
Chapter 276 The wind is rising!

The recent Tianxinghai is very uneven, it should be said that it is extremely uneven.

Generally speaking, in an extremely vast overseas location like the Star Sea, it is undoubtedly very difficult to spread the news of a shocking event.But the difficulty is the difficulty. In a place like Tianxinghai where strange people and strangers emerge in endlessly, if one thing really becomes the talk of most monks after cultivation, it is almost a legend of monsters.

There is an extremely far sea at the junction of the southern and eastern regions of the Tianxing Sea. Within a thousand miles, it is difficult to see the land of the island.Occasionally saw a few islands, either too big or too small.There are a lot of monks on the island that is too big, and there are also many monks with advanced cultivation.On the islands that are too small, some are almost barren, and even a mouse or bird can’t be seen in the slightest. The only thing I can see is the whistling wind and the dry scorched black rock and soil wantonly in the lifeless woods and grass. excited.

On the outskirts of a very large island, the horizon suddenly twisted a few times, and then a faint blue light flashed, and then disappeared, like a cloud of smoke in the sky.

"Third, are you sure it's here?"

A handsome young man in white frowned slightly and said.

"Of course it is here. My memory is right!" Dressed in a red robe, Sha Sheng shouted proudly, "Although there is no indication on the Xinghai Disk here, but with my unprecedented memory, it is absolutely It will be wrong. Don’t you think so, two seniors?”

Following Sha Sheng's line of sight, Wu Yi, the donkey-riding old man, looked like an outsider who had nothing to do with me, and kept silent.

Daqian Daqian frowned for a long time, before struggling to hold back a sentence, "My old man doesn't know either."


Sha Sheng patted his forehead weakly.

At this time, the eyes of several people were shrouded in white clouds and mist, as if a few strands of light shone from the islands floating through the clouds and mist.

"You two hurry up and deal with it."

Master Daqian pouted angrily, then walked aside to watch the sun with Wu Yi...

Seeing Sha Sheng's foolish appearance, Luo Tian thought that this matter must fall on him again.Since my group killed all the men, women and children from Mount Luojia last time, they started heading towards the Silver Shark Clan.It's just a little regretful that Naihe Jinqiao and Bi Tuo Spear are quite spiritual. Although the owner of the magic weapon was killed by Luo Tian and the others, the magic weapon has been psychic, and finally still blasted through a void and escaped on its own.Presumably this time the Liangzi with Luojia Mountain has been firmly established.

Luo Tian has never been a person who is afraid of trouble.Now that he had quarreled with this mysterious force, and since then he encountered people from Luojia Mountain one after another, Luo Tian's moves were as swift as thunder and merciless, and he was extremely ruthless.They nodded repeatedly when they looked at Wu Yi and the old man riding a donkey.Even Sha Sheng respected Luo Tian, ​​a brother who worshiped him. He was decisive and cunning like a fox. This brother of his own would definitely be a famous overlord in a hundred years.

"Who is coming?"

Whoosh whoosh.

A few rays of light descended from the sky, and then the figures of several young monks appeared in front of Luo Tian and the others.


Luo Tian snorted coldly, and several young monks heard it in their minds, as if a thunderbolt directly bombarded the Yuanshen, and the Yuanshen was almost injured at once.Several young monks quickly withdrew their intentions to test the cultivation of the people in front of them, and immediately

He retreated a few steps calmly, and then saluted respectfully.

"I have met a few seniors below."

As we all know, in the world of cultivating immortals, you can't tell anything just by looking at a person's appearance.Many old monsters with good looks look like children, and there are also many.It is impossible to judge age by appearance alone. The only thing that can measure identity is strength.

But at this moment, the tip of the iceberg shown by Luo Tian and the others was far from being able to offend these patrolling monks, so they had to lower their stance.

"We are going to enter the island." Luo Tian said blankly.

The few monks were also well-informed and had seen countless people of all kinds. Hearing this, they immediately bowed and stepped out of the way.No way, people have big fists.

Luo Tian saw that one of the monks hesitated to speak, but before he could say anything, he was pulled aside by several other monks.

"These are five middle-grade spirit stones." Finally, the moment Luo Tian was about to enter the island, he shook his hand, five bright lights flashed, and he completely disappeared in the clouds.There were only a few patrolling monks left, staring at each other and staring at each other.


"Let me tell you, fellow daoists, have you heard about it? Recently, the three princesses of the Silver Shark Clan began to choose husbands..."

The name of the island is Yanxia. Although it is not too late at the moment, the inns on the island are already overcrowded.What's more, they went directly to the tavern to drink until the sky was dark. For monks, let alone drinking for a night, it is normal for them to be alone and face the wall for a hundred years.Many monks passed away in obscurity during such a hundred years of retreat without leaving any clues.

So many monks grew up between the heavens and the earth, and there were only a few people in every dynasty throughout the ages who could finally stand on the top.It can be seen from this that the ruthless way of heaven and the loneliness of the great way are not empty words.

"Nonsense! I also know that the third princess is beautiful and has a very high level of cultivation. If I am lucky enough to be the guest of the third princess, then at least I will save a year of hard work."

"Damn it, don't take a piss to look like yourself, do you want toads to eat swan meat?"

"Ha ha……"

Luo Tian frowned at this moment and remained silent.Even Sha Sheng didn't talk too much, he knew that the third child was usually not angry, but when he got angry, he was not human at all.

"A group of idiots sitting in a well and watching the sky!"

A disdainful sneer suddenly came from the door of the tavern, "A group of lowly poor ghosts, even without a diamond, they want to take over the porcelain work. Hahaha, isn't it the third princess of the silver shark clan? The Sixth General then abandoned that bitch, it must have felt good."


Before he finished speaking, a wine glass was blown to pieces on the dude's head, and hot wine dripped down the man's forehead and cheeks.

The greasy-looking Wanku stuck out his tongue and licked his lips sickly, then narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and said with a cold smile: "Who am I? It turns out to be Mr. Sha Shengsha from the Cancer family. No wonder you have the guts to provoke this young master."

"Get out."

Before the dandy young man could finish his sentence, Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting next to Sha Sheng, said something expressionlessly, showing no sign of happiness or anger.

"You fucking seek death!"

That dude didn't even seem to be afraid of Sha Sheng, so he must have some background.If it were Sha Sheng, I'm afraid he wouldn't easily turn against him, but Luo Tian is different.

The devil acted recklessly!


A phantom flashed by, Luo Tian still seemed to be sitting there without moving at all, but a white streamer fell directly towards the dude.

"Junior dare!"

A loud shout emerged from behind the motionless dude, turned into a light and shadow, and actually collided head-on with Luo Tian, ​​and then flew out without any suspense.

ps: Chinese New Year is coming, please spend more time with your parents, parents are not easy.I saw a picture today. A son sent his parents to the station. The parents wrote the word "Take care" on the train window. The son's eyes were dim and he was wiping away his tears.I admit that the sand did get into my eyes.Here I wish the parents of the heroes of all readers, including my parents, to live a long and happy life without disease or disaster. Let me give you a word, I don’t care where you are, please take care of me.

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