
Chapter 257

"Is there anyone? Let me out! Hey, your grandpa's..."

Luo Tian is undoubtedly the most depressed person right now. He can't remember how many times he has been forcibly taken away without any resistance. This feeling of not being able to control his freedom made him Almost mad.But after thinking about it, Luo Tian felt powerless to reflect on himself again. If he recovered his previous cultivation level, who would dare to play tricks in front of Lao Tzu?

strength!I want to improve my strength!Luo Tian thought fiercely in his heart, and immediately he took action directly, sitting cross-legged in this strange flower sea space, and then focused on cultivation.Since the other party didn't attack him immediately, it must be extremely safe in this space.

Above the nine heavens, among the floats.Mrs. Wen's eyes, which had been closed for a long time, suddenly opened. Surprisingly, her pupils were different from ordinary people, with three circles of purple strange patterns, and a faint smile appeared on her indifferent face. It also became softer, muttering to himself: "This naughty little guy is really unpredictable."

Next, Mrs. Wen waved her bare hand in front of her, as if penetrating the space, and the ancient float suddenly became unreal, and its speed increased sharply.

"Stinky! Who are you? Let the stinky out!"

At the same time, Bai Yan'er also shouted with ashen face, and with her figure, she chased towards the float as quickly as a stream of light.

"Yan'er, come back!" The elegant and luxurious woman frowned lightly, but it didn't seem to be effective, so she said apologetically to Uncle Xin, "Uncle Xin, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Hey, the word love." Uncle Xin shook his head with a wry smile, and then he appeared behind Bai Yan'er without seeing him make any gestures, and shot out a few sword auras with his fingers, and the sword aura directly sank into Bai Yaner's body , Immediately, Bai Yan'er stagnated and fell from the air.

"Miss San, let's go with the old man. Even the patriarch, Mrs. Wen can't afford to offend." Uncle Xin sighed, and with a single hand, a hazy sword light wrapped Bai Yan'er's delicate body, and turned back .

"Grandma has a leg! Where's the third child?"

After a while, the red-eyed Sha Sheng and Hai Lao appeared in the void. With a sweep of consciousness, Sha Sheng began to curse.

On the other hand, Hai Lao didn't show any expression, and looked towards the southeast indifferently, thoughtfully.

"Are you sure that person is Han Yi?" After a long time, Hai Lao said softly.

"Nonsense! That must be the third child!"

"Do you want to know where he went?"



I don't know how long it has passed, but Luo Tian, ​​who is practicing Xuan Gong, suddenly felt that his eyes lit up, and the boundless sea of ​​flowers around him also slowly dispersed. Wherever he could see, the scenery was neither real nor false, neither real nor illusory.Under the movement of the spiritual eye, he could only vaguely see a beautiful island with a view like a fairyland in the distance.

Suddenly, Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness noticed the rays of light flowing around, and the colorful light curtains turned in unison.The next moment, Luo Tian came back to his senses and found himself in mid-air above the island.

"Don't worry, go down."

At this time, a crisp voice came from Luo Tian's ears, and immediately, a float slowly fell from the sky, no matter where the float landed, a long rainbow bridge would appear in the void, which was extremely strange.

With just a general glance, Luo Tian found that the island beneath him was quite extraordinary.Because there are hundreds of small lakes on the island, each lake is connected by jade bridges.There are countless exotic flowers and plants and towering old trees around Yuqiao, among which are many rare birds and animals that cannot be named.

Sweeping away his consciousness, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly. It seems that this island can isolate the consciousness, and even his own consciousness cannot invade.Now, he could only take one step at a time. Luo Tian followed the float and landed from the air in a very lonely manner, with neither sadness nor joy on his face.

All the lakes and jade bridges lead to a place, which is not a tall and simple palace, but it gives people a wonderful feeling of looking up at the mountains.Even though Luo Tian was well-informed, he couldn't tell what kind of precious material this palace was made of. It seemed to be crystal, amber, or coral jade.

"Do you believe in fortune and chance?"

Suddenly, the float in front of him flashed and disappeared, but a graceful and luxurious beautiful woman appeared. The beautiful woman was dressed in strange ancient clothes and had a smile on her face.

Qiushui is the god and jade is the bone!

Luo Tian's mood fluctuated, and there was a moment of trance. This is the real beauty. There was an absurd and weird feeling in his heart, but immediately he was excited and said respectfully: "I believe it, but I don't believe it."

"Oh, how should I say it?" Mrs. Wen smiled gently.

Luo Tian straightened his heart, straightened his chest, and said proudly: "Fortunate opportunities that befall us on our own, we cannot escape. But how can there be so many great blessings and great opportunities in the world? The way of heaven is ruthless, there is no Blessings and chances, do you end up lonely? If you don’t have the opportunity to create opportunities, you have to take them. Those who are in your own hands, and those who truly control your own destiny, are the real great blessings and great opportunities.”

After a long silence, Mrs. Wen said: "It's crooked, but there are some truths."

"Hey." Luo Tian scratched his head, a little shy, "Senior Miao praised."

"Call me Mistress."

"Miss? Ah? Mistress!..."

"Hehe, you naughty wild monkey, how about Master giving you a big chance?" Mrs. Wen smiled coquettishly, and she was overwhelmed.

"That's so embarrassing..."


"Oops..." Luo Tian, ​​who screamed, suddenly somersaulted and fell into the bottomless lake.

Half an hour later, Luo Tian sat cross-legged in front of a huge piece of jade with a face full of pain, looking left and right sadly.I secretly wondered in my heart, where did this mistress come from?His cheap master, Han Zheng, is still in Xianxiamen, and it seems that he doesn't match up with this frightening teacher's wife.But other than that, I really can't think of any other masters.

"What kind of a great opportunity is this?" Luo Tian murmured, the jade in front of him had been checked by himself with his spiritual sense, and there was nothing extraordinary about it at all. Could it be that the teacher wanted him to hone his character?

Three days later, Luo Tian still had nothing to gain, so he had no choice but to give up the great opportunity, and began to practice the three kinds of exercises silently.


Now Luo Tian has preliminarily merged the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra, Nine Flames Xuan Gong and Mahadou Sutra in one place. If he forcibly performs the three kinds of exercises at the same time, although he will suffer a lot of damage, the power It is also huge.What's more, today's Luo Tian doesn't have to face tyrannical enemies, and he doesn't know how to make mistakes by himself, so he has to practice the three kinds of exercises one by one.

The first one to practice was naturally the Nine Flames Mysterious Art, which is also Luo Tian's most proficient method. A layer of dark yellow flames emerged from his body. Before Luo Tian could refine the flames, he increased the intensity of the flames. The flames escaped from the body uncontrollably.


The dark yellow flames in Luo Tian's body gushed out continuously, and fell directly on the huge jade bi in front of him. The jade bi was calcined by such a high-temperature flame, but there was no change at all. After a while, a layer suddenly appeared on the jade bi Guangming, although it is still relatively blurred, can finally make out the four large Qingli characters.

Shocking Seven Styles!

ps: I've been very busy recently, I hurriedly glanced at the book reviews yesterday, and the heroes are very resentful.Well, after New Year's Day, I will try my best to be as beastly as possible. Of course, it will continue until the Spring Festival.There is no way, there are too many marriages on New Year's Day, like me and my leader, one best man and one bridesmaid, this is two favors and money thrown away, and on New Year's Day, the soldiers have to be divided into two groups and then reunited. Of course, the update will not be interrupted.As long as you don't drink and hang up, it will definitely be updated.Just bear with me for a few more days, everyone, I love you.

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