
Chapter 253

"Uh, fellow daoists, you're being polite."

Luo Tian looked around, then pushed Bai Yan'er in her arms speechlessly, and found that this girl was really strong enough to grab Luo Tian tightly, like a koala, and never Ken got off Luo Tian.

With a wry smile, Luo Tian glanced at the leaders of the thirteen black-armored monks. With Luo Tian's experience, he could tell who was the leader among the 13 at first glance. This girl really happened to pass by here by mistake, so please ask Fellow Daoist Haihan."

Seeing that Luo Tian is so easy to talk, the leader of the other party can see Luo Tian's true cultivation level at a glance, and he is in the late stage of alchemy.And the other woman turned out to be a monster. Although she couldn't see the real body, how could it be a nameless casual cultivator who could cultivate to the sixth-order peak?

In fact, it’s true that Bai Yan’er is a sixth-order peak monster beast, and it’s true that she ate the Transformation Orb, but after soaking in the Eternal Transformation Pool for several years, her physical body has reached an astonishing level. In the thousands of years of history, there is no one from the Silver Shark tribe who has more advantages than her physical body.

The reason why Bai Yan'er was so shy was because she had already vaguely guessed in her heart the true origins of the other party's 13 people.

"Is it really just passing by?" The leading tall black-armored monk's body was motionless, and a gloomy voice came from the tightly wrapped helmet, which sounded like a chill in the whole body.

Naturally, Luo Tian was not affected by the strong murderous intent on the opponent, he just chuckled, and then said with a playful smile: "Of course we were passing by. Could it be that the two of us should still follow fellow Taoists?"

What Luo Tian said was impeccable, if it were said in any scene, most people would just take it as a joke.But after the thirteen black-armored monks in front of them heard about it, their aura suddenly spread, and there were even a few black-armored monks who changed slightly, seemingly inconspicuous, but in fact, all the retreats of Luo Tian and the others were blocked. It happened to be blocked.

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Luo Tian's face darkened, and he said with a sneer, the evil spirit on his face became more intense.

"Since this fellow daoist has abruptly interrupted our important business, fellow daoist should follow us until we complete the task."

"Fart your mother!" Luo Tian was like a dandy, with one hand on his hip, spitting and scolding at the leader of the black-armored monk, "I also have important things to do, why should I follow you. The road Go halfway to the sky, don't you understand? Tell you, don't annoy me, or I will kill you!"

The thirteen black-armored monks were dumbfounded when they heard the words. The handsome young man in front of him looked like a good old man just now, but unexpectedly his face changed as soon as he wanted to, and he became arrogant and domineering in an instant.

"Fellow Daoist, what's the point, let's go after it."

The leader of the Black Armored Cultivator has been in the Tianxinghai South Territory for more than a hundred years, so he will naturally be bluffed by a young man who seems to have a lot of background. Hearing his words, his tone has not changed at all, and it is still so flat that it makes people crazy.

"You watch from the sidelines, and we'll talk about it after the young master cleans up these guys."

Luo Tian is not a sloppy person either. Hearing the words, his tone changed again, and he said to Bai Yan'er in his arms very softly. In fact, it was not some subtle feeling between the two, it was Bai Yan'er who died. Hugging Luo Tian to death, this made him unable to fight at all...

"Hmm..." Bai Yan'er was like a married couple, she blushed and nodded lightly, then stepped aside.

"No! Luo Tian, ​​you are not their opponent, it is better for you and me to work together..." Bai Yan'er finally came back to her senses, her face changed slightly, and then she flashed silver again, and she came to Luo Tian's side with a concerned expression. Looking at Luo Tian in a tone of voice.

Unexpectedly, Luo Tianyun waved his hand lightly, and said flatly: "No need, just deal with a few little thieves, my young master is enough to deal with it alone."

"But they..."

"It's nothing but!" Luo Tian's complexion was serious, "I don't listen to Lao Tzu again, do I? It seems that my butt is itching again?"

"Smelly rascal! Bastard! Disciple!..." Bai Yan'er immediately lowered her head with a flushed face. During the five years in Mount Puti, Luo Tian was the absolute authority on Mount Puti because she controlled the blue stone tablet. As soon as he is unruly, he will take action to rectify it. Of course, the rectification is quite charming and fascinating.

"bring it on."

Luo Tian smiled at the leader of the black-armored monk, showing a mouthful of extremely white teeth, and after a few breaths, his figure slowly dissipated.


The leader retreated violently, and the person drew a transparent gully in the air, causing many water-like ripples in the space.


The other twelve black-armored monks only vaguely felt the other party's breath of spiritual consciousness, and the other party conveniently reached the top of the leader's head.They couldn't help shouting in unison, as if they were facing an enemy.

The twelve black streamers were fast, and Luo Tian was even faster. He suddenly appeared from the void, raised his hand and punched the leader of the black armor, and as he stretched out his fist, a shadow of nothingness continued in front of him. Zooming in, the extremely strong force shook the space so loudly that it almost burst open.


The leader of the black-armored monk confronted Luo Tian hastily, and immediately felt that his arm was numb and difficult to control, and blood gushed out from the tiger's mouth.

"You are strong."

Next, the leader of the black-armored monk still said something lightly. Immediately, an unprecedented fighting spirit erupted from his body. His stature doubled in size.

Bang bang bang!

While he was speaking, Luo Tian's figure was like lightning, and he kept flying in the circle surrounded by twelve black-armored monks, either punching, palming, kicking, or leaning on his shoulder. Going up, the twelve black-armored monks were beaten back again and again.

Under Luo Tian's wild and unrestrained onslaught, everyone backed up involuntarily. The pain and numbness in their bodies made them curse inwardly. people?

"I'm sorry." Luo Tian smiled charmingly, "The young master only used [-]% of his strength just now."

"Thousand Yuan Giant Underworld Array!"

Rao is the leader of the black-armored monk who is very good at nourishing qi, and he was also enraged by Luo Tian's words. One Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and he shouted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, led by the leader of the black-armored monk, the 13 people immediately formed a 'herringbone' formation, the leader stood in the middle of the front, and the two rows of twelve black-armored monks in the rear stretched out their palms to the vest of the person in front. On the ground, a long black cloud of smoke like a black bucket suddenly woke up.

"Punch me with all my might!"

Luo Tian took a few steps backwards, and then rushed out in the void. With every step, the space under his feet was cracked layer by layer. Finally, with a long cry, he reached the leader of the black-armored monk, and blasted out his fists in a row.

ps: If there is nothing to do tomorrow, I will update more.

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