
Chapter 258

Several large characters of Shocking Seven Styles vaguely appeared on the huge jade wall, Luo Tian felt an indescribable strange tingling pain in his consciousness, and then, only four words of Shocking Seven Styles appeared on the huge jade wall. The big characters of Qingliwen, and then no words appeared again.

Luo Tian was amazed in his heart, he knew how powerful his primordial spirit was since he practiced the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra.But in front of this piece of jade, he can only insist on four words, which makes Luo Tian, ​​who has always been very proud, feel a little powerless.

However, Luo Tian who came after him became extremely annoyed.

On that huge piece of jade, there seemed to be infinite suction, and the dark yellow flame controlled by Luo Tian could not be retracted at all. The huge suction made Luo Tian passively contribute the flame for free.

The flames are raging, and the flames are soaring into the sky.

The entire upper half of the jade bi was almost entirely wrapped in dark yellow flames, and the huge jade bi was still motionless after being calcined by the flames.Another half an hour later, when the huge jade disc almost drained half of the mana in Luo Tian's body, a strange ripple began to flicker and twist under the huge jade disc, and then it seemed that a ray of light began to vibrate , vaguely formed a row of ancient characters.

"Damn it, I won't play anymore, okay?"

As soon as Luo Tian looked at the jade bi in front of him, he couldn't help but feel the pain, and immediately began to curse.What the hell is this famous Jade Bi Shocking Seven Styles? I donated so much mana, but I didn't even let me take a look at it. It's a typical way to make wedding dresses for others, and it's the kind that is free of charge.

Curse it, but Luo Tian couldn't control the suction at all, and it seemed difficult to get out.

More than ten miles to the northwest of where Luotian is located, there is a unique place built by mountains and surrounded by a lake. Two white horses are flying down from both sides. Flow with the water.There is a highland below the mountain spring. The highland is made of several huge bluestones. On the bluestone is an antique gazebo. The pavilion has four corners, and wind chimes made of green bamboo are hung on the four corners. When the breeze blows, the bells jingle. non-stop.

There were three people in the gazebo at this time, one of them was sitting cross-legged in front of a guqin, with an immortal demeanor and a beautiful face, it was Mrs. Wen.Behind her are two maidservants in white clothes standing upright and respectful, each of these two maidservants has a superior appearance, looking at the sea from a delicate place, how extraordinary this Yuchi Island should be.

"It's time to start a fierce fire, Qin Xin, and apply this thing to the infinite jade."

Mrs. Wen suddenly said softly, and immediately, a stream of fiery red light floated in front of the maidservant on the left side behind Mrs. Wen.


The maid named Qin Xin immediately responded respectfully, and then stretched out her plain hand to press the fiery red streamer in front of her slightly. The fiery red streamer was immediately covered by a milky white light ball, and then, the maid As if being supported by clouds under his feet, he came lightly towards Luo Tian's location.


However, when Qin Xin was in the air, she waved her gauze garment at the immeasurable jade disc from a distance, and the white light ball in her hand flew out slowly, and lightly landed on the immeasurable jade disc, where it did not move.After a few breaths, the white ball of light suddenly retracted, and after that, the fiery red streamer sank slightly, revealing its original appearance.

The body of the fiery red streamer is a palm-sized fiery red octagonal box, with many ancient patterns engraved on the surface of the box, and the handmaid Qin Xin performed a few tricks, and the octagonal box immediately opened automatically and flew down from it There are countless lights.

There were more and more flames, and finally, the flames flying out of the octagonal box were like a wide waterfall flying down from midair.

Fiery Red Waterfall!

Luo Tian, ​​who was depressed below, suddenly felt something in his heart, and then he directly raised his head to look at the top of his head, and couldn't help being extremely shocked.

"Damn, which bastard senior is joking with me? We don't bring such troublesome people!...Help, come, someone is dead..."

In the distance, Mrs. Wen, who was quietly playing the piano, raised her lips slightly. This monkey is really restless.

Unable to escape, Luo Tian was waiting to be burned to ashes by the flames falling from mid-air, but after a while, he found that the flames fell towards the huge jade disc, enveloping the jade disc vigorously.

But afterward, Luo Tian felt that the suction on the jade bi had become stronger again...

After a long time, relying on a lot of magic power recovery pills on his body, Luo Tian finally held on to the jade bi before he could breathe, but before he could take a few breaths, he felt a burst of power coming from his consciousness. A suction force began to suck his soul towards the jade bi.

Luo Tian turned pale with shock, and roared up to the sky: "Your sister! After absorbing my mana and primordial spirit, I..."

After a stick of incense.

Luo Tian Yuanshen stared blankly at the inexplicable world he was in at the moment, his face full of disbelief and disbelief.

An extremely vast starry sky appeared in front of Luo Tian, ​​who was as small as an ant, and the stars all over the sky were twinkling and moving.Under the stars, eighteen thick and pitch-black chains emerged from unknown places. The chains protruded from all directions, binding a behemoth in the depths of the starry sky.

Driven by curiosity, Luo Tian couldn't help stepping forward, step by step in the starry sky, with ripples like flowers and mist under his feet.

In the end, when Luo Tian reached a certain place in the starry sky, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, turned around and ran in haste, but no matter how he ran, he still couldn't move much faster, which made him extremely depressed.

"Since you're here, why do you need to go?"

A mighty and loud roar came, and immediately two bright rays of light shot out directly in the starry sky behind Luo Tian, ​​locking his figure firmly.

"This, senior, I think this is a misunderstanding."

Luo Tian turned his head and said with a sad face, spreading his hands helplessly.

"Misunderstanding! You fart!"

"Yes, yes, I fart, it's okay if I fart..."

"Don't play careless with me!" Although the owner of the two bright rays of light was still hazy at the moment, Luo Tian finally saw some clues. This turned out to be an extremely huge monster. shot out of the eyes.

"Don't dare, kid!" Luo Tian's face suddenly changed, and after swallowing a few mouthfuls, he said with a dry smile, "Senior, I strayed into this place, and originally wanted to rescue you old man and give you freedom, but in the end, I couldn't do what I wanted. See you later ha..."


The violent voice sounded again, "When will the old man use you, a lowly ant, to save me? Bah, a bunch of bastards and hypocrites! You can also break the chain of sealing the gods?"

"Old man, let me tell you, keep your mouth clean, or I will beat you, don't you believe it?"

Luo Tian, ​​who had already reached the edge of the starry sky, couldn't help feeling angry, and jumped up and down and cursed.

ps: Being the best man is too painful, I have been poured all the time, I just took the time to code a chapter when I escaped, and I will drink later, including at night.It's too late for an update today, if not tomorrow.

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