
Chapter 252 The old friend meets again and escapes from Bodhi Mountain

"This senior must have admitted the wrong person. Goodbye, ah, I will never see you again!..."

Sha Sheng sullenly ran, stepped on the red light as soon as he stepped out of the gate of the restaurant, and shot towards the sky very quickly, regardless of the shocking world.


A ray of colored light came first, followed by Sha Sheng's red light, and then Sha Sheng felt dragged back involuntarily, with no room for resistance.

"It's not interesting!" An old laugh sounded, and a grinning old man appeared in the void, "My old man can't eat people, why do you see me running so hard?"

"This, this, I really have something important to do..." Sha Sheng's forehead was full of white sweat, and he could only forcefully greet him with a smile when he was terrified, "Yo, I thought there was something wrong with my eyes, but I didn't expect it to be true." It's Old Hai, why does Old Hai have time to come out and play?"

"Don't play sloppy with me, you boy!" Hai Lao's complexion was serious, and then he blew his beard and stared in a bad tone, "I finally came out, just to have a good time with you boy, I didn't expect you boy to play with my old man This set? Not bad!"

"Hey, how could it be?"

Sha Sheng smiled coquettishly, took out a few bottles of fine wine calmly, and handed them over secretly, then his complexion changed, and suddenly he became moaning and resentful, "Isn't this because I and the third child are in extreme relationship?" The southern plateau is scattered, and I've been in a bad mood recently. Let's go for a walk, boy, I'll be the host and accompany Hailao to have a good drink, as an apology!"

"Okay, okay, my old man likes listening to stories the most, you can tell me about it later."

When Sha Sheng said it so seriously, Hai Lao immediately narrowed his eyes, and a gleam of coldness flickered in his eyes.But Hai Lao's next words made Sha Sheng almost collapse and despair.


Sha Sheng's heart is dripping blood, with this old wine stick, how can it be good?Can you still come out of the restaurant vertically?


Regardless of the grief and indignation on Sha Sheng's side, a change took place on Puti Mountain that day.



Under the lightning and thunder, the blue light barrier around Bodhi Mountain seemed to burn like a flame, changing various shapes.A series of gray lightning bolts pierced the void in the sky, and fell in a mess, completely dispelling the red flames below, and even more powerful lightning struck the sea of ​​blood, raising blood-red water Waves, the scene like Shura's hell is getting more and more gloomy.


Luo Tian floated in mid-air with half a leg of lamb in his hand, took a hard bite, looked at the vision in the nine heavens with a frown, and immediately became thoughtful.

"Luo Tian, ​​who suffered a thousand knives, are you eating alone again?"

An angry shout came, and immediately Bai Yan'er dressed in silver appeared beside Luo Tian with a livid complexion, and the scent of fragrance that followed, penetrated into Luo Tian's nostrils from time to time.

"Why can't I eat the barbecue I made myself? I have to bring you with me so it's not called stealing?"

Luo Tian sneered, replied with a half-smile, and then stared intently at the vision in the sky.

Bai Yan'er seemed to have noticed the vision in the sky, her brows were slightly frowned, and she had the same expression as Luo Tian.If an outsider who doesn't know what's inside is here, they will definitely sigh that the two are quite married as husband and wife.

"Come with me!"


Luo Tian clapped his palms and laughed loudly, his figure flashed, and he was in front of Bai Yan'er in an instant, grabbed Bai Yan'er's arm, and flew towards the Yuhua Pond at lightning speed.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

The two had just landed by the Yuhua Pool, Bai Yan'er glanced at it shyly and angrily, and immediately said angrily, but before she finished speaking, Luo Tian walked quickly to the blue stone tablet next to the Yuhua Pool, and lowered her big hand After a press, several formulas were played.

At this moment, Luo Tian was able to control the cyan stone tablet for a while, and when the magic formula was introduced, the cyan stone tablet suddenly emitted a blue glow, and then slowly floated up from the ground.

Luo Tian's face was serious, his hands were like butterflies piercing flowers, and he drew a series of mysterious tracks in the void, and then he just closed the formula in his hand, and countless petal-shaped lights appeared around the blue stone tablet in front of him Dots scattered from the air layer by layer, covering the blue stone tablet hazyly.

chi chi-

At the same time, several beams of incomparably long blue light suddenly shot out from the cyan stone tablet, directly breaking the cyan light curtain covering Bodhi Mountain, and then shot towards the nine heavens without any stop, even shooting several Most of the gray lightning was blasted away.

"Old thing that rides a turtle, you fucking trick me!"

Next, Luo Tian let out a scream, and then watched the blue stone tablet enveloping himself and Bai Yan'er together, and then began to distort the space.


In the void thousands of miles away from the southern plateau of the Tianxing Sea, a group of stern men in black iron armor galloped through the midair with their feet on the light.The powerful murderous and hostile aura that seemed to be born with it radiated heavily from the thirteen black-armored monks.Immediately frightened the aquariums who were about to attack them along the way back.

The main reason why those aquariums are afraid of these thirteen black-armored monks is the high-level monster aura emanating from these black-armored monks.

In the tightly wrapped helmets of these high-level monsters, there are all monster heads one by one.They are all sixth-order monsters, most of them are late sixth-order monsters, and the leader is even an early seventh-order monster.

The entire Tianxing Hainan Region can dispatch so many master monks at one time, which can be counted with one hand.


Just as the thirteen black-armored monks who had been silent on the road continued on their way, the space above their heads suddenly twisted violently, and then it was as if someone had scratched a piece of clean paper with a knife, and an extremely sharp line appeared. Very thin cracks in space.This space crack became bigger and bigger, and finally formed a space portal with a length of four feet and a width of three feet, and then two white figures suddenly fell out of the space portal.

"It's all your fault!"

The two figures were naturally Luo Tian and Bai Yaner, two unlucky children who had been trapped in Bodhi Mountain for five years. Bai Yaner, who was dressed in silver, had a pretty face, and then kept beating Luo Tian's shoulder.

"Don't make trouble." Luo Tian sighed softly, I was also a victim, and I didn't know it would turn out like this beforehand.

"Why listen to you, I just want to make trouble, I just want to..." Bai Yan'er lost her temper and continued to beat Luo Tian.

"Uh, then you go ahead. If you don't want to be ashamed under so many crowds..." Luo Tian looked like he was at your mercy, with complex expressions on his face, a little embarrassed, a little vigilant, and a little bitter.

"Ah!" Bai Yan'er finally came back to her senses, looked at the situation around her, she couldn't help but exclaimed again, not caring about being shy, and then plunged into Luo Tian's arms again, looking like an extremely shy little daughter-in-law.

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