
Chapter 249 Inheritance and Birth

"Hey, idiot, why don't you say something, I'm so bored and bored!"

Ever since Bodhi Mountain was closed by Luo Tian's driving stele last time, the group of monks from all over the Tianxing Sea also stayed for a long time, but less than a year later, they all retreated.There are many dangers in the tomb of the demon emperor, and they should not stay for a long time.

Time flies, and three years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In Bodhi Mountain, it is difficult to distinguish the seasonal changes from the appearance, and the trees and flowers are all thriving.During this period, Luo Tian had been tempering his body in the Yuhua Pond, while Bai Yan'er was bored and yelled alone, talking to herself from time to time.Luo Tian also made trouble with her, never saying a word, driving Bai Yan'er to the point of madness, trying to have a few words with Luo Tian every day.

Today, Bai Yan'er started to yell around Luo Tian again. Now Luo Tian lifted the restriction on her body, but in this Bodhi Mountain, Luo Tian, ​​who has almost touched the absolute life and death path, is not afraid at all. She did it secretly.

"Want to take a bath?" Luo Tian was in a good mood and said with a light smile, but he still sat cross-legged in the void without moving.

"Nonsense!" Bai Yan'er rolled her eyes. Although a monk has reached a certain level, his body is already clean and clean, so he doesn't need to take a bath like ordinary people.But female monks are born to cherish their bodies very much. Although bathing is just a dispensable form for them, it will undoubtedly make them feel more comfortable. This is just a habit and has nothing to do with cultivation.

The next moment, Luo Tian slapped the Yuhua pool with one hand, and then slapped Bai Yan'er in the air. A big green hand threw Bai Yaner into the Yuhua pool.

"Luo Tian, ​​you bastard..."

Bai Yaner's scolding quickly came from the cyan light curtain outside Yuhua Pond. Although the two had been together for three years, she was still not used to Luo Tian's unsympathetic behavior.

Luo Tian curled his lips, feeling a little annoyed by his ungrateful attitude towards this woman.

As a result, Luo Tian quickly regretted what he had done.The reason is that this Yuhua Pool is more attractive to the Yaozu. Ever since she came out, Bai Yan'er has been staring at Luo Tian enthusiastically, as if Luo Tian is the most precious treasure in the world.

"I said, have you seen enough?" Luo Tian glared at Bai Yan'er angrily.

"Hee hee, brother Luo Tian." Bai Yan'er came up with a voice that made Luo Tian's scalp tingle and goosebumps popping up all over his body, "Can I take a bath in it frequently in the future?"


Luo Tian refused without even thinking about it, which made Bai Yan'er clenched her small fist angrily.

"Wash once every five days at most."

Then, Luo Tian said something that made Bai Yan'er so excited that she wished she could commit herself to marry immediately.


Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er were trapped in Bodhi Mountain, and it seemed that they couldn't escape for the time being, so they practiced honestly.But at this moment, the entire Tianxinghai is undercurrent surging.

In the northern region of the Star Sea, on an island shrouded in strange light all year round, a mountain peak reaches into the sky, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, extremely majestic.

Halfway up the mountain, in a place as warm as spring, an old Taoist priest sat leisurely under a pine tree. On the stone table in front of him was a broken chessboard.Strangely, the old Taoist seemed to be playing chess with himself, talking to himself from time to time.

When the breeze blows, thousands of pine needles on the pine trees shake gently, matching with the spring water in the mountain stream, making a pleasant sound.

"No, there seems to be some changes in this chess game."

After a long time, the old Taoist just took his eyes back from the chessboard, and then pondered for a while with a serious face, and then he moved his hand in the void, and a spell was formed in the blink of an eye, breaking through the void and disappearing.

The cup of tea was over, and two gray-haired old monks at the foot of the mountain ran all the way and led three young monks along the rugged mountain road.


The two old Taoist priests looked extremely excited, their faces glowed infinitely red, and when they were three feet away from the old Taoist priest sitting on the chessboard, they knelt down with a plop and respectfully kowtowed three times.

The three young monks behind them knelt down with dazed and shocked faces.

"Get up, are you two kowtowing bugs?" The old Taoist said lightly, "Every time you two are asked to do something, you are so motivating, how can you have half of the energy of a cultivator?"

"Follow Master's orders!"

The two old guys got up and stood in front of the old Taoist priest, respectful, like a child meeting a majestic elder.

The three young monks are all dumbfounded. Others may not know it, but they know in their hearts that these two old guys known as kowtowing insects are the two current island owners of the empty island, and their cultivation bases are all good fortune. Megatron the entire Tian Xinghai, people send elegant titles to trap the two saints.

"The old man has been a little restless in recent days. Looking at the sky at night, he found that the secrets of the sky have been deceived by people with great supernatural powers. Today, when he comprehended the way of chess, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and finally found some clues." The old Taoist said leisurely, "How can the two of you Send the disciples who have received my inheritance from Sky Island to Sanyuan Island in the Eastern Territory to act accordingly, and it is best not to return to Sky Island in the short term."

"As ordered!"

The two old guys exclaimed excitedly.

At the same time, on a middle-aged island covered in snowflakes and ice dust in the eastern region of the Star Sea, in the center of an extremely gorgeous and beautiful huge white palace, a giant white tower was suspended above the void.

A man and a woman stood side by side at the top of the White Pagoda. Their faces and figures were shrouded in a layer of fuzzy smoke, making it difficult to see their true appearance.

"Senior brother, the inheritance of the Demon Emperor of the Southern Region is about to be born, what do you think about it?" The woman's voice was as soft as a stream of clear water, without any fireworks.

With a sigh, the smoke under the man's feet began to rotate extremely fast, extending to the top of his head, and finally condensed into a dazzling white snowflake.

"Send all the disciples who have inheritance from Xueyu Island to Sanyuan Island in the Eastern Region, and they will not return without orders!"

The snowflakes in the sky seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, each snowflake was as big as the mouth of a bowl.

In the deepest part of the Eastern Territory, there are rumors that there are countless high-level monsters. Except for the monks with great supernatural powers, it seems that no one has ever been able to approach the place that is said to be the first forbidden area in the Eastern Territory.

The black wind is as black as ink, and even a hard boulder can be blown into sand.

Red and yellow intertwined flames dance endlessly, fluttering in space.

There are also thunder and light snakes piercing the void under the gloomy black clouds overhead.

It seems that this is a dead zone.But very few people know that in the deepest part of this so-called dead zone, on a black stone island, there are countless golden buildings.These buildings are densely packed throughout the Blackstone Island.

In the precarious wind and rain, five golden streamers flashed from the sky above Heishi Island, heading towards Sanyuan Island.

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