
Chapter 285 Ruthless Killing!

Puff puff!

It seems that Liuli Island's three-color defensive mask of the smiling star sea is like a fragile bubble, annihilated in the void without a sound, and the extremely beautiful halo, light, shadow, and light wave tremblingly withered in the void, and no one had time to regret it.

call out!

Sha Sheng's figure brought a series of phantoms, and returned to the original position lightly, with his hands folded on his shoulders and looking forward coldly, as if he didn't even bother to take another look at the seriously injured Liuli Island monks. Of course, in an instant, he He and Luo Tian have already exchanged a glance very skillfully,

Today's Sha Sheng, his strength can be said to have doubled, so why would he care about the small fish and shrimps in Liuli Island in front of him?Sha Sheng himself is a monster. Although he has mistakenly taken the Transformation Orb, his strength is still tyrannical. Now that he has broken through to the seventh-level monster, his cultivation base has fallen to the sixth-level monster. There is nothing he can do about divine obstacles. He doesn't have many monks.There are many strong men who can defeat Sha Sheng, but very few can really keep him.

"Because it's your first crime, I will spare your lives today." Luo Tian shouted in a deep voice, "But capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be forgiven."

After finishing speaking, everyone except Sha Sheng was stunned by Luo Tian's actions.

I saw Luo Tian casually stretched out his hand towards the direction of the cultivator of Liuli Island, the space burst open, and immediately countless black air currents as thick as arms emerged from the cracks in the space, forcibly holding the Liuli Island. Many monks on the island were tied up and pulled in, and then the space crack slowly closed.


"This is……"

Not to mention the few monks from Tianyinmen, even the Zheng Brothers were dumbfounded.I am afraid that this kind of method can only be achieved by high-level monks who have cultivated above the late stage of leaving the body. How did Luo Tian do it?

In fact, only Luo Tian and Sha Sheng knew that his move was a coincidence.Luo Tian is currently at the peak cultivation base in the early stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, but to achieve this level, it is only possible to do it with all his strength, and there is still a high failure rate.Naturally, he was able to easily succeed in front of everyone because of the supernatural power of Langhua Qingyun.Almost everyone knows that Qingyun can easily break through the space.

"Hehe." The big-faced cultivator headed by Tianyin Sect laughed a few times and complimented, "This fellow Taoist's cultivation is really unfathomable."

In his heart, he paid more attention to Luo Tian and Sha Sheng.

But the Zheng brothers were tongue-tied and red-faced, thinking back then that the two brothers had to compete with these two perverts, now it seems that they were naive and naive like pigs back then.

Fortunately, my brother didn't really offend these two evil stars.That's a turbulent flow in the space, and the death penalty can be avoided, it would be more enjoyable to wipe the bastards of Liuli Island on the neck with a knife.

"Boss Sha, let's go." Luo Tian said lightly, but secretly transmitted the sound to Sha Sheng. Be careful of other people's tricks, such as crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

The Zheng brothers frowned abruptly, this scene was really a little familiar.But no matter what they thought, they couldn't think of a reason. After exchanging glances, the two of them threw this idea out of their minds.

"Hehe, the little brother is really awe-inspiring. I wonder if this ally can be counted as a sister?"

A silvery bell-like smile came, especially clear in the silent passage.


In the end, Luo Tian and Sha Sheng still had no choice but to let the flower fairy join in. This woman is so delicate that she seldom does things that are not [-]% sure.The choice of Luo Tian and his party as allies this time was also after careful consideration and a long period of secret observation.

At this moment, whether it is Luotian and Tianyinmen or the others, they are all in a group, no one is willing, and no one dares to get too close to the flower fairy. Who knows if this witch will suddenly go crazy and attack her allies .Like Luo Tian's current alliance, there is no integrity at all, and it may be disbanded because of a disagreement or internal strife.

Therefore, except for Luo Tian and Sha Sheng, everyone in this temporary alliance is in danger.But before the quota is occupied at the end of the channel, this alliance will not be reduced to nothing.Some rebellious guys can be united, either because of the factors of feelings and relationships, or because of the factors of interest.Other than that, nothing else.

"Little brother, how did you do it just now?" The flower fairy didn't care about being alone, and soon found Luo Tian.

Among the crowd, probably only Luo Tian is not afraid of flower fairies at all, and even Sha Sheng is a little afraid of them.

Hearing this, Luo Tian glanced at the flower fairy lightly, and said softly, "That's how it is done."

"You really are!" The flower goblin was pissed off by Luo Tian, ​​but there was nothing she could do about Luo Tian.She was hiding in the dark just now, and she had already quietly weighed Luo Tian's weird and terrifying spells, but she didn't have the slightest clue.

"Boss Luo, help me!"

The Zheng brothers, who were the vanguard officers in front of them, were directly frightened by the flower goblin, and turned back from the front, yelling, followed by more than [-] monks.

"Don't drag your feet."

Luo Tian said something softly, as if he was speaking to himself or to someone else, and then he stamped the sole of his foot on the void, and the whole person flew out at an extremely fast speed.


"Which is unreasonable..."

When the Zheng brothers saw Luo Tianfei coming, they were like seeing a living god, and they were about to compliment them with joyful faces, but they saw Luo Tian's figure didn't stop at all, and rushed directly into the crowd behind him, and then tragically Call one after another up.

Blossoming red blood flowers exploded from the air. When Luo Tian struck, Sha Sheng followed closely behind like a demon god. The two strikes were extremely ruthless and fatal.Even the opponent's primordial spirit couldn't escape.

"Which faction are you from?"

Many monks looked terrified and retreated violently, but many monks who retreated slowly were killed by Luo Tian and the others.

With a backhand grab, Luo Tian grabbed a cultivator three feet in front of him, and then he closed his palms, and the frightened cultivator found that his body swelled up, stretched continuously, and finally exploded into a ball of blood The fog seemed to contain dozens of giant monsters tearing at the same time.

"Those who dare to offend my demon alliance will be killed without mercy."

Over there, Sha Sheng also kicked a monk's protective mask out of a hole with one foot, and the whole sole of his foot sank into the opponent's chest, which looked extremely bloody and terrifying.And when Sha Sheng withdrew the soles of his feet, the dying monk fell from the air like a ball of mud, and his soul was directly strangled.

He licked his lips, Sha Sheng's face was full of murderous intent, "Do you want to die or hand over all the spirit stones on your body?"

Momeng.It was the name chosen by Luo Tian himself.

And Sha Sheng's words hit the nail on the head. Some monks who have reached the alchemy stage chose to practice primordial magic weapons, and the remaining low-level magic weapons were only sacrificed a little bit. With Luo Tian and Sha Sheng's current cultivation base, it is natural I despise some of these guys' tattered magic weapons, but no one thinks there are too many Lingshi.Although today's Luo Tian is a super rich man who owns countless high-grade spirit stones and many top-grade spirit stones.

Bang bang bang!

When many monks hesitated, they were horrified to find that the space around them seemed to be imprisoned, and then the whole space kept twisting and tearing, as if it would be annihilated in the next moment, and some of the unlucky monks were directly broken into the void It was cut into pieces, and I didn't even have time to let out a wail.

kill.Brazen killing!

It seems that an unprecedented horrific killing started because of Luo Tian and Sha Sheng.

ps: Yesterday, I didn’t update because I ran outside for a day, so I owe it.But it will be added tomorrow!School has started, there are many troubles, everyone, don't worry, update, what you owe, you have to pay back.

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