
Chapter 255

While Sha Sheng was still thinking wildly, the shopkeeper had already sent the waiter in the store to serve several jugs of fine wine, and with a flash of light in Hai Lao's eyes, he hurriedly called Sha Sheng to drink with him.

In an extremely clean corner, Luo Tian in white clothes and Bai Yan'er in fiery silver clothes ate and drank silently.Luo Tian was expressionless, while Bai Yan'er frowned slightly after seeing Sha Sheng's table.

"What? Met an old acquaintance? Why don't you go over and say hello." Luo Tian said lightly, a little funny, Bai Yan'er couldn't hide her thoughts at all.

"No, it's nothing." Bai Yan'er laughed dryly, her beautiful eyes rolled slightly, "It's just that I met a narcissist who almost became my second brother-in-law."

Hearing the words, Luo Tian couldn't spit out a sip of wine, thinking to himself that Boss Sha's impression on people is really indelible, indelible.

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er ate very slowly, but Hai Lao and Sha Sheng drank without any edge. An hour and a half passed, and Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er had already made preparations for a while to get up and leave When I was empty, I found two people walked in from the door.

A man and a woman.The woman is peerless, dressed in a white fur coat, with a pair of peach blossom eyes on her melon-shaped face, a small cherry opening under her nose, her skin is as smooth and delicate as suet jade, she looks like a lady from a great family.

To be exact, this beautiful woman was walking in front, although she immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant, except Luo Tian's table and Sha Sheng's table.When the beauty lightly moved her lotus steps and slowly walked towards Luo Tian, ​​the heroic man behind her who always kept a distance of five feet followed behind her like a shadow.

Bai Yan'er, who was chatting and laughing with Luo Tian, ​​shrank her head when she saw this scene, then her small hand quickly grabbed Luo Tian's palm, pressed it hard, and signaled with her eyes to leave quickly.

"Third sister, let me see where you are going this time?"

With a smile on her face, the graceful and luxurious beauty came to Luo Tian and the two in an instant, and after taking a look at Luo Tian, ​​she frowned slightly involuntarily.

"Big, big sister..."

At this moment, Bai Yan'er no longer had any unruly and willful temper, she pouted and yelled at the beautiful woman angrily.

Seeing this situation, the Yingwei man behind him couldn't help but shook his head and chuckled, with a doting look in his eyes.

"Hi Uncle Xin, how is Auntie recently?"

In the blink of an eye, Bai Yan'er looked at the Yingwei man behind the eldest sister with a smile as if she had changed her face.

Among them, Luo Tian was the most embarrassing one. His family wanted to see him, but it was really embarrassing for him to be caught in the middle by an outsider.After thinking about it carefully, he said in a low voice, "Since it's your elder sister who came, then Luo will leave."

"No!" Bai Yan'er couldn't help but increase her voice, and then looked at Luo Tian resentfully, "You are not allowed to go! If you want to go, you have to take me with you, okay?"

Later, Bai Yan'er's tone was close to begging for mercy, which shocked her eldest sister and Uncle Xin.When did the third princess of the Silver Shark Clan, who was always willful and used to doing her own way, start to be so attached to a man?Could it be that something unknown really happened between the two?

Luo Tian sighed in his heart. After staying together for five years, he didn't expect that Bai Yan'er had already started to become attached to him.It would be a lie to say that Luo Tian didn't have any feeling in his heart.Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?Even the plants that have become refined have many sentient beings.

The eldest princess of the Silver Shark Clan and Uncle Xin were stunned, then Luo Tian reached out and rubbed Bai Yan'er's little head, and said softly: "I am a prodigal son who lives everywhere, and it is inconvenient to take you with me." .Now that your eldest sister comes here to seek you back, it can be regarded as the fulfillment of my wish."

A layer of mist floated in Bai Yan'er's eyes, and then she threw herself into Luo Tian's arms, saying in a trembling voice: "I am willing to accompany you everywhere as your home, don't leave me behind, okay?"


The beautiful woman couldn't help turning cold when she heard the words, but her voice was extremely low, and then she gave Luo Tian a hard look, "This person is that Luo Tian, ​​right? I heard that in the tomb of the Demon Emperor, this person There are many monks who have testified to taking you away and never returning. Today, not only you will go back with me, but even this young man will go back with me!"

Hearing this, Bai Yan'er stopped in front of Luo Tian with red eyes, and said with a firm expression: "Unless he kills me, I won't let him go back with me. Will kill him! Uncle Xin..."

Uncle Xin shook his head bitterly, and said softly: "Miss San, just listen to Missy once."

At this moment, Luo Tian finally fully understood why Bai Yan'er had been following him and never left. It turned out that she was afraid that once she left, the Silver Shark Clan would retaliate fiercely against her.

"You girl..." Luo Tian gently held Bai Yan'er's shoulders, then his expression changed, and he said with a faintly charming smile, "Girl, if you don't want to go back, then follow me. Xiao If you don't believe me, who can take you away by force!"

"Okay! Yan'er has a good eye, and she found such a responsible man!" Uncle Xin clapped his hands and laughed, but then his face changed again, he curled his lips at Bai Yan'er bitterly, and said, "Yan'er, it's not that Uncle Xin doesn't help, but this time the patriarch personally ordered..."

"If you want to take the two of us away, I'm afraid you will disappoint the two of you." Luo Tian's tough temper also came up, and despite Bai Yan'er's winking, he said with a sneer.

"Bone!" The beautiful woman smiled lightly, "But there are some things that just having a backbone is useless."

"Try it and you'll know."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian stretched out his hand to hold Bai Yan'er and walked away, directly to the outside of the restaurant, and then dodged again and flew directly to the outside of the island.

"Uncle Xin, I'm sorry to trouble you." The beautiful woman said softly.


"Stinky, go away, leave me alone!"

Bai Yan'er whispered the nickname she just gave Luo Tian, ​​"Uncle Xin has no chance of winning with the two of us working together!"

"Oh, Uncle Xin is so powerful?" Luo Tian smiled lightly, turning a deaf ear to it.

"I didn't lie to you! Uncle Xin used a sky-cracking sword to cross the Star Sea 200 years ago. Now that he doesn't use the sword, Uncle Xin's cultivation is even more terrifying!" Bai Yaner said with a resentful expression on her face, "No Thinking that father actually sent Uncle Xin out of the mountain this time!"

"Not afraid, not afraid." Luo Tian gently rubbed Bai Yan'er's head, feeling the three thousand black hairs on his fingertips that were as cool as water, and looked up to a certain void, "No matter how powerful the Sky Splitting Sword is, it can't beat it." Immortal artifact, isn't it?"

As soon as the words fell, the void above the sky twisted and broke open, and immediately a light spot flew out of it, and immediately turned into a five-color streamer and flew directly down from the space.

"Little guy, return it to its original owner."

The old Taoist's voice sounded particularly comfortable at the moment.

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