
Chapter 251

At this moment, Luo Tian was sweating profusely, and his beautiful face was the color of a pig's liver.

Although the three rare treasures of Fen Baoyan, Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi, and Xuanji Yugui firmly suppressed the white jade ring, and Luo Tian had already dripped blood on the white jade ring, it was a pity that there was no reaction at all. Tian was so depressed that he had no choice but to force out blood to drip on the white jade ring.

But after the meal was over, Luo Tian dripped more than a dozen drops of blood, but the white jade ring still did not respond.

Luo Tian was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood, and if he continued like this, he would have to bleed out and die today.

Panting heavily, Luo Tian sat down on the ground, then his complexion turned from red to white, hesitantly looked at the white jade ring suppressed by the three great treasures in the air, his complexion was very resentful.

What is this baby?It's just killing people!

Just when Luo Tian was thinking secretly whether he should take back the three rare treasures and let the white jade ring harm anyone he likes, the white jade ring suddenly shone brightly, broke free from the suppression of the three rare treasures, and transformed A white line flew into Luo Tian's eyebrows. The next moment, Luo Tian suddenly felt a sense of coolness all over his body. On his left middle finger, a white jade ring carved with strange patterns suddenly emerged, as if he was born for Luo Tian. It was tailor-made, and the ring fit perfectly on Luo Tian's finger.

Before Luo Tian could react, he felt an extremely majestic void force coming from his soul. With his current attainment of Xuanyin Taishang Taoist scriptures, he almost couldn't hold on, and was directly rushed by that void force. Lost consciousness.

Drenched in cold sweat, Luo Tian began to cross his knees and close his eyes, and tried his best to run the Dharma Gate in the Xuanyin Taishang Taoist Sutra, channeling the void power as much as possible, but he was still a little powerless.For example, even though a three-year-old child has mastered the wonderful method of four or two strokes of a thousand catties, he simply does not have enough strength to push a giant hammer away to resolve the crisis. Therefore, immediately, the sea of ​​consciousness in Luo Tian's primordial spirit It was rushed in by a lot of void power, and then began to scurry around in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was quite difficult to control.

For the first time, the big-headed Luo Tian felt that he was at the end of his rope. This force came too suddenly and fiercely. Not to mention that he had no precautions in advance, even if he had prepared well in advance, he might not be able to resist this inexplicable force.

However, it is completely impossible for Luo Tian to give up at this point.Luo Tian is such a person, it is absolutely impossible to let him die without paying a huge price.At that moment, Luo Tian used the method of absorbing in Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, since he couldn't block this force of nothingness, I will absorb and refine you!

In the sea of ​​consciousness, beams of light shaped like arms twisted and converged in one direction, and that place was where the Luotian Golden Pill was located.At this moment, the golden core has grown from the size of a goose egg to the size of a chicken egg, and a brilliant golden light has emerged from the entire golden core, which is extremely dazzling.

At the same time, not only the primordial spirit, but even Luo Tian's physical body underwent some changes.Although Luo Tian had been soaking and tempering his fleshly body in the Feathering Pond before, making his fleshy body reach an extremely terrifying strength, but at this moment, Luo Tian's body was tightly wrapped by a layer of white jade-like light, emitting a layer of glistening light. It turned into countless translucent light spots, and then slowly merged into Luo Tian's body surface, making Luo Tian's body surface almost jade white.


I don't know how long it took, but the pain and fatigue in the sea of ​​consciousness in Luo Tian's primordial spirit finally began to weaken. Immediately, Luo Tian was overjoyed, and began to absorb and refine those rays of light that rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness more vigorously, that is, That void power.

The more it absorbs, the more laborious it is to refine it. Fortunately, Luo Tian's soul is strong and tough, and his physical body is also terrifying, but he can barely sustain it.

Gradually, the white jade-like rays of light on Luo Tian's body surface seemed to have reached saturation, and could no longer penetrate into Luo Tian's body to temper his body. They could only float above Luo Tian's head, transforming into a bodhi leaf composed of white jade rays. .


Suddenly, Luo Tian opened his closed eyes, then exhaled and opened his voice, he swallowed and sucked at the jade mango bodhi leaf above his head, the bodhi leaf was directly sucked into his mouth by Luo Tian, ​​and then his whole figure suddenly changed. Big, directly grew to two feet away.

"Xuan Yin locks the essence, Tianguan double refining!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and then forcibly used the Dharma Gates in the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra and the Mahadura Sutra, forcibly reversed the two Dharma gates, drove the Bodhi Leaf into the sea of ​​consciousness, and directly moved towards those inexplicable people. The power of nothingness is gone.

Beep beep beep!

If it wasn't for Luo Tian's sea of ​​consciousness being broad enough and tenacious, he might be ruined by the confrontation between the two.In fact, Luo Tian was also taking a risky move. Apart from doing this, he had no other way to go.

A bloody arrow shot out from his mouth, and Luo Tian's pale complexion suddenly turned rosy, as if the light had returned.

Only Luo Tian was ecstatic in his heart, now that he has made a lot of money, not only his physical body has improved to a higher level, but his soul may have increased even more terrifyingly.At the moment, Luo Tian continued to focus on dealing with the void power in the sea of ​​consciousness without hesitation.

The white jade ring refined from bodhi jade in Luo Tian's hand was extremely quiet at the moment, but if one looked carefully, one could find that there seemed to be traces of bright light swimming in the white jade ring.


Tianxing Hainan Domain.

The sea area that is only four to five hundred miles away from Shenfeng Island is filled with many densely packed islands. These islands are mixed, and monks naturally live on the islands with more aura.There are also some aborigines living on islands with insufficient aura.

Among them, on the edge of an island with the highest level of spiritual energy within a radius of a hundred miles, a young man in a red robe resentfully withdrew his consciousness, and his face was immediately covered by a layer of worry.

This person is Sha Sheng, the young master of the Cancer Clan. Since he left Bodhi Mountain, he has never seen Luo Tian again, so he mobilized the aquarium in the sea area to search for Luo Tian's whereabouts, but all the aquarium in the surrounding sea area insisted , I have never seen a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi appear.

Since he didn't show up, Sha Sheng must know that Luo Tian is still in the extreme southern plateau.It's just that the Antarctic Plateau has been closed a long time ago, and Sha Sheng has nothing to do about it, so he resolutely lives around the Antarctic Plateau, in order to find Luo Tian's whereabouts by the way.Anyway, for a high-level monster like him, ten or eight years is just a snap of the fingers.

"Boss, hurry up and serve me some good wine!"

Sha Sheng walked into the restaurant on the island with some concerns, but just as he entered the door, he casually scanned the lobby of the restaurant and his face changed, "Boss, the wine is packed, I will come to pick it up in a while! Give me a quick hand! Ah ?”

After finishing speaking, Sha Sheng found an excuse and ran out of the restaurant without looking back.

"Xiao Shengsheng, don't go, have a drink with the old man!"

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