
Chapter 261

The water mist curled up, and Hai Lao's mood at the moment was quite complicated.He didn't intend to be greedy, he just wanted to sneak into Yuchi Island and sneak away Sha Sheng's brother-in-law, so as to open the eyes of Sha Sheng, the best drinking buddy.But the development of things seems to be more and more deviated from the direction he expected.


After a long time, Elder Hai seemed to have breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stared at the Wu brothers, "These two fellow Taoists even have excellent mounts, so they must not be unknown people."

The Wu brothers smiled indifferently and did not answer.Mrs. Wen just gracefully picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip.

Sha Sheng was the one with the least pressure. He couldn't participate in the secret confrontation between these old monsters, and he didn't want to participate.His head was like a spring, and he looked around dishonestly.

"Sit down and talk."

Mrs. Wen spoke, indirectly breaking the weird atmosphere in front of her.

Hai Lao sat down without any hesitation, and just after he sat down, he took out a teacup from the jade basin, and then poured the tea on the exquisite Qin Xin beside him quite appropriately.


Stretching his neck, Hai Lao drank the hot tea in his teacup in one gulp, and immediately smashed his mouth, "Good tea! But after all, it's not as satisfying as fine wine."

"Hmph!" Wu Ren snorted coldly, "Can you taste the taste of this tea? I think it's almost like a cow chewing peonies."

"Hey, this fellow Taoist is too contemptuous of people." Hai Lao shook his head and said, "If you talk about the best tea in the world, it should be the cloud fairy canopy on Miluo Peak; if you talk about the spring water for making tea in the world, it should be three hundred miles away from Yuchi Island. On Wanhu Island, there is a mountain named Yizhen on Wanhu Island, Yizhen Mountain is three hundred feet high, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round, and the snow melted water tastes very sweet, especially the ice cubes ten feet below the snow layer are the most delicious.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the old man is also a tea lover." While the Wu brothers opened their mouths in surprise, Mrs. Wen smiled lightly.

"Since we are both tea lovers, I wonder if Madam can give this old man a thin noodle and hand over Han Yi to this old man..." Hai Lao moved his mouth, and finally said it out. Be willing to hide your skin.

In fact, even Sha Sheng could vaguely guess that Hai Lao's reappearance this time must not be just for the sake of drinking all the fine wines in Xinghai.It is very likely that it is because of Su Muqing.

Now, Mrs. Wen and the Wu brothers could not help but frown for the first time.

"He will definitely not go with you now." Mrs. Wen turned her head to look in the direction of Wuliang Yubi.


In the endless starry sky, not only did Luo Tian's primordial spirit not become weaker, it seemed that he became more tyrannical. He roared and rushed towards the surrounding ghost kings.It's strange to say that when those originally aggressive ghost kings saw Luo Tian, ​​they rushed to dodge as if they saw a natural enemy. Originally, they also wanted to stay away from this evil star.But they couldn't afford to provoke the existence in the depths of the starry sky.

"Quack, I told you to run!"

At this time, Luo Tian hooked his palm, and a black vortex suddenly appeared from the void, tightly binding a ghost king who was unable to dodge in time, and then he squeezed his palm hard, and the figure of the ghost king was covered by countless fingers. The black streamer penetrated into the body, continuously devouring the essence of the ghost king. The ghost king felt the essence of the body passing away rapidly, and kept making heart-pounding roars, but he couldn't break free, and the other ghost kings did not dare to act rashly. Come to the rescue, hide far away.


After just a cup of tea, Luo Tian swallowed it all up, moaned comfortably, licked his lips, and rushed towards the next hapless ghost king without thinking.

To be honest, even with a sword on Luo Tian's neck, he would not want to go out now.In this inexplicable starry sky, there are so many ghost kings who can make up for it. The more proficient he is, this makes Luo Tian extremely excited.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so it can't be wasted, can it?

"Damn bastard boy!" The huge monster in the depths of the starry sky roared again.

Luo Tian was not moved at all, and said with a frivolous smile: "Old man, if you have the guts, come out and play with the young master by yourself, don't call so many poor ghost kings to die!"


A mighty roar came, and the entire starry sky trembled uncontrollably. It seemed that the mighty monster trapped by the chains of the gods had gone berserk.

"Hey, don't force yourself if it doesn't work, I won't be as knowledgeable as you!" Luo Tian also felt a little hairy, his spiritual sense was extremely keen, and the powerful monster in the depths of the starry sky faintly gave him an invincible feeling Feeling, inexplicably more panic in my heart.

"Go to hell!"

Bang bang bang!

The space in the depths of the starry sky seemed to begin to shatter piece by piece. A gigantic figure stretched out from the starry sky and was about to rush out, but immediately eighteen black chains of light stretched out from the void, firmly holding onto the starry sky. The huge figure prevented it from rushing out from the depths of the starry sky.

"Hey, you're not playing for real, are you? I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now, don't be angry..."

Luo Tian turned his head and ran away. When the ghost king in front saw the evil star rushing towards him, he ran three points faster than him, and scattered like birds and beasts.


Luo Tian hurriedly searched for an exit at the edge of the starry sky, and that nasty exit kept wandering around, driving Luo Tian almost mad.Seeing that the big guy in the depths of the starry sky is about to explode, if he escapes too late, he will definitely die here.

After finally finding that the transparent exit paused, Luo Tian immediately plunged in.

"Wow, this big brother, my little brother came to the wrong place, so let's go out now..."

"Little bastard, you are finished!"

That voice seemed to be the one from that huge monster in the depths of the starry sky...


"Not good! That kid actually broke into Qingxu's sealed place!"

In the gazebo, Mrs. Wen's complexion suddenly changed, and then her figure flickered before disappearing.


Hai Lao jumped up all of a sudden, "Madam, this old man is getting old, don't make fun of me Madam!..."

"Go and have a look!"

The Wu brothers also flew out with urgent expressions, at an extremely fast speed, and there was a blue light flickering around them during the flight, as if they had disappeared into the void, it was Qingyun.

With a bang, thunder fell from the nine heavens, ignoring the restriction of the jade-white brilliance outside Yuchi Island, and fell on the immeasurable jade discs.The jade bi was not damaged in the slightest, and a huge blue smoke came out immediately, faintly like a huge flower floating in the sky.

After circling for a long time, the cyan smoke slowly took shape, and it turned out to be a cyan cloud with water waves around it.

Langhua Qingyun, the highest level of Qingyun!

ps: Some heroes hope that the update will be faster, oh, it will definitely be.It's just a transition now, and it's depressing to write.It will speed up later, after all, the excitement is coming.

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