
Chapter 287 Promise Dao, 4-winged Golden Toad, Ancient Thunder Island

In fact, not only is Luo Tian's city deep enough, but his eyes are also very good. He can even clearly capture the deep contempt hidden in Fu Shaoyuan's eyes. Moreover, Luo Tian seems to see that Fu Shaoyuan's eyes are a little different. In the depths of the eyes, as deep as a pool of autumn water, there seemed to be two white and silver circles.

In this way, the Momeng, who had their own ghosts, went all the way to the last [-]-mile area of ​​the Thousand-mile Passage.

Along the way, Luo Tian saw more and more monks gathering, either in groups of three or four or in groups of seven or eight, and there were relatively few monks who were alone.

Regarding this, Luo Tian also learned from the monks of Tianyinmen that the last pass of the passage seems to be occupied by an extremely powerful alliance, and this alliance is quite confident in its own strength. There is a high fee for spirit stones at the entrance of the passage, and it is okay to have no spirit stones, and it is also possible to mortgage magic weapon materials and medicinal materials.

"Grandma has a leg! Is this okay?"

Sha Sheng stared wide-eyed, shouted anxiously, and then looked at the monks of Tianyinmen with contempt, "I said brothers, don't you? So many people won't rush together Go up and kill them?"

"What's the turn?" The monk headed by Tianyinmen smiled wryly, "Master Mojun, you don't know how powerful the alliance called Qingtian League is! Although they are not many, only 11 people, but All of them are monks with high mana. At the beginning, it was not that there were no unconvinced monks who rushed to theorize, but they only sent three people, and killed all the monks who had theories. Late stage of alchemy!"

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng glanced at each other, both a little curious about this Qingtian League.And the Zheng brothers are still bluffing, anyway, the two of them are hanging out with Luo Tian, ​​so there is no need to worry too much, if you can't beat them, just don't fight and hide behind.Fu Shaoyuan is still the old god wiping the yin and yang fan in his hand, as if that is the only one in his eyes.The Flower Fairy, on the other hand, has an attitude of watching the show, not rushing or impatient.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly, I have plenty of spirit stones!"

"Don't squeeze, hurry to die and reincarnate."


After a while, a few monks who thought they were well-to-do grew up and flew past.

"What? Are you kidding me? Five hundred high-grade spirit stones are required for each quota?"

"Fuck, this bastard from the Qingtian League is really not a fucking thing!"

Soon, almost all the monks returned.The high fee that was almost unbearable made them discouraged. Although the entrance was right in front of them, no one had enough courage to break in. The dozens of monks who had been killed in front were the best proof.The spirit stone is important, the entrance is important, but the little life is the most important, if you don't have the little life, then come to ask for a fart kiss.

"I think this deal is good." Sha Sheng pinched his chin with one hand, looking eager to try, "Sir, why don't we do the same."

"Wasting time." Luo Tian replied lightly, but in his eyes, he was staring at the ten or so monks sitting side by side at the entrance. Kung fu defense.

"Why is this a waste of time?" Sha Sheng was speechless, "A quota of 500 yuan for a high-grade spirit stone, this is a very good deal."

"Look at the three monks at the front, which faction are they from?" Luo Tian's brows suddenly relaxed slightly, he didn't expect to meet old acquaintances here.

"Haha, it turned out to be them." Sha Shenggong gathered his eyes together, laughed after a careful look, and then sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"It turned out to be a few little guys from the Taiyin Sect. What a coincidence. Oh, yes , I even forgot that they don't know your appearance at all, no wonder they didn't come up to greet you."

The corner of Luo Tian's mouth turned up, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Fu Shaoyuan's dismissive look, although it was only fleeting.

"Pretend, let me see how long you pretend."

When Luo Tian was thinking this way, the flower fairy giggled coquettishly, and then swayed towards the entrance, "Several brothers, I am Hua Ruyi from the Devil League, I don't know if I can let the concubine pass?"

Sure enough, as soon as the flower fairy appeared, the seven or eight monks in front of the eleven monks all opened their eyes. They seemed a little surprised, and then said coldly: "If you want to get a quota through the entrance, just turn in the spirit stone."

"Oh, you guys are so cruel!" The flower fairy naturally wouldn't give up, twisting the waist of the water snake and walking towards the entrance.

Three black horses suddenly shot out from the oblique ground, and then the three horses quickly formed a black wind column, surrounded by small wind volumes, which looked terrifying.

"Is it the Taiyin Gate or the little brother of Shenfeng Island?" A shield formed by petals in front of the flower fairy condensed and passed through the three wind pillars in a thrilling manner. When she passed through, the petal shield also turned into fly ash.

"Stop, or you will suffer the consequences!"

A cold shout came, and immediately five figures appeared in front of the flower fairy like a shadow, and then a Tai Chi diagram appeared out of thin air, forcing the flower fairy back.

"Wuji Dao!" Huarong, the flower fairy, turned pale for the first time, "I didn't expect you to come too."

"You Hua Shendao can come, but we can't? Hua Ruyi, just go back obediently."

The Taiji Diagram flew up out of thin air, and then spun endlessly in the air, as if inexplicable forces were born one after another, and part of the space was caught in a certain formation.

Even if the flower fairy is so difficult to deal with, she hastily avoided the area covered by the Tai Chi diagram.

"Innate formation!"

Luo Tian and Sha Sheng glanced at each other, their expressions changed slightly, they didn't expect that Wuji Dao, one of the ancient Six Dao, was also born.What kind of hot potato does the Silver Shark Clan have that has attracted so many powerful forces?

The innate formation was only possessed by Wujidao, a sect with great reputation in ancient times. It is extremely powerful. It is said that it has been cultivated to the extreme, and it is almost as powerful as moving mountains and filling seas.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian's eyes flashed green, as if he looked through the void, and landed directly on the last three members of the Qingtian League who were closest to the passage.

The first thing that came into view was a glare of light, when the light dissipated, clouds and mists appeared, and above the clouds, there were three people sitting peacefully.

Among the three, the last young monk was the most honorable, because Luo Tian could tell at a glance that the other two were guarding him with perfect defense.There were no clouds under him, only a huge toad with four wings. The toad was all brown and yellow, with a fist-sized flesh crown on its head.

Of course, the clothes and clothing of the three of them are extremely old and look a little different.

In the end, Luo Tian, ​​who retracted his gaze, seemed to be noticed by the young monk at the last moment. The young monk suddenly opened his eyes, but it was like countless thunderbolts dancing wildly in Luo Tian's primordial spirit.

After waking up Sha Sheng who had been staring at the Xiantian formation, Luo Tian glanced at the flower goblin and Fu Shaoyuan with vaguely dignified expressions, and told Sha Sheng what he had seen before.

After a long time, Sha Sheng's complexion changed several times, and finally he said in a voiceless voice: "Four-winged golden toad, is the ancient Lei Island also alive?"

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