
Chapter 254 That's Old 3?

Two punches!

Now Luo Tian just used his supernatural powers to punch out two punches with his physical body. These two punches seemed to distort the space in an instant, so that people could see at a glance that only the pair of waving iron fists remained in the whole world.

Seeing this, Bai Yan'er's eyes were even brighter, her seductive peach eyes didn't blink, as if only the thin figure of the young man was left in her eyes at the moment, unknowingly, a surge of excitement flowed out from the depths of her heart Even she didn't realize that the young man in front of her, who single-handedly overwhelmed the thirteen monks of the Cancer Law Enforcement Team, had firmly taken root deep in her heart and quietly grew...

With a soft buzzing sound, Luo Tian's first punch collided with the fist of the leader of the black armor, and a hole was opened in the space where the two completely different strengths meet, and then Luo Tian's figure flew upside down. .

It's just that at the moment when he flew upside down, Luo Tian stretched out a more powerful punch with his right hand, and faintly trembled slightly. Only Luo Tian knew that in such a short moment, he blasted out hundreds of punches. Fist in a spatial orientation.


The thirteen black-armored monks only felt that the surrounding space became extremely unstable, and immediately the surrounding space collapsed and changed like a sand wall.The thirteen black-armored monks immediately shook their bodies like a small boat on the sea in a violent storm.


In the extremely unstable space and the black-armored monks gathered all their strength to strike, Luo Tian couldn't take it no matter how abnormal his physical body was, he immediately spurted a big mouthful of blood, and then flew out with a pale face.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Tian felt his body stagnate, and with the fragrant wind blowing against his face, he felt himself falling into a warm embrace.

"Tell you not to be brave, really!"

Bai Yan'er's pretty face with concern immediately appeared in front of Luo Tian, ​​she said a little reproachfully, then flipped her bare hands, took out a pill, and stuffed it into Luo Tian's mouth regardless of whether Luo Tian agreed or not. middle.

The thirteen black-armored monks were naturally not much better, I saw them dangling in the swaying space, and finally fled out in embarrassment.The leader of the black-armored monk looked at Luo Tian with horror on his face. Fortunately, the other party did not attack next, otherwise they would have suffered even more serious injuries.

"The second team of the Cancer Law Enforcement Team, Hei Er admires it!" The leader of the black-armored monk clasped his fists at Luo Tian Yaoyao openly, and said loudly, this guy is honest, he loses as he loses, and he doesn't show any resentment.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong can often gain real respect.

"It really is you." Bai Yan'er murmured.

Luo Tian's body also felt more comfortable at this moment, struggling to get up from Bai Yan'er's arms, he laughed and said: "Luo also admires you!"


Afterwards, the two looked at each other and laughed.

"I really don't understand what you men are thinking..." Bai Yan'er muttered.

Luo Tian, ​​Hei Er and the others randomly found an unnamed island and rested for a long time. They got along well because Luo Tian contributed a lot of fine wine and elixir.This made the thirteen members of Hei Er admire Luo Tian even more.

In fact, Luo Tian also loves Wu and Wu, after all, he is a member of the Cancer family, so he must have some connection with Sha Sheng.And the black second class is the law enforcement team, and Luo Tian, ​​who is quite clever, guessed after thinking about it, that these guys are probably here to catch Sha Sheng and bring him back.

Half a day later, Hei Er and the others got up to say goodbye.And Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er also went on the road, but they were very silent when they were on the road, they didn't say a word.


After a long time, Luo Tian just said softly.

The silver light covering Bai Yan'er's delicate body seemed to tremble slightly, and then returned to normal.

"Hmph! It's best not to say that you took advantage of this girl, or my second sister will punish you severely."

Bai Yan'er is worthy of being Bai Yan'er, she can be shy so differently.

"Don't mention your second sister, I will beat her up sooner or later."

"... "


"Xiao Shengsheng, come on, keep drinking! I'm sure I won't be drunk today!"

Early this morning, at the entrance of an inn on a certain island, Sha Sheng with a pair of dark circles under his eyes was furtively preparing to sneak out, when a loud shout came from the door, startling Sha Sheng completely .

"Old Hai, it's not that the boy doesn't want to drink with you, it's because he has important things to do, so you can't drink too much." Sha Sheng said with a sad face, it's really shocking for Hai Lao to do this early in the morning without getting drunk.

"What do you know! This is called hangover with alcohol, and it is the old man's unique secret recipe!"

Hai Lao raised his eyelids with a smile on his face.

Pull it down!

Sha Sheng rolled his eyes straight, I have lived for hundreds of years and I have never heard of the drinking method of drinking alcohol to cure alcohol, the old guy's motives are not pure, obviously he wants to drink, but he insists on dragging me to be a dead ghost...

"But the kid has something to..."

"Don't make excuses! Just this time, you had a good time drinking with the old man today, and the old man will accompany you to find your brother tomorrow!" Boss Hai waved his hand, dragging the tearful Sha Sheng to the hall without hesitation.

On the second day, the drunken two finally flew away from the island under the gaze of the shopkeeper who was full of excitement.Good guy, since these two guys came to this island, all the wine in the restaurants and inns has been drunk in just seven or eight days. Those who went up to teach the two of them were almost all beaten up and thrown into the sea to take a bath.

"According to what you say, your brother probably went east." In the middle of the sky, Hai Lao put his hands behind his back, stepped on the void, and said to himself.

"Why do you know that?" Sha Sheng's forehead began to sweat. Didn't this old guy start tricking me into taking a long way to realize his great dream of drinking all the good wine in Tianxinghai?


"... "

So, Hai Lao, who followed his intuition, took Sha Sheng, who was full of resentment but did not dare to resist, from the Tianxinghai South Region all the way to the east to kill with incomparable power...

A few days later, two figures landed in the sky on a crowded island, they were Hai Lao and Sha Sheng.

After entering the island, Hai Lao looked around with burning eyes. With his standard, he began to look for restaurants and inns.Sha Sheng, on the other hand, frowned slightly and stared thoughtfully at the two figures in the distant crowd.

Especially that silver figure, why does it look so familiar?

"Shopkeeper, shopkeeper, hurry up and serve a few large jars of fine wine! Just serve as many dishes as you like." Sure enough, after a while, Hai Lao pulled Sha Sheng with a reluctant face into a rather luxuriously decorated restaurant.

The shopkeeper's eyes drooped, and two fierce men who only drink and don't eat food came.

Suddenly, a burst of ecstasy flashed across Sha Sheng's face.

"What's the matter? It's the first time I've seen you with such a strong expression in the past few days." Elder Hai smiled and said, his eyes kept looking around, "Could it be that I met my old mistress?"

"I'm going to have a big drink today..." Sha Sheng restrained his expression on his face, but he was extremely happy in his heart. He didn't expect to receive a sound transmission from the third child just now, and the stone in his heart finally fell quietly, as long as the third child is fine.

It's just that when he came here just now, he scanned all the faces of everyone present at a glance. Except for a slightly surprised person, they didn't seem to be the third child, could it be?

Sha Sheng was shocked, wouldn't he?Could it be that person...

ps: There is at least one more chapter, but the next update should be a little later.

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