
Chapter 281 Flower God, Flower Fairy!

"What do you Silver Sharks mean?"

Soon, the marriage recruitment of the three princesses, which almost attracted the entire Tian Xinghai's young handsome man, ushered in the first discordant episode.It turned out that most of the young monks who rushed to the central waters of the Silver Shark Clan were quietly intercepted by the Silver Shark Clan in the central sea area. It is said that the monks who first arrived in the central waters of the Silver Shark Clan arrived in the central sea area more than [-] days ago. However, the upper echelons of the Silver Shark Clan only managed to stabilize these young monks who had some background, and did not allow these young monks to enter the core area of ​​the Silver Shark Clan first.At first, this sign was not very obvious, but later, the matter finally became more and more clear. On the third day after Luo Tian and the others arrived, all the monks couldn't sit still, and they went to the Silver Shark Clan one after another The person in charge of the Central Sea Area.

The five major regions immediately fell apart.

Luo Tian and the others are in the fourth passage leading to the core area of ​​the Silver Shark Clan. At this moment, outside the castles standing on the rolling black seabed mountains, many people are crowded, shouting for Silver Sharks. The Sharks want to give an explanation, and the more violent ones are already ready to attack.

"Everyone, be quiet, please be quiet."

Soon, a fat middle-aged man in a black robe came out. Once this person appeared, the discordant voice became much quieter.

Luo Tian's eyelids twitched. The Silver Shark Clan is indeed a powerful force with rich background. The middle-aged man in front of him, who is only in charge of one of the five major passages in the central region, has the cultivation base of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and in Luotian now Immediately, he was about to step into the late stage of Yuanshen's cultivation, and he immediately saw through that the kung fu practiced by this person was extremely evil, because Luo Tian also practiced three kinds of kung fu against the sky, among which was the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra , The perception of Yuanshen is extremely accurate, and he instantly discovered that the kung fu practiced by this person is also a Yuanshen attack. If there is no better defensive spiritual weapon for Yuanshen, I am afraid that he cannot withstand this person's move.But Luo Tian is naturally not included in this list, and Sha Sheng is also not included, because Sha Sheng's wishful barrier inherited from ancient times is a genuine half-attack main defense spiritual treasure, and the main defense includes physical defense and soul defense. I'm afraid that even with Luo Tian's full strength, he can only severely injure Sha Sheng but cannot really kill him.

Lingbao, after all, is a level higher than spirit weapons.It is said that a perfect spirit treasure can even be compared to an inferior fairy weapon.

"Senior, I don't know what the Silver Shark Clan means? We are all here to recruit relatives, not to go to prison!"

Soon, some young groomers who claimed to have a strong background shouted, and someone who took the lead was naturally a group of echoing voices.

The middle-aged man in black smiled gently, and then his voice came to the ears of everyone present very clearly, neither humble nor overbearing, "Dear fellows, please be safe and don't be impatient, because the number of fellow daoists who came to participate in this grand event is extremely large. There are too many guest rooms in this clan. Therefore, the patriarch and the elders discussed for a long time and made a difficult decision. This time, after two days, five passages will be opened, but each passage can only allow one hundred people. A total of 500 Taoist friends will enter, and each Taoist friend can only bring one person in, a total of 1000 people. This is the upper limit. Taoist friends who come alone cannot transfer the number of followers they bring in to others. Please prepare to participate in the recruitment of young relatives Fellow Daoists have recharged their energy these few days, and the people brought by fellow Daoists will have their own Silver Shark guards to enter from another passage, and they are not allowed to enter with fellow Daoists."

With a bang, everyone was shocked.

There is obviously a reason for the Silver Sharks to do this, but for the top 700 places in these five channels, it is extremely difficult in itself, just like the fourth channel where Luo Tian is, at least [-] people have come. It's all about luck, if you are lucky enough to get the favor of a beauty, you will be prosperous.But what followed was that later in the five channels, everyone would compete for it. After all, it was not so easy to enter the top [-] in each channel.In this fight, casualties are unavoidable, and it is true that everyone depends on their ability and their destiny.In doing so, the Silver Sharks also used an extremely primitive and barbaric method to select the most outstanding young handsome man. Although this seems to be vaguely regarded as the first round of competition, it is not a big deal, but indirectly, they can also be selected in a quick way. The most powerful monk.

After the middle-aged man in black finished speaking, he bowed slightly, and then returned to the castle in a flash.

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng glanced at each other, and the treacherous brothers laughed, like two big bad wolves who haven't eaten meat for a long time saw a group of weak little sheep, and then they walked towards the residence shoulder to shoulder.

"Second masters, you have to help my little brother..."

In the next moment, the Zheng brothers cried loudly and Xiao Tao hugged Luo Tian and Sha Sheng's thighs, refusing to let go, and shouted with deep resentment.The two of them knew the strength of Luo Tian and the two of them, and it was easy to bring them into the top [-] of the fourth channel.

"Grandma's a leg! You two bastards still want to hit on my woman, why should I help you? If I count to three and don't let go, I'm going to beat someone up." Seeing this, Sha Sheng threatened quickly.

"No, no, our brothers won't attack the second princess."

"Yes, yes, we are going to attack the third princess. I heard that the third princess is a little chili pepper. My little brother likes this spicy one. It has a taste..."

Sha Sheng sneered, "Really?"

The Zheng brothers kowtowed like pounding garlic, "Of course it's true." After finishing speaking, they patted their chest vigorously, looking like a pure man who kept his word.


Luo Tian gave a low drink, and then added fists and kicks to the Zheng brothers.



In the early morning of the third day, when the Zheng brothers appeared in front of the fourth channel, all the monks who knew the two brothers burst out laughing.

"A bunch of idiots."

The Zheng brothers had dark circles under their eyes and bruises all over their faces. They looked extremely funny, but their aura was very domineering.

"It's really stupid." The boss of the Zheng Brothers said with a sinister smile, "They don't know that our brothers have already entered the top [-] in advance, and they may not have time to cry in a while. I can't wait to see their dumbfounded expressions. ,Wa hahaha…"

"... "

Those monks who made fun of the Zheng Brothers couldn't help being stunned, thinking that the Zheng Brothers had their brains kicked by a donkey, right?After being beaten into such a miserable state, he laughed arrogantly with an extremely disdainful expression. Could it be that he is crazy?Besides, in the past, these two brothers have always been the ones who really want to save face, and they specialize in tricks behind the scenes.

"Ouch, aren't these the two young masters from Green Demon Island?"

The fragrant wind hit the face, and immediately a pink streamer fell from the sky. As soon as the streamer landed, many monks around retreated in horror, leaving a vacuum in an instant.

The Zheng brothers were also in a state of mind, but out of the corners of their eyes, they immediately saw Luo Tian and Sha Sheng walking leisurely, smiling at the terrifying woman in front of them, and then shrank behind them.

"Hehehe, the concubine also said when the Zheng brothers, who were always domineering, changed their temper. It turned out that they relied on the big mountain of the Cancer clan."

Sha Sheng frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and then said calmly: "Flower Fairy, why are you here?"

The pink streamer was stripped away, revealing a swaying beauty. The beauty was wearing a pink dress. The most striking thing was the pair of peach blossom eyes that seemed to drip water at any time, as if Just one look can make people throw her down and ravage her to death.

"Why can't my concubine come here?" The charming woman laughed coquettishly, pinched her orchid finger, and then gave Sha Sheng a winking look, "I like men as well as women. There is no rule that women cannot come."

"Hmph!" Sha Sheng was speechless, he just snorted coldly, and walked aside with Luo Tian expressionlessly.

"What's the origin of this woman?" Luo Tian looked at the group of young monks who were afraid to avoid her with some amusement.

"Flower god, flower fairy."

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