
Chapter 263 The Battle of the Wind Beads


The wind was fierce, and the wind blade cut the face like a knife. When it arrived at Shenfeng Island, the fierce wind suddenly swept down, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

The scenery on Shenfeng Island is like mid-winter in April and September, but there are many mountains on the island that block the howling wind. Those winds flow along the four extinct volcanoes around Shenfeng Island, and occasionally there is a sound in the dark cave. The sound of falling stones seemed to be unfathomable.

At this moment, around the volcano in the northwest, a group of monks wearing fur coats are sitting cross-legged, forming knots in their hands, swaying wind blades to form a screen mask, constantly blocking the golden lights floating in the air Phantoms, those golden phantoms contained tall and strong men, and there was no human breath in their pupils.


And it's a Vajra Warrior puppet exuding a powerful aura!

The Thunder Bamboo Sect, it was the Thunder Bamboo Sect who came to the gate of Shenfeng Island.

"Jie Jie, you guys, don't hold on!" Standing a few tens of feet away, there is a fair-skinned dandy boy, it is the young master of the Thunder Bamboo Sect, Yuan Lei, who is fanning leisurely in his hands. A folding fan, five people and six people.God knows which of this guy's tendons are wrong, and he even shakes his fan in the winter...



The monks in the wind blade mask shouted curses one after another.

"Tsk tsk, look, look, you stupid guys, if you obediently hand over the wind bead, it's over, why bother?" Yuan Lei seemed to be very regretful and said, "Anyway, this wind bead is half a year old. Give birth to some, why always take it as your own?"

"I can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth!" A middle-aged monk from Shenfeng Island shouted in a cold voice, "When the island owner recovers, you guys are going to be miserable, stop pretending there!"

"Slow down your mother's head!" Yuan Lei said triumphantly, "How do you little guys know that the master who came to Shenfeng Island this time has already dragged your island owner, otherwise he can still use his great supernatural powers. Haven't come to rescue you until now?"

"Shameless thing! Get lost! You guys who covet the wind beads of Shenfeng Island will die sooner or later!" Another female monk's mouth was even more vicious, and she even cursed Yuan Lei and others.

"Master, there is no need to tell them any more." An old man behind Yuan Lei said grimly, "It's a big deal to lose a few puppets. It's useless to reason with these guys. They're just determined by the weight."

"Forget it." After Yuan Lei finished speaking, he put away the folding fan in his hand, then pointed to the mask formed by the wind blade, looked at the Vajra puppet floating in the air with some reluctance, and shouted coldly, "Let me go!"

There was a sudden explosion of air, and the puppets in the air ruthlessly slammed into the wind blade mask.Among them were five or six Vajra Warrior puppets, and many other puppets of high rank. No wonder Yuan Lei couldn't make a strong attack. These puppets were not a small loss for him.

"Thousand blade formation, end!"

Inside the mask, an unknown cultivator from Shenfeng Island yelled, and immediately all the cultivators sitting cross-legged began to perform hand formulas very quickly, and as everyone performed almost identical movements, that The wind blade mask in front of the monks could not stop circulating, and even began to generate a suction force for no reason, sucking the strong wind falling from the sky into the mask, and then the mask was covered with a dense layer of wind. blade.


The old man behind Yuan Lei seemed to be quite heartbroken. These stubborn guys were really willing to fight to the death. He really wanted to go forward to help, but he was powerless.First of all, what he is proficient in is nothing more than the technique of puppet manipulation, and the most proficient is the technique of attacking the primordial spirit, but Shenfeng Island is inherited from the ancient sect Xuanyin Sect, and it is even more difficult for people to attack and defend against the primordial spirit. Mastery, it's hard to be effective in a rush.Secondly, whether those puppets have intelligence or not, they don't care whether they are enemies or their own people, as long as they get close to them, they will treat them as enemies, which also makes the old man dare not act rashly.

"Rush, crush them!"

Yuan Lei's eyes were a little red. These were all the puppets he brought out this time. If he lost most of them, he would definitely be reprimanded by the old man when he went back.


At this time, a beast puppet finally couldn't bear the huge wind blade's stirring, its biting head was smashed into pieces by the powerful wind blade, and then the dense wind blade rushed up again, and the beast that Yuan Lei had no time to withdraw The puppet was torn into powder and disappeared in the strong wind.

Yuan Lei played another tactic, and this time he unexpectedly threw three golden shadows. In order to conflict with the wind blade formation, Yuan Lei actually controlled three vajra puppets at the same time, his face flushed red. It seems that his full control of these puppets still makes his soul a little bit overwhelmed.

With a soft sound of the wave, under the combined force of the three Vajra puppets, almost the entire wind blade array began to shake, and even the wind blade mask began to fluctuate violently, and the many Shenfeng islands inside the wind blade mask The monks continued to practice the magic formula with a serious face, and the hard mountain below them had cracks like spider webs.

Fortunately, under the efforts of many Shenfeng Island monks, the wind blade mask began to slowly heal together. Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, two golden shadows rushed towards them suddenly, with strong and hard The body stubbornly resisted the side of the wind blade twice, and the other three Vajra puppets naturally took this opportunity to punch and kick towards the inside of the wind blade mask.


After a loud noise, the wind blade barriers came together, but two Vajra puppets had already squeezed in.Violently charged towards those frightened-looking monks of Shenfeng Island.


The cultivators of Shenfeng Island are naturally well-cultivated, but they are still reluctant to deal with a Vajra Warrior puppet. If two go together, it may not work.The two vajra puppets ran amok, and many monks spit blood out of their mouths.However, the wind blade mask without the support of the monk's mana naturally had more and more flaws, and finally dissipated into nothing.

"Quack, you guys don't want to drink a toast, kill them for me!"

Yuan Lei looked up to the sky and laughed. Although he still felt a little distressed, three Vajra puppets were damaged, and it may take a long time to repair them.However, the dozens of monks in front of him are quite good for burial.

While speaking, many monks who were backlashed were injured by puppets.Although many monks in Shenfeng Island had a trace of despair on their faces, they all looked resolute and did not back down.

"Yo, the bones are quite hard, I like to kill hard bones, haha."

Yuan Lei's own cultivation is also extraordinary, he grabbed a monk from Shenfeng Island nearby and pulled his big hand, and with a click, the monk's arm was pulled off, and blood spurted wildly.

"Please, haha, as long as you kneel down and beg me, I will spare you if I feel better, hahaha..."


Suddenly, a faint voice came from the void, and immediately, a hole was opened in the whole space, and a figure in white clothes slowly walked out of the hole.

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