
Chapter 248 The old man riding a donkey, 5 years

"Hey, what do you want to do? Let me go!"

Bai Yan'er shouted with panic all over her face, her words no longer had the pride of the past, instead there was a bit of panic and inexplicable shyness in her words.

As long as it is a woman, she will not be too scared to be caught by such a gentle and domineering man like Luo Tian. An excellent face is sometimes a magic weapon to confuse women.At this moment, Bai Yan'er no longer felt angry and flustered, but instead had a vague expectation deep in her heart that she couldn't describe.

Naturally, Luo Tian couldn't guess what was going on in Bai Yan'er's mind. At this moment, his thoughts changed sharply. At the moment when his three kinds of exercises were initially integrated, after being reborn, a formula suddenly appeared in his mind, which was difficult and obscure.

Bai Yan'er was directly grabbed by Luo Tian's pipa bone, and the Yuanshen was also restrained instantly by Luo Tian, ​​and she had already become an ordinary young woman, powerless to restrain her.


Bai Yan'er felt a pain in her buttocks, and then looked at Luo Tian who had no thoughts of pity and pity.He secretly cursed in his heart, could this person be an idiot, he really doesn't understand the slightest style, is there such a thing as throwing a beautiful woman directly on the ground?

In fact, Luo Tian not only has no good impression of Bai Yan'er, but even has a very bad impression of her.He didn't care about her thoughts, for an unreasonable woman who was about to kill her when she met, he did her a lot of face by not killing her on the spot.Of course, this can be regarded as a disguised compromise given by Luo Tian pretending to be her unmarried husband-in-law before.

Now, it's time for us to get even, and we won't owe each other any more.Luo Tian thought happily.He is used to ignoring etiquette, of course he didn't know that doing so would be tantamount to ruining a woman's reputation. Fortunately, the Hu Ge brothers and sisters have not spread this explosive news that can shock the entire Star Sea...

Afterwards, Luo Tian frowned to study the spells that suddenly appeared in his mind, closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, then flashed to the stone tablet in the Yuhuachi, and displayed a few hand spells with his hands a little green.

Chi Chi!

The stele must have existed here for too long, it didn't know when it existed, Luo Tian worked on it for a long time with sweat profusely, and finally began to tremble slowly.

A misty blue light flashed from the stone tablet, and then went straight into the sky.

The next moment, not only Luo Tian, ​​but even Bai Yan'er who was sitting on the ground before she could get up was stunned, a cyan light curtain suddenly emerged from the stone tablet, and light spots appeared one by one on the light curtain.

"Map? Map of Bodhi Mountain?"

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, then his spirit was shaken, he recited the inexplicable formula silently, his hands kept dancing in the void, and the next moment, the light spots on the blue light curtain became clearer again.Luo Tian was overjoyed, and the movements in his hands accelerated involuntarily.

In the end, the blue light curtain formed a solid blue stone slab. Luo Tian stretched out his hand to touch a place on the light curtain, and that place began to blur. After a few breaths, the real scene of that area appeared on the light curtain.

"Grandma, these monks trapped in the empty island are really tireless!" Luo Tian slapped his forehead weakly, and said to himself bitterly.

"Nonsense." Bai Yan'er rolled her eyelids, "The meaning of the North Pole Magnetic Light to the cultivators of the Skyfall Island is the same as the meaning of the Lingshi to us. It's no wonder they can retreat, you idiot!"

"Talk again, I'll kill you." Luo Tian glared at Bai Yan'er viciously.

Bai Yan'er opened her cherry mouth wide open, with an unbelievable look on her face. After a long time, she said weakly: "I said you boy, you'd better let me go. This girl is the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan. My teacher is the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan." Snowy Island, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Luo Tian turned his mouth up, and smiled evilly at Bai Yan'er, "I have never seen such an arrogant prisoner! If you don't keep your mouth shut, I will definitely hurt you!"

"Cut!" Bai Yan'er didn't take Luo Tian's threat to heart at all, and continued to say, "My second sister is also a disciple of Xueyu Island, and I'll tell you that her temper is much worse than mine, and her cultivation base is higher than that of Xueyu Island. Yudao's younger generation is one of the best, if you don't want to die..."

"..." Luo Tian was really depressed, "Why are all the women of your Silver Shark tribe crazy women like you? Also, it's not like you imagined that I hurt you, but, hehe..."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian looked at Bai Yaner's bulging chest with a perverted look, and then went all the way down, finally stopping at Bai Yaner's lower abdomen...

"You, you are such a pervert! You are a disciple!" Bai Yan'er blushed pretty, and cursed, but then she began to think in her heart, oh my god, if he really did that, what if, what if What should I do if I lose my child?Should I obey him, or resist to the end to show my ambition...

Of course, Luo Tian was just trying to frighten this tough girl, not really wanting to be so impatient that she would deal with Bai Yan'er.From Luo Tian's point of view, even if it is to perform Zhougong's courtesy, one must find a woman who is in love with each other, at least one who has a good impression of each other.

Then, Luo Tian didn't bother to pay attention to Bai Yan'er who stood up, but looked at the blue light curtain expressionlessly, and finally stretched out his hand and typed out several spells.

Bodhi Mountain, because it is surrounded by clouds and mist, it is difficult to see the whole picture.Luo Tian was born with spiritual eyes, so naturally he knew it clearly a long time ago. The top and bottom of Bodhi Mountain are sharp and narrow, but the center is wider, which looks like a diamond-shaped spool.It is also true that the top and bottom of Bodhi Mountain are wrapped with the divine light of the North Pole Magnetic Yuan, echoing each other from afar, making it difficult for outsiders to break through the defense.

A cyan light curtain suddenly spread down from the sky, completely enveloping Bodhi Mountain in an instant, and many monks at the foot of Bodhi Mountain were shaken away for a long distance, their faces were filled with astonishment.


In a sunny place more than a thousand miles away, an old man riding an ordinary black donkey came leisurely. The donkey looked trembling, as if it could not support the weight of the fat old man.

"Mother, I'm finally here. This place is really hard to find." The donkey rider flicked the pigtails on the back of his head angrily, then clenched his hands tightly and smashed towards the small island below.

Strangely, the fat old man punched out a fist, and the whole space shook violently, and then countless dense fist shadows appeared in the void, stirring up the blood-red sea water below into the air.

"Second Wu, are you fucking here to be a guest, or to make trouble!" Immediately afterwards, an angry roar came from the small island, and then a gray light and shadow flew out of the small island, and when you raised your hand, there was an extremely bright The light and shadow absorbed all the shadows of the fat old man's fists into it.

"Boss Wu! I'll do it!" Unexpectedly, the obese old man became even more angry when he saw this, his body sitting on the donkey trembled and spittle flew all over his mouth and cursed.

"Impolite things, for the sake of you being my younger brother, I don't care if you call me good brother three times!" A gray light and shadow appeared, and it turned out to be the turtle-riding boy who had fooled Luo Tian.

"I don't, I won't!" The old man on the donkey said triumphantly, "Boss Wu, you're just two years older than me, what are you so arrogant about! Also, why did you bastard get that little guy off?" Went to Bodhi Mountain, you prodigal bastard!"

"You know fart!" The boy in sackcloth was not only not angry, but said even more proudly, "The Bodhi Mountain has been in the hands of the little guy for five years, and our hopes will be increased by three points. This is called strategizing, understand? Or you Brother, a person like me who has studied understands the truth, and there are endless schemes!"

"I bother!"

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