
Chapter 256 Intervene, go to Yuchi Island

What made Luo Tian extremely depressed was that the old Taoist priest didn't make a sound after he finished speaking, probably running away with no loyalty.Luo Tian also had no way to deal with this old guy who was like a dragon who could see his head but never see his tail.

With a grasping hand, under Bai Yan'er's slightly surprised face, Luo Tian conjured up a big hand out of thin air, holding the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword firmly in his hand. After a while, Luo Tian's energy and spirit changed drastically.

In fact, Luo Tian has always had a question in his mind, that is, the old Taoist said that the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword was a fairy weapon, and it was originally his magic weapon.When the old Taoist priest borrowed the sword from Luo Tian when he was outside the valley of the demon emperor's tomb, the Wudusuoxian sword exerted unprecedented power. Presumably, the many ancient beasts guarding the tomb of the demon emperor could not do it at all. stop him.And from then on, Luo Tian didn't have the extravagant hope that the Wudusuo Immortal Sword could return to his own hands, but afterward, although Luo Tian couldn't sense the existence of the Wudusuo Immortal Sword, the trace of his mind attached to the Wudusuo Immortal Sword It was never cut off.Luo Tian was confused, he didn't know what the old Taoist priest was up to, logically speaking, the old Taoist priest should have wiped away the sliver of soul that Luo Tian attached to it as soon as he got the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword again is.Although Luo Tian thought that forcibly erasing the magic weapon sacrificed by others would be extremely difficult, but it shouldn't be difficult for him to do so as an old Taoist with a high level of cultivation.

Giving away a piece of immortal artifact that belongs to oneself to others without any hesitation, what a frightening big deal this is!

"Hehe, old man, let's fight together!"

Luo Tian laughed out loud, and after the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword in his hand was fired several times, the body of the sword spontaneously trembled as if entering space, and made a clear buzzing sound, and five faint rays of light lingered on it.


At this time, the sound of piercing through the air continued, and Uncle Xin and the beautiful woman came through the air one after another, quietly floating not far behind Luo Tian.

Now that Luo Tian was holding the Immortal Sword of Five Poison Locks, even his cultivation base seemed to have inexplicably increased. There was a blue light flashing between his eyes, and he could tell at a glance that Uncle Xin's momentum had also changed drastically at this moment. He was standing in the void, It seems to be a peerless sharp sword, which is closely related to the exercises he has practiced.

"Girl, Uncle Xin is a sword cultivator?"

Luo Tian's complexion suddenly changed, he looked at Bai Yan'er, and said through a voice transmission in his mind.

Bai Yan'er opened her peachy eyes, covered her mouth with a smile on her brows and chuckled, "You bastard, you're going to be beaten today."

"Maybe I'll beat Uncle Xin up."

"..." Bai Yaner glanced at Luotian fiercely, throwing a word to Qinglang, "You can be touched, even if you're not bad, you're less poor."

"Uncle Xin, let's start."

The next moment, Luo Tian flicked one hand, and the Wudusuo Immortal Sword in his hand directly entered the space of Heilian, and immediately took a few steps in the air with his hands behind his back, and stopped when he was still three feet away from Uncle Xin.

Uncle Xin praised secretly in his heart, and smiled gently on his face, "Don't use magic weapons? Could it be that Yan'er didn't tell you that I am a sword repairer?"

"Of course I told you." Luo Tian admitted generously, very seriously, "Even if Uncle Xin is a top expert, the rules that should be followed are still to be followed. The boy has never had the habit of taking advantage of others."

Bai Yan'er heard the words and almost didn't let her saliva choke to death. This guy is really talking nonsense with his eyes open. I don't know how many times he has been taken advantage of in Bodhi Mountain... Thinking that he has been taken advantage of by Luo Tian, ​​Bai Yaner Zhang Qiao's face immediately turned red, this time even the roots of her ears seemed to be red, her delicate face was hot, she looked at Luo Tian's back shyly, her beautiful eyes gleamed brightly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

call out!

Next, Luo Tian disappeared from the spot, and the next moment he reached the top of Uncle Xin's head, and kicked out with both feet in a row. With Luo Tian's current physical strength, even a flood dragon might not be able to withstand his full attack.

The smiling Uncle Xin didn't seem to be aware of Luo Tian's attack at all. When Luo Tian's feet were only a foot away from him, Uncle Xin's arm hanging under the hem of his clothes suddenly moved. Putting two fingers together in Shizhong, an invisible sword energy burst out from the fingertips, and he tapped several times in the void.

The entire void suddenly changed in Luo Tian's sight. It seemed that the entire void was covered with countless flying swords. These flying swords moved back and forth in the void with a terrifying sound of breaking through the sky. Luo Tian seemed to have no place to stand.

It was only now that Luo Tian smiled wryly. It seemed that the opponent was indeed extremely accomplished in the way of swordsmanship, but with such a random blow, he felt as if he was trapped in a cage and could not escape.

There was a soft fluttering sound, but Luo Tian had no way out, so he had to sacrifice the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword, and the five-color beam of light swept out, rolling down countless sword shadows in the void, and those sword shadows disintegrated and disintegrated. For Yunyan.

"This, this sword..."

Uncle Xin was stunned immediately. He has been a master of swordsmanship for nearly a hundred years, and he believes that no one can break through his illusion of swordsmanship so quickly. What's more, the young man in front of him is just a monk who has completed the alchemy period, and he is not even a master. Monk category.Even if a great monk comes here, if he doesn't have great supernatural powers and high-level spiritual weapons, he probably won't be able to break through the formation, let alone break through the formation in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Uncle Xin glanced, he knew that the flying sword shrouded in the five-color beam of light in the opponent's hand should be a high-level spiritual weapon.Uncle Xin didn't even dare to think about the fairy artifact, not to mention that Luo Tian had a fairy artifact in his hand, even if he had a fairy artifact in his hand, it would attract countless giants and old devils to think about it.

"Take me a move."

Immediately, Uncle Xin smiled lightly, and tapped out with two fingers of his right hand again, only to see a sword energy that seemed to penetrate the sky and the earth could not be condensed in the void, and the surrounding space that was involved became faintly blurred.

The beautiful woman behind her frowned slightly. Although Uncle Xin was still impeccable, but the other party was only a monk in the alchemy stage, how could he survive Uncle Xin's sword illusion?Even ordinary Nascent Soul stage monks probably don't have such strength.

Damn, it's a big game now.

Luo Tian couldn't stop smiling wryly in his heart, looking at the opponent's posture, he seemed to think that he was really an expert...

clap clap clap!

Luo Tian was thinking about hiding in the space of the black lotus, but suddenly found that he had appeared in a fantasy land full of strange flowers at some point in time. There were only petals of various colors flying in the sky, and then the petals clustered into clusters of colorful flowers. Bubo entangled with the horrified sword energy sent by Uncle Xin.

After the sword energy was attached to it by countless petals, it actually shrunk and became smaller. Later, it turned into nothingness, and the vision above the sky disappeared.

"I don't know which fellow daoist is here?"

Uncle Xin clasped his fists at Tianji with a solemn expression, and said loudly.

"Island Master of Yuchi." A soft and melodious voice came from the sky, "This young man has a long history with me, and I owe you a favor today."

After finishing speaking, a float seemed to appear in the sky, and after the rain of petals stopped, it flew towards the southeast of the Star Sea, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

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