
Chapter 243 The Guide, The Red Sea of ​​Blood


Luo Tian's eyes suddenly opened, with a brilliant blue light, but what shocked him was that he tried his best but did not find the other party's trace. With Luo Tian as the center, it dispersed in all directions.

"Huh? The method in the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra!"

The person hiding in the dark exclaimed again, and immediately said to himself, "Could it be that the people from Taiyin Sect and Shenfeng Island came here? It's impossible, how could those guys have such awareness. "

"Since the senior is here, why bother to tease me?" The man seemed to be right in front of his eyes, but Luo Tian couldn't perceive the existence of the other party at all. This feeling of aggrieved made him feel depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

"Hehe, the old man has always been in front of you, it's just that you have blind eyes." A loud laugh came, and then a boy in sackcloth riding a tortoise appeared in front of Luo Tian with a slight twist of the space, and looked at it with a smile Luo Tian has weird eyes.

At this moment, Luo Tian was speechless for a while, he had seen a lot of strange people and strange things.But I have never seen such a young man with such a personality, and he still keeps calling himself an old man, riding an old tortoise.

"Young man, since you have come here, you will definitely not be able to go back." The boy in sackcloth fiddled with the restless old turtle, and then said calmly, "It seems that the small tomb of the Demon Emperor Huntian Already being dug out by someone, that old boy did too many bad things during his lifetime, so it is not a disgrace to him to end up like this."

"Small tomb?"

Luo Tian clearly caught the key words in the mouth of the boy in sackcloth, and couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. As expected of an old antique who became famous in ancient times, the Huntian Demon Emperor just deliberately arranged a small grave mound in a concealed manner, and put some big monks The monks in the southern region who are playing around are really a hero.

"Senior, what's the next step?" Luo Tian braced himself and said, he didn't want to hear the boy in sackcloth tell him stories here.

"It can't be fixed." The boy in sackcloth glanced at Luo Tian sympathetically, "In hundreds of years, you are the second monk to come here. I don't know whether to praise you or not for your luck. scolded you..."

"Senior, how do you say this?" If Luo Tian hadn't had extraordinary concentration, he would have caused the mental breakdown caused by the always startled boy in sackcloth to go mad.

"I'm not afraid to tell you!" The boy in linen snorted, and sat down on the old tortoise. The old tortoise immediately opened its mouth and spewed out a beam of strange light, which opened a big hole in the space in front of it. .

"Don't be stupid, are you going to pass through the teleportation formation over there?" The boy in linen lazily raised his head and glanced at Luo Tian, ​​then pointed to the high platform, "Passing through the teleportation formation is worse than following the old man to take the other way. The space comes quickly and conveniently.”


Now that Luo Tian had no other choice, he scratched his head and jumped directly onto the back of the old turtle.

The old tortoise sank three feet abruptly before he stabilized his figure. The boy in sackcloth no longer had a relaxed expression, he jumped and spit, pointed at Luo Tian and cursed, "You bastard, are you trying to scare me?" Damn old man! You don’t say hello to anyone who asks you to come up, my Laifu is getting old, how can I react!"


Luo Tian's eyes went dark, he almost fainted, and then continued to go dark, because the boy in linen had directed the old turtle into the opening of the space...

"Damn it, this old man is not only getting more and more handsome, but this Laifu is also getting more and more powerful. It really is fast and convenient!" Half an hour later, the boy in sackcloth danced and rode the old tortoise Laifu to appear in a place in the air. , Luo Tian behind him turned green, with an expression of wanting to vomit.

"Little guy, the old man gave you such a big benefit, are you happy? Are you happy?"

Luo Tian really wanted to say "Happy you sister", but passing through the space channel, not only the physical body was extremely uncomfortable, but the whole body seemed to be broken, and even the soul could not withstand the strong wind in the turbulent flow of space. In particular, the speed at which the boy in linen shuttles through the space is horribly perverted, making Luo Tian vomit now.

After a long while, Luo Tian just recovered.He secretly swore in his heart that he would not be with the boy in linen and Brother Laifugui if he was killed in the future.

"Here, where is this?"

When Luo Tian finally had time to look at the scenery in front of him, he was deeply shocked by the scenery in front of him.I saw that the whole world in front of me seemed to be composed of fiery red blood, and it was difficult to see other colors.

"Little guy is lucky, he didn't catch the tide of the sea of ​​blood, otherwise, it would be enough for you to go to heaven." The boy in sackcloth sighed, and Luo Tian, ​​who was next to him, rolled his eyes, thinking to himself, don't torment me.

"Senior, where is this place?"

"A sea of ​​red flames and blood! The place where the real tomb of the Demon Emperor Huntian is located." The boy in linen said unhurriedly, and then looked at the sea of ​​red flames and blood in front of him with a contemptuous expression.

"The senior is?"

"The old man is a guide." The boy in sackcloth paused, and then cursed, "Because of a promise, he was fooled by the bastard Huntian Demon Emperor to guard the tomb for ten thousand years. It’s such a ghostly place, if you want beautiful women but no beautiful women, if you want good wine but no good wine, if this old man is not a person who pays great attention to credibility, he would have demolished this bird’s tomb a long time ago!”

"..." Luo Tian was speechless for a while, did this boy in sackcloth lose his mind? For 1 years, you thought you were a turtle spirit!However, Luo Tian still said without any expression on his face, "Who is the guide?"

"It's nothing." The boy in sackcloth seemed to be tired of cursing, and finally stopped after a long time, and then said angrily, "If you have a great opportunity to come to the sea of ​​​​red flames and blood, you have two options. Follow the path given by the old man to find where the teleportation array exits, and another is to find his grave according to the map left by that bastard Huntian Demon Emperor, and become his heir."

"So that's how it is." Luo Tian smiled lightly, but his heart was overwhelmed. The Demon Emperor Huntian would choose his successor to inherit his mantle, and he wouldn't believe it anyway if he killed Luo Tian.Besides, Luo Tian didn't have much interest in the inheritance of the demon emperor.

"Little guy, which one do you choose?" The boy in sackcloth squinted at Luo Tian and said calmly.

"Senior, I will choose the first path, find the teleportation array, and get out from here." Luo Tian said respectfully.

"Ah? What!" The boy in sackcloth looked at Luo Tian tremblingly with an expression of hating iron and steel, his face turned pale with anger, "You really let me down, you're just so good? I'm ashamed of you!"

"If you are ashamed, you will be ashamed."

"... "

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