
Chapter 260 You Have Qingyun, I Have Qingyun

As soon as the Wu brothers spoke, layers of jade-white brilliance above Yuchi Island immediately surged, and after a while, the jade-white brilliance in front of the two of them immediately formed an empty portal.

The Wu brothers didn't say much, Qiqi slapped his body down and quickly entered the portal.Immediately, the portal was restored by jade white brilliance.

Half an hour later, four rays of light drifted slowly across the sky.

"This, isn't it?"

Sha Sheng, who hugged the two beauties on the left and right, saw the scene in front of him clearly, his jaw barely dropped, and he was so depressed that he couldn't die.

Even Hai Lao frowned slightly, looking thoughtfully at Yuchi Island where the island protection array suddenly opened.

"Old Hai, do you have a way to get in?" After a while, Sha Sheng smacked a beautiful woman's cheek with his mouth open, and then smiled heartlessly.

Stepping on the void, Hai Lao suddenly turned his head and stared at Sha Sheng with a half-smile, hooked his fingers, and waited for Sha Sheng Pidianpidian to come up to him before he said softly: "I said Xiao Shengsheng, do you want to enter?" Yuchi Island?"

"Nonsense!" Sha Sheng replied angrily.

"My old man has a way, but he can only bring one person in." Hai Lao also pretended to be embarrassed, and pouted angrily behind Sha Sheng, "If you go in, they will..."

"Yes, I see." Sha Sheng rolled his eyes, and immediately said to Hai Lao with winking eyes, "You can always look at me."

After finishing speaking, Sha Sheng's feet flickered, and he flew in front of the two charming beauties. For some reason, the two beauties who seemed to have a lot of background gave Sha Sheng a very charming look. , and then Qiqi drove the Escaping Light and left.

"Okay, Xiao Shengsheng, you have two hands, quite like my old man!" Hai Lao couldn't help but smiled and gave a thumbs up, showing admiration on his face.

Sha Sheng shook his head, and proudly said: "Of course, I dare not say anything else, at least in the Tianxing Hainan Region, my peerless appearance can at least rank in the top three... Uh, cough cough, Old Hai, you were also a romantic back then figure?"

"This old man will tell you a lot!"

"... "

Hai Lao led Sha Sheng around for a while, then stretched out his hand, and a blue light diffused from his palm, enveloping the two of them in the blue light.

Sha Sheng was taken aback at the beginning, and then he swallowed hard and looked at him. After a long time, he stared at Hai Lao with an expression of admiration on his face, and sighed again and again: "Gao, you really are Gao. If what I see is right, isn’t Hai Lao’s magic weapon Qing Yun?”

"Huh?" Old Hai, who was originally calm, couldn't help laughing, "Do you still know Qingyun?"

"Of course." Sha Sheng sighed again, "My old man wants to refine a Qingyun in his dreams, but it's a pity, with his old man's cultivation level, let alone refining Qingyun, even getting close to Qingyun is impossible." can't do..."

"I didn't expect you to know a lot." Hai Lao smiled lightly, "Now you should believe that I can bring you into Yuchi Island, right?"

"I believe it, of course I believe it." Sha Sheng couldn't help but nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "I believe it to death. This Qingyun is said to be easy to travel in any interface except the fairy world."


Hai Lao let out a low cry, and then the blue light around the two of them shrunk sharply, shrinking into a blue cloud the size of a millstone. The blue cloud slowly rose and submerged into a space outside Yuchi Island in an instant.


"Seniors, please come here."

The previous maid who was called Qin Xin by Mrs. Wen is now leading the solemn-looking brothers Wu Ren and Wu Yi with a smile on her face. A trace of tension and uneasiness.

After a while, Brother Wu Ren and Wu Yi were brought to that beautiful pavilion.

At this moment, Mrs. Wen was still wearing a lake-green long dress, and she was sitting in the gazebo with her front lapel upright. The Guqin in front of her had disappeared at some point, and she was just cooking a purple sand pot, steaming.

"Come in, don't be rude."

Madam Wen raised her eyelids and saw the Wu brothers standing outside the gazebo with shame on their faces, she couldn't help but smiled slightly.

"Thank you very much then."

Brothers Wu Ren and Wu Yi were not too polite, they immediately stepped into the gazebo and sat on the stone bench opposite Mrs. Wen.


Next, the Wu brothers frowned.They naturally understood Mrs. Wen's temperament very well. At this moment, there were only two brothers, but there were three stone benches in their row.That means, apart from the two brothers, Mrs. Wen has another guest who hasn't arrived.

"That man is almost here."

For the first time, Mrs. Wen stretched out her jade hands wrapped in her long sleeves, facing the hot air coming out of the purple clay pot in front of her, the hot air immediately condensed and expanded, turning into a mirror made of hot air.

At this moment, in the originally somewhat blurred mirror surface, the scenery suddenly changed, and a blue brilliance appeared, hesitating indefinitely.


Mrs. Wen's expression remained the same, but the expressions of the Wu brothers changed all the same.The cultivator who owns Qingyun is a tyrannical figure who can walk sideways in the entire Tianxinghai.Generally speaking, the Wu brothers can recognize it, but the Qingyun in front of them feels very strange.


At this moment, Hai Lao, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, "I didn't expect to be discovered. It seems that the legendary Mrs. Wen is really mysterious."

"Old Hai, you are right!" Sha Sheng couldn't help but shouted with a pale face, "Mrs. Wen is too fierce, let's go back!"

"Can not go back."

"... "

Qingyun broke through the void and flashed away, Hai Lao and Sha Sheng lightly landed outside the pavilion.

"Ma'am, you are polite."

Hai Lao bowed slightly, neither domineering nor inferior.

"Looking at the high purity of the old gentleman's Qingyun, it must have come from that place." Mrs. Wen seemed to be asking rhetorically, but anyone could hear the tone in her tone, "You have always been indifferent to world affairs, why did you do this this time? Make an exception."

Hai Lao smiled wryly, "This matter has something to do with Madam."

"Oh?" Mrs. Wen just thought about it for a moment, then gently pointed to the stone bench next to the Wu brothers.

Hai Lao smiled politely, walked to the stone bench but did not sit down.

"The old gentleman seems a little formal."

"That's right." Elder Hai said proudly without looking sideways, "Those who have Qingyun have status as high as the Nine Heavens. Although these two fellow Taoists have high cultivation levels, they are not qualified to sit with me."

"..." Sha Sheng next to him rolled his eyes shamelessly.

"Some people really think it's Yun... who came out of that place, are they superior to others?" Wu Ren sneered first, and the old tortoise lying on the side suddenly trembled, and then his body was suspended gently. Stepping on the void, four small blue clouds suddenly and slowly emerged.

The same situation happened with Wu Yi's donkey.

Hai Lao's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

As the saying goes, if you have Qingyun, I also have Qingyun!

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