
Chapter 273

During some conversations, it was hard for outsiders to find out that Sha Sheng, a bold and fearless guy, dared to ask Daqian Zhenren, a well-known senior monk in Tianxinghai, for something, and he asked for something that Daqian Daqian was proud of. Hidden breath Taoism.Just now, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng's spiritual aura was forcibly used by Daqian Daqian to make the three men in Tsing Yi relax their vigilance, so that Luo Tian succeeded in one blow.

It can be seen from this that Daqian really regards Luo Tian and Sha Sheng as his younger generations.

"Forget about Boss Sha." Luo Tian smiled faintly, then turned his head away, his face turned cold, and said in a deep voice, "Two friends, have you watched it for a long time, have you seen enough?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian smiled coldly, opened his mouth directly with his big sleeves, round and round like a jade plate, and then shot out a brilliant golden glow straightly while floating endlessly. The golden glow was extremely fast. With a breath of horror, it quickly fell from the sky.

Bang bang!

After the two loud noises, the two abrupt white clouds above the sky were suddenly dispersed, and then two figures in a state of embarrassment appeared in the air. Although they were in embarrassment, the two looked young There was still an imperceptible trace of arrogance on the face of the tall monk.

"Why are the prisoners so arrogant!"

Sha Sheng also had good eyesight, and he saw the arrogance in the bones of the two golden-clothed monks at a glance.

"It doesn't matter whether you are arrogant or arrogant, if you don't have enough strength, just lower your stance a bit!" Luo Tian sneered, and then he drew the magic formula in his hand, and the three golden lights in the air were like three huge hills Smash it down hard.

puff puff!

Although the two gold-clothed men were extraordinary in strength, both of them were in the middle of the alchemy stage, but under Luo Tian's Taiyi Golden Mother Ruyi, they were injured by Luo Tian without any resistance, and even their bodyguards were injured. That layer of faint purple light couldn't completely stop Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi's attack.


Although the two men in gold were at a disadvantage, they still refused to bow their heads.

"Practice for me!"

Luo Tian withdrew Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi, then turned his hand and wiped the void in front of him, Xuanji Yugui appeared in front of him with countless entangled dark yellow light strips, and the temperature was terrifying.

Stretching out his hand, countless yellow flames filled the space around the two men in gold, like a waterfall falling down, with unstoppable momentum, instantly surrounding the two men in gold, and then there was a burst of crackling After the sound, the two men in golden clothes were suddenly separated abruptly by two yellow light spheres.

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and then the formula changed, and the two yellow light balls began to change slightly.

"One yin and one yang, transforming the two poles."

Master Daqian's complexion changed, and then he stretched out his hand and shot out a cloud of clear light, wrapping Sha Sheng in it for a flash, then flew away into the distance.

The two gold-clothed men trapped by Luo Tian naturally have no way of knowing, one of them seems to be in an extremely hot stove, and the other seems to be in a cold ice cave, so far it seems that the only thing in common between them is The only problem is that the lavender light on their bodies has already begun to be refined, and it will not be long before the two of them will disappear.

"Boy, we are..."

"Yin-Yang Black Hole!"

Luo Tian yelled loudly, and then shot out the formula again, two yellow balls of light burst towards the opponent quickly.



An irresistible air wave emerged from the void, Luo Tian was somewhat implicated even at the speed of the air wave, and his whole body swayed violently and unstablely in the air wave.After Luo Tian stabilized his figure, he saw Sha Sheng's dumbfounded expression and Daqian's weird eyes.

Following the eyes of the two, Luo Tian couldn't help being shocked.

It turned out that just now Luo Tian forcibly used some of the things he had realized after the fusion of the three recent skills. He did not expect the power to be unprecedentedly powerful. The Daluo scriptures learned should also be integrated together.

Yin and Yang black hole.

As the name suggests, Luo Tian used the Nine Flames Mysterious Art and the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra to forcibly deprive the heaven and earth spiritual power of Yin and Yang, and then used the Mahaduer Sutra's tyrannical body capable of withstanding great pressure, and finally This yin and yang merged into one place again, and thus an unprecedented space explosion broke out.

Sure enough, with a glance at Luo Tian, ​​the most powerful place, the space has been shattered into pieces, and it is recovering rapidly.And the sea surface below the sky, being pressed down by this huge wave of air, unexpectedly formed a bottomless huge vortex, just like the mouth of an ancient giant beast.

"Pervert!" Sha Sheng cursed bitterly after a long time.

"Not bad, not bad, very good. He looks like an old man when he was young." Daqian Daqian's words almost made Sha Sheng vomit blood, but he didn't dare to provoke the bad-tempered old guy in front of him, so he could only keep flipping through the pages pitifully. Roll eyes.

On the other hand, Luo Tian quickly calmed down, frowned slightly and pondered for a moment, then asked Daqian Daoist, "Senior, the breaths of these people are very consistent, do you know what kind of force they belong to?"

Master Daqian was stunned for a moment, then moved his mouth slightly, but no sound came out.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Tian's expression didn't change much, he just calmly said to Daqian Daqian through sound transmission, "Senior, with your magical powers, you must be able to detect the other's clues, why don't you tell them all together, if you're lucky You can also take the other party in one pot."

At this moment, Master Daqian finally looked at Luo Tian with admiration.This handsome and shameless young man is not as talkative as he looks on the surface, he is really a decisive guy with a strong heart.Daqian Daqian began to look forward to how far Luotian would grow in the future.


Bai Yu was an exception. The young man in white who was standing above the cloud of flowers suddenly frowned, and then shot out of nowhere, staggering a few big steps before he stabilized his figure.

"So strong."

The young man in white murmured in a low voice, lowered his head slightly, unable to see his expression clearly.


At this time, the faces of the ten or so monks with flowers and clouds under their feet suddenly changed slightly, because they all felt two extremely fast figures approaching from the west. , it is difficult to detect the other party's true cultivation for a while.

"Stand up and wait."

The leading young man in white gave a low snort, and immediately placed his palms, which were carved like white jade, across his lower abdomen. A very secret green light flashed faintly between the two palms. After a few breaths, the young man in white raised his palm, and a twisted The emerald green light shot out towards the void in front of him.

The ancient magic weapon, Bi Tuo Spear!

ps: The shoulders and neck are much better, but the throat is sore, the update will catch up, don't worry, heroes.I want to speed up and try to finish it as soon as possible...

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