
Chapter 278 The Name of the Demon Lord

"Go and have a look."

The feminine young man behind the tavern manager was silent for a long time, and suddenly a meaningful smile appeared on his face, showing no emotion or sadness.The shopkeeper and the entourage had different expressions, the shopkeeper seemed a little surprised, but the entourage's eyes flashed with fire and excitement, and there was a hint of bloodlust.

This island is huge, at least it looks so prosperous and prosperous that it makes people stagger.Of course, there are also a lot of monks coming and going. If there are more monks, the chance of disputes will increase.The entire island has countless fists, kicks, and tongues every day, so most regular customers and residents of the island have become accustomed to fighting.However, there are still very few cases of fighting to the point of needing to go to the arena to decide the outcome.Therefore, the story of Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, a pair of treacherous brothers, against Ao Wuji of the Shangshui Dragon Clan quickly spread.

Of course, although the water dragon tribe is not weak, they still can't disturb those big monks and old monsters who think highly of themselves.But some young monks and boring idle monks are different. They don't have enough financial resources to support their cultivation, or they are young masters who have enough financial resources to easily support their carefree cultivation.

Compared with the secular world, the world of cultivating immortals pays more attention to family background and financial resources.In the secular world, even if you have great power and glory for a lifetime, you will only be rich for a hundred years.But once you enter the world of cultivating immortals, it may not be a big surprise to live two hundred years old.A very famous old monster once sighed that in the world of cultivating immortals, there are no so-called friends and enemies, only eternal life and benefits.No matter what method you use, there are only temporary enemies in the world of cultivating immortals. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he is no match for the years. As long as you can live longer, it is an advantage in itself.Therefore, ordinary monks are more tactful and sophisticated, lest offending a powerful enemy will lead to death and ruin their bright future.

Like Luo Tianshasheng and Ao Wuji, who went to the arena to fight spirit stone duels and were admired like dogfights, it would be rare to see one in two or three years on the island.What's more, five people came at once this time.

"keep the change."

"There's no need to look for it."

There were several bang bang bangs, when Ao Wuji and the two old men protecting him threw out ten middle-grade spirit stones, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng also looked at each other, and then Luo Tian threw them out indifferently. From the human point of view, they are ten high-grade spirit stones that are extremely prodigal.

That is Lingshi.

It's not that the weeds and fruits on the roadside can be seen everywhere!

A group of monks who like to join in the fun couldn't help being shocked by the tough style of these two dueling but extremely personal fierce men...

Ten middle-grade spirit stones.Ten high-grade spirit stones.

These two groups are like prodigals and bastards.You know, even middle-grade spirit stones are extremely difficult to obtain.Ordinary foundation-building monks sometimes spend a year and a half busy, and with good luck, they only get ten or eight middle-grade spirit stones.Not to mention the high-grade spirit stone thrown by Luo Tian, ​​the top-grade spirit stone is a top-notch item that even a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage can use.

"Talent, talent, interesting, interesting."

The soft young man who came after him showed an incomprehensible smile, shook his head lightly, and then stepped into the ring.

The old monk who is in charge of the ring must be a bit of a backer. Being in the ring is such a good profession that can receive a high salary of Lingshi on a monthly basis and not suffer, compared to his character of eating and waiting to die, it is simply Good post to mix it up.Even if no one has used the ring for decades, he still won't die of starvation. Anyway, he has fixed spirit stone hair, so why worry?What's more, if someone uses the arena, he can take [-]% of the total number of spirit stones from both parties participating in the arena as a matter of course.

It's not much, at best, it's stuffed between the teeth.But today, these two masters were extraordinary, one directly threw out ten middle-grade spirit stones, and the other directly threw out ten top-grade spirit stones.The blurred eyes of the old monk immediately lit up, and then he strode towards the arena with vigorous strides, ready to activate the defensive circle of the arena.I'm afraid that his slow running will make the two Gods of Wealth change their minds.

"To what extent are the two fellow daoists going to fight?"

In all martial arts, each side has three levels, competition, victory and defeat, and life and death.

Naturally, the exchange of ideas means that the two sides use some novel means to test each other, the outcome is that both sides show what they have learned in their lives, and life or death is life or death.Generally speaking, duels and life-and-death situations are extremely rare, with the most winners and losers.

"life and death!"

The next moment, both sides shouted in unison.Regardless of life or death, wouldn't the burial expenses just now be for nothing?


The old monk, whose hands and feet seemed to be very nimble, couldn't help being stunned. He glanced at both sides and saw that both sides had a resolute expression. He immediately changed hands and opened the highest-level defensive circle in the ring.This defensive circle was strengthened by the elders on the island, and if he made a mistake, he couldn't afford it and walked away.

"Please come in."

Ao Wuji was extremely angry in his heart, but he still had a kind look on his face, as if he was inviting an old friend he had known for a long time to visit his home.

The treacherous brothers Luo Tian and Sha Sheng looked at each other, shrugged immediately, and stepped into the defensive circle unceremoniously.


A very sensational thing happened on Qianming Island recently.

It's just because the arena on Qianming Island, which has not been used for a long time, has been used one after another recently, and the users have a pair of brothers, one ugly and the other beautiful, which attracts extra attention.It was just such a pair of guys who could cause some sensation just by their looks, they had attacked frequently recently, and they still killed more than twenty young monks who came to challenge them one after another.Among them, there are many young monks like Ao Wuji who are born in the Water Dragon Clan. However, the lawless two brothers don't seem to care, and they still eat and drink every day.

Could it be that Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, two vicious and smoldering treacherous brothers, are really the name of the devil who has gradually spread recently that has frightened some behind-the-scenes people?

the answer is negative.

How many nails can Luo Tian and Sha Sheng twist even if their bodies are made of iron?Some guys who proposed life-and-death fighting techniques were finally killed by the treacherous brothers. There are some forces behind them. Depressed to death.

The reason for the two of them's depression is very simple, why did the two of them agree with Luo Tian and Luo Tian to wipe their butts.Among them, Daqian Daqian is the most depressing, because he even slapped one of the disciples and grandchildren of an old guy who has a good relationship with him with his own hands. Then when I meet my old friend in the future, I should find some explanation to get over it.

However, the only thing worth noting is that the names of Luo Tian and Sha Sheng's demon lords have gradually sounded.And the Silver Shark Clan finally lived up to the ruthlessness of the two these days and sent invitations...

ps: Everyone scold me.But I still have to explain. Recently, there was a problem with the network at home. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s all tears. China Unicom, a large national company, is really good. Although I’ve heard about the ability to shirk and the ability to not do practical things, I finally saw it this time. arrive.Oh, and, recently, the website held a campaign. Those who love to give red envelopes can give two, and it’s okay not to give them. As long as the Chinese New Year is happy and everything goes well, the editor posts in the group all day long, and I can count on it. Confession... But don't forget to go to the lottery.

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