
Chapter 280 Old Enemies, All Enemies Are Demons

Moyun palm.

Such supernatural powers can be regarded as a unique supernatural power in the Tianxinghai back then. In ancient times, the real Moyun who created such a unique skill was once a rare opponent in the Tianxinghai with the Moyun palm. A generation of famous people.It is said that if one wants to cultivate such supernatural powers, one must be born with the best feng shui spiritual roots, otherwise it cannot be cultivated. Therefore, although the Moyun sect is one of the first-class sects in the eastern region of the Tianxing Sea, but because the monks in the world of cultivating immortals are also equipped with the best feng shui. There are fewer and fewer monks in Linggen, and they gradually faded out of people's sight, and they began to act extremely low-key.And Moyunzhang, in ancient times, was called Moyunshou. Later, I don’t know which generation of hot-headed suzerain of Moyunzong changed his name. A joke among many monks in the Star Sea.

Now that the Moyun Palm came out, many monks from various sects under the ground avoided it one after another, but they couldn't help but think in their hearts, how many people are left in the Moyun Sect?

Almost instantly, the small white cloud hand landed on the heads of the old donkey rider Wu Yi and Daqian Daqian. The void above their heads began to distort and shatter, revealing the turbulent black space mixed in it.

The next moment, a strange scene happened!

The donkey-riding old man Wu Yi and Daqian Daqian didn't seem to notice the extremely dangerous situation at all. The old gods were still on the ground and walked towards the teleportation array. The white cloud hands above their heads seemed to encounter some resistance out of thin air, and the gap in space gradually It expanded, and then the white cloud hand, which seemed irresistible to outsiders, shrank suddenly, and then quickly sank into the space gap, and then the space gap closed quickly, as if the shocking blow just now had never appeared.


Extremely weird!


In the teleportation formation, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng stared at the two old guys as if they were watching animals, each of them couldn't help swallowing their saliva again and again.Immediately after the expressionless Master Daqian sipped lightly, the teleportation array was activated immediately, and then the four figures slowly disappeared in the center of the teleportation array.


There was a doubtful voice in the air that could hardly be heard, and immediately, a green glow flashed three feet away from the teleportation formation, and two monks in green clothes, one old and one young, appeared.

The old monk had a narrow face, but he still had a goatee, which made the already ugly appearance even more impressive.Although the young monk was not ugly, at best he had an ordinary appearance with a slightly higher appearance, a melon-shaped face, not to mention continued makeup, and his thin lips gave people a vicious and mean feeling.

"Come here."

The old monk stared at the teleportation array with an ugly expression, and the fierce light in his eyes was fleeting. As expected of the old monster, the old monster quickly recovered his sanctimonious calm, and then arrogantly moved towards the distant silver who was still a little timid. The guard of the shark family gave an order.

Damn, after suffering such a dark loss, why are you angry at the grandpas, idiot!All the guards of the Silver Shark Clan had this thought in their hearts at the same time, even though the world of cultivating immortals respects the strong, but this Moyun Sect person seems to be no joke, he is not strong enough to make people look bad, so he pretends to be a wolf with a big tail.

"This senior, just give me orders." Even so, the guards of the Silver Shark Clan still bowed respectfully to the old and the young of the Moyun Sect. They had no choice but to kill themselves without any effort Yes, in order to save face, sending these two troublesome plague gods away as soon as possible is the top priority.

"Which faction did those four people come from just now?"

A leader of the Silver Shark Clan guards at the early stage of Jindan came out bravely, and said respectfully: "Reporting to the seniors, those four are holding the highest-level invitation jade cards. According to the rules, we have no way of knowing each other's identities."

Hearing this, the old monk of Moyunzong clasped his hands, then let go, took a deep breath, and then threw out an invitation jade card that was exactly the same as the jade card in Luo Tian's hand, "Where did they go through the teleportation array?" ?”

"Reporting to seniors, the teleportation array is randomly assigned, and there are five destinations in total, and the villain doesn't know where they teleported to."


In fact, whether it is Luo Tian or Mo Yunzong, they are located in the outermost sea area of ​​​​the Silver Shark tribe, and they arrived at the central sea area of ​​​​the Silver Shark tribe through the teleportation array. Someone specially assigned to lead them to the real core area of ​​the Silver Shark Clan.It is understandable for the Silver Sharks to do this. Just imagine, if the Silver Sharks take this opportunity to enter the core area through the outer teleportation array, the Silver Sharks will lose face. It may not be a good thing to be careful.

After Luo Tian and the others teleported to the central sea area, they only stayed for a day.I also met a lot of young handsome people. Of course, these guys are the pillars in the eyes of the sects behind them. Naturally, their eyes are over the top. If they don’t know each other, they won’t even look at them. , since they are all rivals here, why bother to play the game of sympathy and regret, it is not worth it.

"Wow haha, I saw you two guys again."

At this time, Sha Sheng excitedly walked towards Luo Tian with his arms around two young frowning monks.

Luo Tian couldn't help showing a smile on his calm face. Didn't expect to meet an old friend here?

The Zheng brothers of Green Devil Island.

"Boss Luo, Shen Fengdao still looks the same." The Zheng brothers still didn't know that the extremely handsome young man in front of them was Han Yi from the Jinan Plateau, but they cursed Sha Sheng in their hearts, thinking how could this guy get rid of the brothers beside him Everyone is so perverted, is it true that the Cancer family is really about to rise this time?

"You two also came for the beauty?"

For some reason, the brothers Zheng's cultivation had improved, but when they saw Luo Tian, ​​their liver and gallbladder were torn apart, so they could only nod with a wry smile.

"Which princess are you for?"

"Second princess."

The next moment, the Zheng brothers said in unison, and then looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. It seems that the two are indeed brothers, and they even have the same taste in choosing women.

"Not bad, not bad." Sha Sheng chuckled, and suddenly stretched his arms around the two of them, "The taste is the same as that of my brother, and it deserves a reward."


The Zheng brothers couldn't help howling miserably, wanting to cry without tears.


The core area of ​​the core area of ​​the Silver Shark tribe is brightly lit, and the maids and guards are almost three-step one post, and the defense is extremely tight. In the depths of the layer upon layer of pavilions, on top of a glittering colorful pavilion, the fragrant wind flutters gauze and flutters. , among which, in the spacious palace, three beautiful women each occupy a place.

The eldest princess of the Silver Shark Clan, whom Luo Tian had met once, was sitting on a chair dignifiedly, holding a cup of fragrant tea in her hand, savoring it lightly, and looking at Bai Yan'er who was lying on the side with a lot of thoughts, quite amusingly.

"Little sister, don't worry, he will come."

The second princess, who was flipping through a book with a pretty face, shook her head lightly, then pointed to a piece of parchment suspended in the palace, "Hmph, so what if my little sister's friend comes? Don't even look, this time the young and handsome people from the entire Tianxinghai are here, all of them are all monsters, no matter how powerful he is, can he fight against a hundred?"

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