
Chapter 277

Ding Deng Deng.

The light and shadow that Luo Tian transformed was also extremely terrifying. He retreated abruptly in the air, as if even the space was pushed up. Wherever the light and shadow of Luo Tian passed, the ground broke like a spider web, the wine tables shattered one after another, and the monk vomited blood without warning. Fly, the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves.


The light and shadow finally merged with Luo Tian's phantom. Luo Tian's face was pale, the bamboo chair under his seat was turned into dust, his feet rubbed and turned, and the whole tavern seemed to tremble, and even the solid roof was covered with dust. scattered.The tavern with the dust-proof beads is still like this, which shows how strong the strength is behind the seemingly ordinary confrontation between the two sides.

"Two friends, please stop!"

An anxious shout came, and then three figures walked down the stairs of the tavern.The man walking in the front had a natural smile on his face, and he could tell at a glance that he was the shopkeeper of the tavern here.Seeing his standing position and slightly respectful attitude, everyone's eyes fell on the rather feminine young man behind him. The young man was dressed in a purple robe, with delicate skin and tender flesh, and his gestures were quite gentle. Temperament, against which his seemingly ordinary appearance is also somewhat extraordinary.

What surprised Luo Tian was that the entourage next to the pampered young master who was obviously meeting for the first time seemed to have a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up.If it weren't for Luo Tian's primordial spiritual sense far surpassing his own cultivation, it might be extremely difficult to find out.

Luo Tian's face was expressionless, but a murderous intent flashed in his heart. Since the shopkeeper of the tavern came in person, he must have come to smooth things over.Doing business is all about making money with harmony, and no one wants to open a tavern to be as lively as a ring, so the business can't be done.

"Are you the owner of this tavern?" The dude looked on coldly, and looked at Luo Tian in a rather unfriendly tone, as if he didn't pay attention to the tavern owner at all, "Tell me, how many spirit stones do you want. Ben Shao can afford it! Just leave him here today!"

After finishing speaking, the dandy young man pointed at Luo Tian, ​​his face was icy cold.Ever since he hung out in Tianxinghai, he has never suffered such a big loss today, so naturally he will not let Luo Tian go.

The tavern owner moved quietly, then glanced at the soft young man behind him out of the corner of his eye, and said with a wry smile: "Master, this small shop has a small profit, especially if you have to pay high taxes." , if you have a grudge with that young master, you can leave the shop and walk a dozen feet to the left, there is a ring there, life or death..."

"I remembered, I wondered who it was, it turned out that it was you people who are neither human nor ghost!" Sha Sheng, who had pondered for a while, suddenly laughed, "I said Ao Wuji, what are you so proud of all day long? Jin? Do you really think that you have the blood of an ancient water dragon, so you really think you are a dragon clan? It’s not too shameful to say it! You pretend to be a member of the dragon clan all day long, not to mention the dragon clan, I’m afraid even the Jiaolong clan would not want to talk to you. Tsk tsk, but, having said that, your Water Dragon Clan has no other skills, but you are extremely thick-skinned. Back then, your Water Dragon Clan was forced out of the Southern Territory by the Southern Water Clan, and you still have the guts to return to the Southern Territory?"

After Sha Sheng sneered and ridiculed, the expression on the face of the playboy changed a few times, and the white jade fan bone he was holding tightly in his hand was unconsciously broken by him.

In front of the dwarf, he said that he was stupid.

Sha Sheng's vicious mouth did not show any mercy this time, it was already the result of trying to offend the water dragon tribe.Anyway, this guy and the third child seem to be immortal and unable to reconcile, so Sha Sheng is naturally not in the mood to talk softly to Ao Wuji.

"Okay, very good, very good!" Ao Wuji's complexion suddenly returned to normal, he gritted his teeth and said three good words one after another, pointing at Luo Tian and the others, "No matter how old you are today, let me keep all of you! If you have the guts, see you in the ring, if you don't, get out of the island as soon as possible, so as not to dirty my eyes!"

After finishing speaking, Ao Wuji flicked his robe sleeves, and strode out the door.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng were probably the ones with the strangest expressions in the arena. The two treacherous brothers looked at each other, shocked by what Ao Wuji said.If the two heard correctly just now, it seems that Ao Wuji even Daqian Daqian and Wu Yi have talked about it...

"Oh, hehe, this, the two seniors don't have to care about such lowly things..." Sha Sheng turned his back to Daqian Daqian and Wu Yi and gave Luo Tian a fierce wink. Luo Tian finally recovered, and then looked bitterly. He clasped his fists at the two of them and said, "Boss and I will be able to deal with them with a single shot. It's enough for the two seniors to rest here for a while."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng stepped out in awe-inspiring manner, and walked towards the entrance of the tavern.

It's a pity that Daqian Daqian and Wu Yi are old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, and Luo Tian and Sha Sheng's unsightly provocative skills can't impress them.

"Even if you two make a move, if anything happens, I will take care of it."

Finally, when Luo Tian and Sha Sheng stepped out of the gate of the tavern full of annoyance, these words came from their ears.


It is extremely rare for ordinary monks to fight, and it is usually only occasionally between close friends.One reason is that the monks all have their own trump cards, and no one wants to expose them prematurely, and because they have no eyesight in fighting, they may use them.Secondly, fighting skills also have certain limitations and dangers. If two people's lives are intersected, that's okay. If one party has ulterior motives and suddenly kills the other party when its power is greatly weakened, then I really regret it. green.

Therefore, in the world of cultivating immortals, fighting skills above the alchemy stage are not very common.It is because of the above reasons.For a freak like Luo Tian who possessed countless elixir, he never cared about these consequences at all, and he took action when it was time to do so.

"Boss, put away these pills and talismans, and they will kill these bastards in a while." Luo Tian smiled slightly, his lips moved slightly, and began to communicate with his mind, "It's almost consumed their mana, I will Kill them one by one, anyway, I don't have to worry so much."

"Third, what are you talking about? Two brothers in the world, don't think that I, Sha Sheng, will have serious consequences for you today. Don't say that the Water Dragon Clan is no stronger than my Cancer Clan, even the Water Dragon Clan is infinitely stronger." But resist, I will slap my ass at worst and announce that I have betrayed the Cancer family, and I will wander with you from now on."

One person, two brothers.

In Luo Tian's life, there are many friends who have made friends with each other, but Sha Sheng is undoubtedly the one who moved him the most.Regardless of whether Sha Sheng's words were true or not, Luo Tian was very pleased.

Water Dragons.

Luo Tian's eyes are full of murderous intent, the Water Dragon Clan had better be acquainted, otherwise I wouldn't mind slaughtering the entire Water Dragon Clan.

"Boss, what is Ao Wuji's status in the Water Dragon Clan?"

"No way up or down. What's wrong, third child?" Sha Sheng, who was rubbing his hands together, was puzzled for a while.

"Then he won't see the sun of tomorrow."

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