
Chapter 262


This time, even Mrs. Wen, who has always been calm, gasped, and the waves were like clouds, which was extremely difficult to see.At least, in Mrs. Wen's life, she only saw it once.I didn't expect that this time it would appear in the immeasurable jade biscuit. It seems that the person sealed in it must be a peerless figure!

Mrs. Wen can't afford to provoke a peerless person who can own the waves.Not only could she not be offended, but everyone present might not be able to offend him either.

In fact, Mrs. Wen only heard from her late husband that a great person was sealed by someone with peerless magical powers in the immeasurable jade biscuit. After the immeasurable jade biscuit absorbs the fire attribute aura, it will open a small space, in which the entire starry sky is locked by the seal of the gods. The one who is sealed inside cannot come out unless he has the means of a fairy.

Chi Chi!

The waves and blue clouds gave birth to a great force of repulsion, and Mrs. Wen couldn't get close to the immeasurable jade.

In the infinite starry sky, Luo Tian finally saw the gigantic monster in front of him that was trapped by the eighteen god-sealing chains.It turned out to be a dragon, a huge blue dragon, its body alone was more than a thousand feet long, which was extremely exaggerated.

"My hometown... Uh, senior, I think this is a misunderstanding." Luo Tian said with a sad face, what luck, how could he run to the place where this guy's real body is?

The scales of the Qinglong, which is more than a thousand feet long, are the size of a millstone, densely covering the entire body, and the four huge claws look even more terrifying, standing there in the air, revealing a chilling pale gold color shine.Luo Tian had no doubts, perhaps a single finger on this paw could easily stab himself to death.

Four-clawed Azure Dragon!

Luo Tian felt miserable. What evil did I do? It doesn't matter that I got into trouble with a four-clawed green dragon. It seemed that he was about to evolve into a terrifying existence of a five-clawed green dragon.The five-clawed green dragon is enough to ascend to the immortal tower.Moreover, due to their extraordinary talents, the Dragon Clan is extremely powerful, and belongs to one of the most powerful existences among the Monster Clan.Moreover, Luo Tian has also vaguely heard that the long-lived old immortals of the Dragon Clan are extremely defensive. If it is reported that he insulted the Dragon Clan, the consequences...

With a jolt, Luo Tian shook his head fiercely, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and his eyes looked around to see where the space portal had moved.

As a result, Luo Tian was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. At this time, the only space portal happened to float near Qinglong's huge sharp claws glowing with cold light.

"Misunderstood fart! How dare you scold me, you little bastard, you must kill you today!"

Suddenly, a layer of blue light flashed across the body of the thousand-foot-long giant dragon, and then a ray of green light soared into the sky, landed directly on top of Luo Tian's head and remained still.

Luo Tian raised his head, and when he saw the things in front of him clearly, his heart felt hot, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.

It turned out that the blue light that appeared in front of Luo Tian was a green dragon primordial spirit that had shrunk countless times. Although this primordial spirit was about twenty feet in size, as long as it was a primordial spirit, it would be easy to handle. At least Luo Tian was not afraid of it at all. Yuanshen attacked.After these days of experience, devouring countless ghost queens, Luo Tian's primordial spirit was unprecedentedly tough, and that primordial spirit's attacking spells were even more proficient.Even if the opponent's primordial spirit is strong enough, Luo Tian is confident that he can escape with some degree of certainty.

"Go ahead, come and kill me." Luo Tian's words implied an extremely excited joy, if he could devour the primordial spirit of a dragon, then he would really make a lot of money...

"The old man changed his mind again, let's kill you first!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian only felt a colossal force extending from the void in front of him, hitting Luo Tian's primordial spirit abruptly and sending him flying several tens of feet away.

"Damn it, you're cheating!" Luo Tian howled and rushed forward.


"Elder Hai, do you think the third child can succeed?" Beyond the immeasurable jade discs, a hundred feet of space was completely cut off by the waves and green clouds. At this moment, Sha Sheng was circling around Old Hai with a sad face.

Hai Lao glanced at him, and replied sullenly: "My old man is not a god, how can he know if that daring kid can come out alive!"

"Hey, I'm to blame for this." Mrs. Wen also had a trace of self-blame on her face, "I just wanted to hone him and let him practice the seven shocking moves. Who would have thought that things would happen to this point?"

"Ma'am, how can you be blamed for this?" The Wu brothers sighed, "Even if that kid dies, that's his fate."

"Fart! Why is the death of the third child in my family a life, so if you are killed, is it also a life?" Sha Sheng was furious when he heard this, and he didn't care if the other party was something he could provoke. Get up, loudly angrily.

"You, you are really brave, hehe..." Wu Yi, the second child of the Wu brothers, couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, a strange cry appeared in everyone's ears.

"Wow, don't be so anxious to send me out, I haven't had enough fun..."

With a whoosh sound, a white figure flew out from the depths of the waves and blue clouds, clutching his buttocks. After a few breaths, he left the range of the blue clouds and arrived not far in front of everyone.

"Little bastard, remember to promise the old man, otherwise I will definitely kill you!"

"It's too domineering, too domineering..." Luo Tian sighed, but in fact he regretted it to death. With the help of this old dragon who claimed to be blue-bearded just now, Luo Tian just memorized the seven shocking moves by heart. He was kicked out, and the old dragon forced Luo Tian to agree to several conditions.

"It's Qingbe..." Mrs. Wen and the others looked at each other, and they had only heard about the former in rumors.I only know that he was a strong man more than a thousand years ago, but I don't know any other information. Of course, Qingxu has some friendship with Mrs. Wen's husband, otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to practice the seven shocking moves.

"Overbearing fart!"

To Luo Tian's dismay, Qingxu shouted again via sound transmission, "You little bastard, hurry to Shenfeng Island. This Qingyun right is for me to lend to you for the time being. Don't miss out on my important business!"

Picking his ears, Luo Tian looked behind him with a sad face, cursing Qingxu secretly in his heart, the old man became agitated before he came out for a while.


Luo Tian replied feebly, then smiled at Sha Sheng, and raised his eyes, "Long time no see, Boss Sha."

"Okay, long time no see... Your grandma has such a leg, third child, why are you so good-looking?" Sha Sheng almost bit off his tongue, staring at Luo Tian's picture, which is much more handsome than a woman I want to take a knife to scratch his pretty face immediately...

Mrs. Wen and the others looked calm. With their cultivation base, even if Luo Tian possessed the peerless disguise technique to change his appearance, he could not escape their eyes. What's more, Mrs. Wen and the others possessed peerless supernatural powers, so they could clearly distinguish Getting out of Luotian was Han Yi's solution.

"Let's go, Boss Sha, accompany me to Shenfeng Island."

"Go for what?"


"That's a good relationship." Sha Sheng said with a sinister smile, ready to fight, "The days when you are not by my side are really boring."

call out!

The blue cloud of waves shrunk down to about ten feet, and then flew down at Luo Tian's feet.Luo Tian threw out a drop of blood essence very quickly and merged into Qingyun, and accepted this top magic weapon with a smile without any politeness.

"Huh!" Qingxu, the giant dragon in the starry sky, snorted coldly, and then completely closed the starry sky exit, and the immeasurable jade disc immediately returned to its original appearance.

"Second brother, why don't you go with Luo boy." Wu Ren smiled shamelessly.

Wu Yi turned his head, his face darkened, "Why do you want me to be a guard? You should go."

"Can you beat me? Can you beat this fellow Taoist? Can you beat Madam?..."

ps: The outline has been sorted out, and we are going to speed up the update in the next few days. Here are two recommendation tickets, heroes.

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