
Chapter 300 Killing like hemp!

Luo Tian held the three spirit treasures to break through the gaps in the wind and snow sword array of genius monks in the snow region. Just when the other monks almost felt the central area, Luo Tian created such a huge battle that even the senior leaders of the Silver Shark Clan on the periphery of the trial space They all noticed that the patriarch of the Silver Shark Clan was also under tremendous pressure. He actually had his own ideas about recruiting relatives this time, but Luo Tian who turned out to kill all directions made him extremely headache.

"This guy is too crazy!" At this moment, the patriarch of the Silver Shark Clan in brocade clothes couldn't help but slapped the table hard, and the entire hard table made of iron pear wood deep in the sea immediately turned into powder.

Once the trial space was opened, even he, the patriarch, couldn't stop it, which was the main reason why the patriarch of the Yinsha clan was very annoyed.

"Pass down the order to remove all the defensive formations in the trial space in a quarter of an hour."

"Patriarch, this..."

"Do as I say!"


clap clap!

At this moment, Luo Tian inserted one hand into the sky cap of a monk in the snow region, and directly grabbed the skull of that monk, blood mixed with white brains splashed everywhere, Luo Tian stretched out his hand to pat down expressionlessly, The monk's body and soul were directly refined into ashes.

too strong!

The monks watching from afar had only one thought in mind at the moment.

Because for all monks, if there is no special secret method, no matter how high the state of the soul is, it may be difficult to control two spirit treasures to attack at the same time, but Luo Tian's appearance abruptly shattered the iron law in their hearts, you know, Luo Tian is not distracted for two purposes, but for three purposes. If his own defense is counted, he may be distracted for four purposes.

Of course, Luo Tian was able to do so because he also practiced three kinds of peerless miraculous skills and combined them together.


Luo Tian didn't notice, he was hit in the back by a cultivator in the snow region, and immediately flew out with blood spurting from his mouth.

"Hehehe..." Luo Tian flashed his figure, and then looked fiercely at the sky, where the only three snow-covered monks were standing side by side. A magic weapon was produced, and judging from the fluctuation of the magic weapon, it turned out to be a spiritual treasure.

One knife, one seal, one hook.

The three spirit treasures are all snow white, and it's hard to see what rare materials they are made of just from the surface.But what is certain is that these three spirit treasures are all powerful things.

"Grandma's a leg!" Luo Tian's laughter finally stopped, "What the hell do you Xueyu do other than sneak attack? A bunch of trash, if you have the guts, fight with the young master!"

"This guy is crazy!"

"Mom, this guy actually said that Xueyu cultivators are trash. Doesn't he know that Xueyu is one of the four great Dao traditions in ancient times?"

"What's so great about the Four Dao Lineages? Xiao Tiantian is still a man!"

"What the hell are you talking about... ah, it's from Lei Island..."


The three Xueyu cultivators standing in the air couldn't help sneering, they are all top ten young masters in the Xueyu, and now the three of them teamed up and Luo Tian killed four juniors and sisters, it is really ugly on the face, at this moment The killing intent in the heart is monstrous.

call out!

The next moment, a colorful ray of light flashed across Luo Tian's body, and in an instant he was in front of three startled snow-covered monks. Fen Baoyan, Xuanji Yugui, and Taiyi Jinmu Ruyi fell at the same time, and the monstrous aura directly suppressed the space. A large piece of it collapsed.

"Blink... teleportation?!"

"Blink!" Huo Yunye, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but sneered, "That's because Xiao Tiantian's speed was so fast that he created the illusion of teleportation. You stupid pigs know nothing. Immortals have the means, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

"I don't understand, I'm just talking nonsense, how can you..." The monk who was bickering with Huo Yunye wanted to continue talking, but was directly dragged down by a group of monks behind him.

"You stupid pig! That's Huo Yunye who is one of the top three bullies along with Luo Tian and Lei Fengtu. Are you tired of living?!"


"Get out!" Luo Tian laughed like a god descending to earth, and immediately threw out all three treasures, shattering the opponent's unfinished defense, and then kicked the leading snow-covered cultivator directly from the sky, and the fast-falling cultivator went straight to the sky. When it fell on the ground, countless cracks immediately appeared around the ground, spreading in all directions, and a deep pit suddenly formed.


The next moment, Luo Tian directly collided with the opponent's knife with his physical strength alone, and he touched at least hundreds of times in an instant, making a clear and pleasant sound, but this sound fell on the snowy monk who was the enemy of Luo Tian. In the ear, it is tantamount to a reminder.

God, what kind of person is this Luo Tian?To use his physical body to fight against Lingbao without losing the slightest advantage, where did this freak come from?


The next moment, Luo Tian finally spit out a word softly, and then the Xuanji Yugui was directly inserted into the opponent's Baihui acupoint on the top of his head, nailed directly to the ground, and then a hot flame burst out from the Xuanji Yugui, burning it Exhausted.

"It tastes good, no... God damn boss, I hate you, I just tasted an extremely delicious Nascent Soul Stage Yuanshen, and the second one was killed by you..." On the ground, Xiao Hei's face was full of mourning, A look of regret beating his chest and stamping his feet.

"How do you want to die?" Luo Tian stared indifferently at the last surviving monk in the snow region, and said calmly.

"Luo Tian!" the Xueyu cultivator roared with red eyes, "Even if I die, you won't survive! Wait for Xueyu's endless revenge, hahaha..."

"not good!"

Luo Tian's heart was alarmed, and then a colorful light flashed on his body in an instant, and he teleported out five hundred feet in one breath, and then a terrifying breath spread behind him, and Luo Tian was directly charged and flew.

"Blow up!"

The mysterious person in the dark under the dazzling golden light was also a little surprised, "Can you make the snowy monk who has always thought highly of himself self-destruct? This Luo Tian seems to be quite extraordinary!"

After speaking, he glanced at the distance, where the space just broke open by itself, and a blue cloud curled up with a snowflake imprint and sank into the void.

"Luo Tian must be seriously injured, let's kill him together!"

"kill him!"

"We can't let him recover, or everyone will be finished!"

Afterwards, roars resounded through the void one after another, and immediately, one after another figure impatiently chased in the direction Luo Tiandun was going.

clap clap!

Lei Fengtu and Huo Yunye patted their foreheads almost at the same time, and shook their heads slightly.

"This group of stupid pigs, Xiao Tiantian did that on purpose."

"Xiao Tiantian is really a peerless killer, I'd better not provoke him in the future, he's too beastly!"

Before the words fell, there were one after another miserable cries from afar, and Luo Tian's killing began again.

Murder like hemp!

After today, the name Luo Tian must resound throughout the Star Sea.

ps: The trivial matters are over, and the debt will be repaid next week. After the debt is repaid, I will still try to update it.Not much to say, let's talk about updates.

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