
Chapter 286 Yin-Yang Fan, Yin-Yang Mountain, Yin-Yang Eye

After a few breaths of time, the clamoring monks in the passage, regardless of men, women, young or old, no matter their status or status, all tightened their hearts. At the same time, they secretly tried to stabilize the chaotic mana in their bodies, While they were horrified, they couldn't help but have a big question in their hearts, who is this beautiful boy in white clothes who is with the young master of the Cancer clan?

"Good, very good."

The next moment, Luo Tian pinched a magic formula with both hands, only to see that the almost imprisoned space in the void suddenly trembled, and after bursts of violent ripples flashed, the color of the void gradually changed, from the original colorful to changing again. There is no messy color, and it starts to turn into black, like an unknown deep hole.


The entire void suddenly collapsed, and the unparalleled power contained in it began to show its power, sweeping most of the monks to pieces, those who spewed blood were considered minor injuries, and most of them had broken bones and tendons. A few of them didn't dodge in time, and were ground into blood powder by that inexplicable powerful force.


Luo Tian heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately took out a jade bottle with his backhand, crushed a few jade pills and threw them into his mouth. The sky is a bit overwhelming, you must know that the other party is at least a master of cultivation at the alchemy stage or above, even if he breaks through to the early stage of the Yuanying, he will not be able to kill so many masters in an instant.But fortunately, judging by the other party's appearance, it was not much better.

Then, a scene that surprised Luo Tian also appeared.

There seemed to be a gust of wind in the silent void, and then a white jade light loomed from the void. Immediately, a young man in black and white robe appeared calmly in the void. Luo Tian's powerful attack just now couldn't hurt the opponent at all.Standing in the void, the young man had a faint smile on his face, without any breath in his body.

Then, the strange young man stretched out his hand and put the jade bone fan back into the palm of his hand, caressing it carefully, his eyes were serious, as if he didn't realize the crisis around him at all.

Everyone was surprised by the performance of this weird young man.

The charming eyes of the flower fairy seemed to flicker, and then disappeared.The Zheng brothers retreated further away in fear.Sha Sheng stared at the strange young man quietly, his body burning with high fighting spirit.

Those monks who narrowly escaped death under Luo Tian's men even fled in all directions without looking back.

"Who is this fellow Daoist?"

Luo Tian calmly looked at the strange young man, feeling overwhelmed in his heart. The aura of the strange young man in front of him was too mysterious. Even with his current spiritual cultivation level, he couldn't detect the other party's real cultivation level. This was not possible at all before. possible things.

"Yinyang Mountain, Fu Shaoyuan." After a long time, the strange young man seemed to have finished wiping the jade bone fan, and finally raised his head and said softly.


Even Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically at this moment. After careful calculation, he has been in Tianxinghai for seven or eight years, and he is now in his twenties, and he has a general understanding of some of the forces in Tianxinghai.The vast Star Sea is not as simple as the few major forces on the surface. There are also many sects that have been secretly inherited from the ancient times, and there are even some sect forces that have been inherited from the ancient times. It is really complicated and troublesome.

And this Yinyang Mountain is an outstanding force among the many ancient forces.Yinyang Mountain inherits a weird person from ancient times, and this sect stipulates that only one successor can walk in the world.And often the monks who come out of Yinyang Mountain are all monstrous monks with extremely powerful cultivation bases and supernatural powers no matter what.

"Want to fight?"

Luo Tian narrowed his eyes, it was this person who came out of Yin Yang Mountain, no wonder his previous blow couldn't hurt him, he really has the qualifications.

Unexpectedly, Fu Shaoyuan shrugged his shoulders, said with a smile: "No, I just want to take advantage of the big tree of fellow Taoist to enjoy the shade."

Another big news!

This time, even the flower fairies became erratic.Although Yinyang Mountain has no grievances with Hua Shendao, they have never dealt with each other. They are neither enemies nor comrades-in-arms.Could it be that this person came for that thing?

"As long as you want, I dare not ask for your ears."

There was a bright smile on Luo Tian's face, having one more ally might not be a bad thing.


With the wind whistling in his ears, Luo Tian's expression was natural, showing no signs of happiness or anger, while Sha Sheng's face was full of disbelief, and the Zheng brothers were so collapsed that they couldn't even speak.Xindao, the guys from Yinyang Mountain are all freaks, and they all seem to be crazy. You said that you are so strong, what do you want to do with us?This world is so crazy, mice are bridesmaids for cats...

"Tell me why."

For a long time, Luo Tian's lips parted slightly, but he didn't make any sound at all. He used the sound transmission to enter the code, and the target of the sound transmission was Fu Shaoyuan, who had just joined the team.

Fu Shaoyuan rolled his eyes, and said helplessly: "Luo Tian, ​​don't be so persistent, okay? Brother, I think you are pleasing to the eye, so I decided to hang out with you for the time being."

"You know my name?" Luo Tian smiled, the mana in his body was surging, ready to strike at any time.

"Impossible." Fu Shaoyuan grinned bitterly, "I only knew your name when you met Luo Jiashan. You guys are going to kill people. It's so unreasonable."

"Again, why."

Luo Tian's palm in his cuff suddenly opened, and the void swayed for a while. Although it was very subtle, Fu Shaoyuan still felt it. For such a cunning guy like Fu Shaoyuan, Luo Tian didn't expect it. It was a little funny in his heart. Could it be that this guy really Is it cynicism or is the city so deep that it is full of spring breeze?

"Okay, I say I say it."

Seeing that Luo Tian seemed to be really preparing to make a move, Fu Shaoyuan couldn't help temporarily slowing down the movement of rubbing the jade bone fan, and said innocently, "Our Yinyang Mountain has a unique method, which can vaguely feel the reality of the other party. Yours I don't dare to judge the strength and cultivation base, it is about the same as me, and I really don't have the confidence to beat you. And this moment is such an important moment, I don't want to lose both with you."

After Luo Tian finished listening, he was silent for a moment, then nodded, but secretly guessed in his heart whether what Fu Shaoyuan said was true or not.He wasn't so naive as to give each other his heart and soul, so why didn't he keep a few tricks in secret?

"I hope what you said is true. If you dare to attack behind the scenes, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

Luo Tian snorted coldly and continued walking. It seemed that the passage was not far from the end.

Fu Shaoyuan, the descendant of Yinyang Mountain, still smiled noncommittally, and then continued to quietly look at the jade bone fan in his hand, which is the Yinyang fan passed down in the same line, and secretly commented that Luo Tian is a character, but it seems that the city is not deep enough.

Luotian city mansion is not deep enough, is that possible?

ps: Something happened to my wife and I have to rush over there. If the second update is not updated, it will be considered as owed sixteen chapters.I won't remind you in the future, I will keep it in my heart.It's not easy to go out, please be considerate, I have to help my wife move this week, the update time is uncertain, please let me know first, I believe the update will be stable within two weeks at most.

Finally, I would like to say to those heroes who have worked hard for their loved ones that you have worked hard.Sometimes, no matter how hard a man suffers outside, don’t complain. Even if it’s a bit bitter, it’s too hard to cry and can’t express it, but he must insist. He is a pure man and cannot give happiness to his parents and the woman he likes. What is that?

Heartfelt words.Thank you, lovely, for supporting me, who is useless, until now.

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