copper mother itself, and then mixed with three kinds of divine light. This treasure is so powerful that often when the three-color divine light is swept out, the opponent's strength will be destroyed directly.

Luo Tian quickly forced out a drop of blood essence, which landed on Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi.Seeing that Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi could not be successfully sacrificed at all, Luo Tian was cruel and directly forced out a drop of primordial spirit blood into it. Only then did Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi settle down, and immediately an extremely mysterious story appeared in his mind The method of the deep imperial weapon.

Brother and sister Hu Ge stared dumbfounded at what happened in front of them, and their first impression was that it was unbelievable.It's unbelievable, these three pictures of refining emptiness were one of the spiritual treasures of Zhengyang Palace in ancient times, but unfortunately they were scattered outside due to various reasons.Now several old monsters in Zhengyang Palace worked together to calculate, and finally figured out that this treasure will appear when the extreme south plateau is opened. Unexpectedly, it will be cheaper in the end.

At this time, Luo Tian still brought Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi into the Black Lotus space, he didn't dare to hold this spiritual treasure in the open, if a powerful old monster took a fancy to it, it would cause unreasonable disaster and life-threatening danger.

In the sky, the glowing clouds slowly dissipated out of thin air.Restoration of the quiet and peaceful weather.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Han is indeed born with a great opportunity, I envy you." Although Hu Ge felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he still looked like a gentleman on the surface, and his tone was as gentle and gentle as before.

Luo Tian also chuckled, and said: "You Daoist Hu Miao praised, but it's just luck. I have some other things to do, so I'm leaving now."

After speaking, Thunderbird boots emerged from under Luo Tian's feet, and the thunder light flashed a few times before disappearing into the sky.

"Hey, you..." The delicate and pretty girl shouted with sullen expression on her face, and immediately pouted her mouth resentfully.

"Junior Sister, this is fate, I can't force it." Hu Ge said with a wry smile, his face was full of melancholy, the things that Master told him were done in a mess, what should we do?

The pretty girl snorted coldly, and spat: "The chance of the fart, then Han Yi is obviously the one who grabs it! Why don't you let me do it?"

At this moment, the delicate and pretty girl had just revealed her true colors, showing her masterful demeanor.Her confident words showed that her cultivation was far superior to that of senior brother Hu Ge.

"Shoot?" Hu Ge shook his head with a wry smile again, and said, "Then Han Yi is obviously very alert. You just got the inheritance not long ago, and you haven't fully controlled the supernatural powers in your body. If you play hard, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep him. Look His previous performance, there must be many unknown cards that have not been revealed, even if you and I can trap him for a while, there is nothing we can do about him."

"Hmph, this Han Yi's strength is quite good." The charming girl then turned to her senior brother, "What should I do next?"

"Follow up. Just follow from a distance." Hu Ge's eyes flashed a bright light that didn't match his face.


God, earth, what the hell is this place!

At this moment, a flash of thunder flashed across the sky, and Luo Tian was full of troubles and depression. Even though Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi was in his hands, this weird place was terrifyingly vast. He had been flying in the sky for an hour, and there was still The repeated scenes, except for the endless mountains, are the streams, rivers and lakes, dotted with countless green colors.Beauty is beauty, there is no feeling of refreshing.


A strange cry sounded, and then a huge two-headed bird flew up from the jungle and rushed towards Luo Tian.


Luo Tian stretched out his hand and waved it, a big hand formed of yellow flames suddenly flew up and slapped directly on the big bird with two heads and four wings. The big bird didn't react when it was hit by the big hand, just like a mud cow into the sea.

"A high-level monster!"

Luo Tian screamed out, and then the thunder light under his feet rushed forward without stopping.

The big bird gave another strange cry, and then chased after it at a very fast speed. Listening to its cry, it was obvious that the monster was attacked for no reason, and it was very angry.

About the time after the meal, Luo Tian, ​​who had flown more than a hundred miles in one breath, looked back, and the big bird was still chasing after him. The distance between each other was getting closer and closer, so he had to plunge down from the air, and then used his body skills. Like a swift ape running through the woods.

Boom boom boom!

Behind him, there was a loud explosion, and countless trees and rocks were reduced to ashes.The high-level monster started to attack.

Luo Tian fled in embarrassment while thinking of a way to get out, and finally found a hole full of spider webs, and then used the earth escape technique to escape directly into it, walking through the mountainside.

But he felt that the ground above his head shook for a while, and then Luo Tian had no choice but to use the earth escape technique to go deep underground.

The giant bird behind him didn't seem to want to just let Luo Tian go, and kept chasing after him, desperately attacking the mountain peak, and then plunged headfirst into the ground.This monster turned out to be a high-level monster with dual attributes of climate and soil.

A layer of heat wave hit his face, Luo Tian had no choice but to sacrifice the treasured umbrella, and bravely rushed through the magma in front of him.The mana in his body was consumed at an astonishing rate. If Luo Tian hadn't stuffed a few pills into his mouth in advance, he might have been consumed to death in the magma.

After half an hour, Luo Tian finally passed through the magma area.Then what appeared in front of me was an underground cave. There was a high ground in the center of the cave, surrounded by the gloomy cold air that was blurred in the air. It wiped out all the magma brought by Luo Tian and then froze, forming layers of thick magma layers. .

"Damn it!"

Luo Tian muttered to himself, then flew towards the high ground.It's a pity that he was in mid-air, and found four black phantoms suddenly shot from all around, rushing towards with a sharp wind sound.


With a strange soft sound, something immediately appeared in front of Luo Tian. It was the Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi stored in the Black Lotus Space. Since it has been able to break through the barriers of Heilian's space several times, Luo Tian naturally doesn't have any strange intentions.

After making a magic trick, Luo Tian threw Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi out, and saw the three-color fine copper light flickering in the air, and the three divine lights were like a millstone covering the four black phantoms.The black phantom seemed to have seen a natural enemy, and with a strange cry, it was about to flee.However, they were stretched out by the three divine lights on Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi, and they were refined into nothingness one after another.

"It's domineering enough, I like it."

A loud voice suddenly sounded.

ps: There are many things, the heroes who leave me a message don't worry.Today is the college rehearsal, you must come.I have an exam tomorrow, and I'm depressed.

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