
Chapter 250 Bodhi Jade Refined into Mustard Seed

The lotus bodhi is originally a holy thing.Especially the lotus flower is a common sacred object of both Buddhism and Taoism, and it has a great background.The bodhi tree is only revered as a sacred object in the Buddhist lineage, and few people know its purpose.

At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had just finished soaking in the Yuhua Pool, was leisurely and slowly pacing on Bodhi Mountain. Bai Yaner was naturally thrown into the Yuhua Pool by him. Without this noisy woman by his side, Luo Tian felt quite good, at least clean. Quite a lot.

Bodhi Mountain is worthy of its name. Most of the trees on the mountain are Bodhi trees.At this moment, the linden trees are already covered with thick branches and leaves, and some linden trees that are quite old have even produced fruit.

Luo Tian picked a few bodhi fruits at random, neither sour nor sweet nor astringent, the taste is not satisfactory.Compared with taking Bodhi fruit directly, Luo Tian prefers to catch some wild animals on Bodhi Mountain to roast and eat. These wild animals themselves have been quenched by the spiritual energy of Bodhi Mountain. After a long time, the flesh and blood become full of it. There is a lot of spiritual energy, the taste is naturally delicious and smooth, and the dried linden fruit essence is ground into powder and sprinkled on it, the taste can almost seduce the gods to come down to earth.


As the night darkened, Luo Tian gave birth to a pile of flames in the forest, and the light on his face flickered, as if dividing Luo Tian at the junction of light and darkness.

Luo Tian concentrated on flipping through the wild things on the shelf, occasionally frowning slightly and looking in one direction, and fell silent in thought, even his complexion began to change, sometimes gloomy and sometimes worried.

Bodhi Mountain is not big or small. Luo Tian has been here for nearly five years, but there are still two places that cannot be entered.Even as soon as he got close to those two places, the primordial spirit throbbed inexplicably, almost out of his control.It seems that those two places have a rather dreadful existence.

It's not that Luo Tian didn't try to approach by force, but when he got close to those two places, a force of heaven and earth would bind him, and he returned to the Yuhuachi the next moment, which made him very annoyed and unwilling.

"Today, try again!"

Luo Tian made up his mind fiercely, and then a dark yellow flame rose from his palm, steamed the few bodhi fruits the size of pigeon eggs in his palm to dry up, and then he closed his palm slightly, The bodhi fruit turned into powder.

Gently scattered the Bodhi fruit on the roasted wild animals, Luo Tian immediately smelled the irresistible fragrance, and couldn't help but move his index finger.

The wild animal was not big, a bit like a small deer, but Luo Tian ate it down and finished half of the barbecue.Then he flicked his finger on the roasted wild animal, and threw the remaining half of the roasted meat into the cosmos bag, ready to take it back for Bai Yaner to see.

After getting along for a long time, it seems that most of Luo Tian's prejudice against Bai Yan'er has unknowingly disappeared.This point, even he himself did not realize it.


Next, Luo Tian jumped up and ran towards the nearest mysterious place, startling countless birds in the forest.

Sure enough, when Luo Tian approached that place, a mysterious power of heaven and earth wrapped him up, and then with a flash of light, Luo Tian was sent to the side of Yuhua Pond.

"I really don't believe it!"

Luo Tian let out a low drink, and then rushed towards that place again rather persistently.

After dozens of times like this, Luo Tian quietly discovered that the power of the heaven and earth in that mysterious place seemed to be getting weaker and weaker. The last time, Luo Tian was almost only one step away from entering that place.

The purple glow and red clouds flashed out, but it was Luo Tianyi who cruelly sacrificed the Zixia clothes and the treasured umbrella, struggling to resist the pressure of doubling the cost of every step forward.Immediately, Luo Tian punched out fiercely, and a void not far in front suddenly twisted violently.Today's Luo Tian has been soaking in Yuhua Pond for nearly five years, and the preliminary fusion of the three cultivation methods has stabilized. Now Bai Yan'er, whose cultivation base is a bit higher than Luo Tian's, if she doesn't use defensive magic weapons, she will definitely not be able to withstand Luo Tian's blow.

After the space twisted, a lot of heaven and earth power gathered around the void, and then quickly repaired it. Almost in the blink of an eye, Luo Tian saw that the void not only recovered, but also became more tenacious.It's just that the pressure around me seems to have decreased a little.

"A bit of a doorway."

Luo Tian thought to himself, then turned his hand and took out the Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi, and with a tactic, he threw the Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi out, and the three-color strange light hit the void brilliantly, and after the space was violently distorted, It broke into several pieces directly, and the extremely violent black space turbulence can be vaguely seen in it.

All of a sudden, the pressure around Luo Tian's body was greatly reduced. Luo Tian shook his heart, and then protruded a few talismans in the broken void with his fingers. After detonating, he hurriedly moved forward.


There was a dull loud noise, and the broken void seemed to be fueled by fuel, becoming more unstable.The naturally formed power was almost irresistible, and small ripples spread rapidly towards the surroundings.


Luo Tian took back Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi with sweat profusely, sat down on the ground, and finally succeeded narrowly and narrowly.It was only a little bit short, and it was about to be sucked into the endless turbulence of space.

After resting for a while, Luo Tian began to look at the space in front of him.I found that the space in front of me is not so mysterious, and there are also many bodhi trees growing, which are similar to the scenery outside.It’s just that these bodhi trees seem to have grown too long ago. Luo Tian made a rough estimate. The youngest bodhi tree here is more than 500 years old. Estimate its age.


Luo Tian, ​​who had quickly turned around this space, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes, and quickly walked towards a bodhi tree that looked a little different.

This is an extremely young bodhi tree, which seems to have grown less than a hundred years ago, but Luo Tian believed that this bodhi tree was extraordinary, so he hurriedly went to the black lotus space and brought out the Yinming horse who was sleeping soundly. That guy Hei still hasn't moved at all, and it looks like he's going to sleep for a long time.


The Yinming horse turned into a streak of black light and landed on the little bodhi tree. After a while, it leaped excitedly to Luo Tian's shoulder, dancing and dancing.

"Oh? You mean, there's a good baby down here?"

Luo Tian frowned, and then quickly turned his palm into a knife, and carefully dug around the small bodhi tree. After digging down five or six feet, there was still no movement, until Luo Tian dug about two feet, and then felt When he touched a foreign object at the bottom, the movement of his hand slowed down immediately.

After the meal, Luo Tian just breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.No wonder the vitality on this little Bodhi tree is so strong, it turned out that it grew on a huge jade essence, and it seems that there is faint water flowing inside this jade essence, and chalcedony has already been born.

The jade essence that can produce chalcedony must have experienced at least tens of thousands of years.

Chi Chi.

When Luo Tian was still sighing, the piece of ten thousand year jade essence and the small bodhi tree on it suddenly moved, flashing light constantly, changing in size and size, and finally turned into a white jade ring floating in the void, Then it flew directly towards the outside.


Naturally, it was impossible for Luo Tian to let the white jade ring escape. There was a rumor in Buddhist secrets that bodhi jade refined mustard seeds. At first, Luo Tian thought it was just a legend, but he didn't expect it to appear on him today.

A mountain peak, a strange light of three colors, and a dark yellow light bar.

Fen Baoyan, Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi, and Xuanji Yugui, the three rare treasures were used by Luo Tian to directly suppress the white jade ring that was about to move.Then he stretched out his hand and threw a drop of blood into the white jade ring.

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