
Chapter 259 No Mercy, No Righteousness, Peerless Brothers

Speaking of which, Luo Tian is naturally courageous.

But people live for a lifetime, and immortals and gods live forever, and they will all be afraid of the word death.The reason why Luo Tian is not afraid of death is because he is now at the edge of the vast starry sky. With his extraordinary vision, he can see at a glance that this place is already the same as the place that is trapped in the depths of the starry sky by the eighteen chains of seals. The powerful monster escaped from the connection.

Chains of the gods.

Luo Tian couldn't help but take a deep breath in his heart, just looking at the name of this magic weapon is scary enough, conferring gods and gods, and the monk who refined this magic weapon is absolutely arrogant.


On the contrary, the violent voice did not erupt, but just laughed in a low voice, the gloomy and vibrating Luo Tian Yuanshen, who was already illusory, was extremely uncomfortable.

"You lowly ants, do you think you are qualified enough to talk to this old man? A joke! Hahaha, look at the situation around you before you talk. Ignorant boy, you really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

"Hey, what do you mean?" Luo Tian twitched his neck, looked around, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

There was no response to that violent voice, but at this moment, several gloomy black ghosts suddenly appeared from the endless starry sky. Seeing that half of the bodies of these black ghosts were no longer illusory, Luo Tian knew that these black ghosts were at least at the ghost king level .

And Luo Tian also naturally had a fierce battle in the starry sky under the jade bridge in the Xuanhuo Forbidden Land in his mind, how similar the situation is today.It's a pity that the so-called strong men in the Nine Heavens Realm are nothing compared to these ghost kings.


Luo Tian opened his hands and arms quickly, and several black vortexes spread out centering on his body, and the howling vortex of spiritual consciousness immediately brought up tornadoes visible to the naked eye, but Luo Tian can only see it now that he is considered the body of the primordial spirit He realized that he never imagined that the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Jing would have such a powerful influence.He always thinks that the attack of spiritual consciousness is undetectable, but he has seen from some classics that some monks with peerless cultivation can easily detect some fluctuations of spiritual consciousness. , recorded the most mysterious and miraculous Primordial Spirit Attack Collection, now in Luo Tian's hands, it can be detected so easily by his own Primordial Spirit.Luo Tian couldn't help feeling a little dejected, thinking that he could deal with those great monks in the mid-out stage, in fact Luo Tian's prediction was correct, but those great monks could cultivate to such a high level, all of them were extremely shrewd old monsters Old devil, the traces of Luo Tian's Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra are so obvious, they will definitely be noticed.When the attack fails, even if Luo Tian possesses the supernatural power of Yuanshen's attack, he will be helpless against those old guys. On the contrary, it will make them vigilant, and he will not be easily fooled next time.

The transparent tornado triggered by the black vortex swept in all directions, and it turned out to be extremely chaotic.Luo Tian frowned, and after the start, he manipulated the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing more carefully, and used his spiritual sense to control all those tornadoes with incomparably precise control and wound them towards the ghost king.

Since Luo Tian has been busy merging the three kinds of profound arts recently, except for the Nine Flames Xuangong, he is still proficient. In front of Tian, ​​Luo Tian was naturally lucky enough to seize this good opportunity to comprehend the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra.


Although Luo Tian was training his soul in the starry sky, four figures appeared five hundred miles away from Yuchi Island.


Hailao drank the fine wine in his hand viciously, and immediately looked at Sha Sheng, who was full of complacency, very depressed.Half an hour ago, the two guys who drank desperately were still in full swing.

Sha Sheng even slapped his chest on the ground, bragging about how handsome Yushu Linfeng is and is invincible in the world. If you don't believe me, you can immediately find some beauties to accompany you.Hailao naturally didn't believe it. Unexpectedly, not long after, Sha Sheng found two women with good cultivation and good looks. He laughed to himself.

Elder Hai wouldn't be really angry. At his cultivation base and age, there are probably not many things that can make him angry.It's just that he has been with Sha Sheng for a while, teasing and teasing him happily, saving this kid from being abused and running away, and then no one will be so dedicated to drinking with him.

At this moment, Hai Lao, who was squinting his eyes and sipping his wine, suddenly had a golden circular beam of light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

On the other side of Yuchi Island, gray dark clouds rolled in all over the sky, there was no thunder and lightning flashing and roaring, and no rain fell from the sky.There is only the extremely depressing atmosphere in the dark clouds.

"Boss Wu, Cao, what do you mean? Why do you want to walk in front of me?" The old man riding a donkey suddenly appeared from the void. Once he appeared, he yelled and cursed, full of vulgar words.When he scolded like this, the donkey under him gave a weak and strange cry, and then stepped on the void and ran out.

Looking in the direction that the old donkey rider was looking at, there was a sneaky figure in front of him, looking extremely wretched.After being drunk by the donkey-riding old man, the sneaky figure hastily patted the tortoise under him and yelled, "Second Wu, when did you start to follow my brother and me? Stinky!" shameless!"

"You don't want to lose face!"

"I bother!"

The two brothers scolded each other as soon as they met, and one ran desperately in front, while the other chased desperately behind, both exerting great effort.

The gray dark cloud was suspended above the heads of the two brothers, lingering and lingering.

When the two brothers approached the area of ​​Yuchi Island, tens of thousands of white jade-like rays of light swayed out from Yuchi Island, forming a huge formation in an instant, and then blocked the two brothers outside .

"Mrs. Wen, how can we say that our brothers and you are old acquaintances, why should you be so disrespectful?" The boss Wu was the turtle-riding boy, and he was shouting towards Yuchi Island with his head down and his voice at the moment.

"Boss Wu, Mrs. Wen is also everyone, how can she talk to a vulgar bastard like you?"

It was very strange, the two brothers had torn each other down for a long time, but there was still no movement on Yuchi Island.

Just when the two brothers were about to make up their minds to forcefully enter Yuchi Island, a voice came from Yuchi Island.

"You two guys, Wu Ren and Wu Yi, still can't change your bad temper back then. Don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of me. Back then, after what happened to him, you two brothers slaughtered many monks one after another. It's rare for him to do something so disregarding his identity."

"Should be."

The two brothers who had been fooling around couldn't help restraining their playful smiles, and bowed solemnly towards Yuchi Island.

"Back then, our brothers were also at fault. Now that Brother Wen's successor is born, we will kill anyone who dares to attack him!"

ps: After drinking for a day, I finished writing this chapter with a headache, and resumed normal updates.Excuse me.I won't be drinking anymore from tomorrow... I will explode when I have time, quack.

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