
Chapter 272 Strong alliance, rampant collision

Needless to say, how the peerless brothers Wu Ren and Wu Yi, who were so famous in the sky and stars, were notorious, but these two brothers are usually people with extremely high vision. Say a few words that are neither salty nor dull, and you can also brag about it.

It can be seen from the side that these two brothers are not only famous, but also giants with matching cultivation.

Daqian Daqian is almost as famous as Wu Ren and Wu Yi brothers in terms of fame, but in terms of cultivation, it is not as good. After all, the martial arts practiced by the Wu brothers are also the fierce methods in the ancient books, and Daqian Daqian feels ashamed.

"Uh, that, let me say, old man, what is this kid's background?" Daqian Daqian was shocked, but he quickly recovered. At his level of cultivation, it is generally difficult for him to experience a drastic change in mentality.

The donkey-riding old man laughed lightly, then shook his head and said, "Don't say it, don't say it."


Master Daqian gave Wu Yi a contemptuous look, then smiled obscenely, "Xiao Shengsheng and this little friend..."

Daqian Daqian has lived for hundreds of years, no matter how old-fashioned he is, he knows how to be a human being, especially Luo Tian is a young man who makes Wu Yi, an old monster who seldom makes a move, naturally he is much more polite to him.

"Senior, you're welcome. Presumably your request must have something to do with Styx Flower." Luo Tian said calmly.

"Hey, young people nowadays, everyone is amazing. It seems that my old man has not come out of the mountain for a long time and is a little bit ignorant of the changes in the world." Daqian Daqian laughed at himself, and said immediately, "That's right, the person who hurt me thinks too much of himself. Gao, I will definitely not come here in person, and I will definitely send elite disciples under my sect, although my old man is not afraid of it, but I still want this old face, I will not do things like bullying the young by the old, and I can't afford to lose that person."

Daqian Daqian's words made Luo Tian feel good about him. This old man is upright and honest. Even though he has other little things to say, he is still a man just based on the few words in front of him.

From an angle that is difficult for Daqian real people to find, Luo Tian winked at Wu Yi, the old man riding a donkey. After receiving Wu Yi's hinted reply, Luo Tian also patted his chest without hesitation and said: "Don't worry, senior, as long as you come People are not too evil and tyrannical, and ordinary boys don't pay attention to them."

"it is good!"

Master Daqian took a deep look at Luo Tian, ​​"It's been a long time since a junior dared to brag like this in front of me, come on, let me show you what you're capable of!"

After finishing speaking, Master Daqian didn't seem to care about his demeanor as an elder. He grabbed the void with his big hand, and the water vapor on the sea surface immediately condensed into a giant dragon that was tens of feet long. Tian Chong came, and the giant dragon even opened its mouth to spray, and dozens of water arrows shot out quickly, and the water arrows didn't look like illusions at all.

"Turn fiction into reality."

The astonishment on Wu Yi's face was fleeting, but he still didn't move a single step.

"Third, be careful."

Luo Tian still didn't move at all, as if the attack quickly formed in front of him was not coming towards him, he stood calmly and peacefully on the spot, motionless, when Sha Sheng saw that he was anxious to make a move, Sha Sheng suddenly felt a gust of hot wind in the surrounding space Rolled over, and then he was forced to retreat, the next moment, Sha Sheng saw a dark yellow brilliance soaring into the sky in the void.

Chi Chi Chi!

A light and shadow in the air split into countless brilliance, and the next moment, the flames on Luo Tian's body blocked the water arrows shot by the dragon, intertwined together, and made a loud noise, white mist suddenly rose in the air.


Master Daqian rubbed his chin and nodded inwardly. Not only did this kid have a good skin, but his cultivation was not weak, but it was really strange that this guy's cultivation could not be fully understood.


At this time, Luo Tian's figure suddenly appeared from the void, and then he took a step towards the giant dragon formed by water vapor with a stern face. A series of transparent ripples were formed, continuously spreading towards the void in all directions.

As a result, Luo Tian retreated in the void one after another as if he was drunk, and finally retreated thirty feet before stopping, his arms slightly numb.

"Good boy."

Master Daqian clapped his palms and laughed, just like he came gently before.


At the junction of the eastern region of the Star Sea and the southern region, there are always gusts of wind and vortices floating and rolling around.But at this moment, in the low sky far away from the turbulent sea, there are more than a dozen figures standing still from the strong wind. I can see that all of these people look proud, and each of them is stepping on a white cloud like a flower, like a dragon or a tiger. .

Bang bang bang!

After a while, the almost transparent long strips of jade floating in front of these people burst into pieces one after another. It is strange that after the jade was broken, it did not dissipate with the wind, but was pulled like light smoke. The elder, then slowly merged into the void, giving off a lot of flower-like fragrance, which seemed to permeate a little on the surface of the sea, and then the number of big fish with white bellies in the whirlpool gradually increased.

The leader is a white-clothed young man. According to the power he was born in, his clothes are very elegant and graded, purple, white, gold and blue, purple is the most noble, and so on.Of course, even the blue clothes, among other powerful forces, are at least elite disciples.From this we can see how shocking the power of their origin is.

The young man in white has ordinary features, nothing extraordinary, but that face looks very breathy, as if this person is born with a sense of immortality.At this moment, a thin green light rolled suddenly and covertly between the palms of the young man in white, his eyes were as plain as water.

"130 miles to the west, three disciples in Tsing Yi, go back quickly."

The young man in white said lightly without any fumes, and before he finished his words, three streamers of blue light flew towards the west very quickly, driving the clouds in the shape of white flowers.

A moment later, from more than a hundred miles away, an extremely vulgar roar sounded.

"Fuck me, what do you mean by the three fellow Taoists? Bullying my brother with a low cultivation level, right? Grandma's a leg..."

Of course it was Sha Sheng who yelled, and he was dressed in a fiery red robe, and scolded angrily, jumping up and down while scolding, very devoted.

In fact, Daqian Daqian decided that his opponent sent someone over, and had already discussed with Sha Sheng about such a good show. Sha Sheng's cultivation base is not very strong, but his acting level can be ranked among the top [-] in the Tianxing Hainan Region. Inside, of course, he staged a stage where his crappy magic weapon was shattered by the opponent's powerful momentum.


The three cold and arrogant guys in Tsing Yi just casually glanced at Sha Sheng, and didn't bother to speak anymore.They could tell Sha Sheng's cultivation at a glance, it was only the peak of the fifth-order monster...

call out!

At this time, there was a light sound in the air, and then a white light and shadow fell extremely quickly, and they started to fight. The three men in Tsing Yi seemed to have just realized that they had just sacrificed their magic weapon, and they were restrained by the other party. Then he pinched the magic weapon, which was at least an intermediate-level weapon, into several sections with his palm.

Horrible, so scary.

Next, the three people in Tsing Yi just saw each other's blurred appearance, and they turned into black powder.

"A group of dudes, are you really a soft persimmon?" Sha Sheng triumphantly said to a void, "Senior, can you give me a good method?"

"Fuck off."

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