
Chapter 301 Incomplete Space


As Luo Tian's last claws grabbed a fleeing cultivator into pieces of meat, Luo Tian almost staggered and fell from the air. Already overdrawn, if it weren't for his willpower being far superior to ordinary people, I'm afraid the group of monks who were secretly preparing to make trouble would have seen some clues.Then the situation may not be good.

The next moment, Luo Tian flew out of the air, and his aura disappeared within three breaths, and he was probably already thousands of feet away.With such a long distance, unless he was a monk in the distraction period, it would be difficult to detect that Luo Tian had actually just escaped into the ground.

His whole body was so sore and injured in many places, Luo Tian felt that his mind was a little unclear at the moment, he quickly took out a large amount of panacea, and then swallowed it like eating jelly beans without even looking at it, the breath in his whole body had already subsided, Later, Luo Tian immediately sent a trace of consciousness into Heilian's space, ready to comfort Sha Sheng who had destroyed his body.

"Wahhahaha, third child, if it wasn't for the destruction of my body, I'm afraid I wouldn't know that you are hiding such a big secret! It's so cool, so cool, hey, that little black snake, you are always eyeing me Why are you staring at me, still drooling?"

As soon as he entered the Heilian space, Luo Tian knew that Sha Sheng's primordial spirit had gone to the second day's domain. When he entered the second day's domain, he saw that Sha Sheng and Xiao Hei shared a pool of spiritual liquid, soaking well, and their faces were full of joy. Where is the miserable appearance of half of the body being destroyed, it is even more uncle than the uncle.

"Third brother, you are here. Can my brother discuss something with you?"

"Let's talk." Luo Tian smiled wryly, as smart as he was, he had already guessed Sha Sheng's intentions, but he generally would not refuse Sha Sheng's request.

"Then I won't be polite!" Sha Sheng waved his hand, "Brother, I don't have a physical body now, if I want to restore my previous physical body, or even surpass it, I must go back to the Cancer Clan, and you must go back with me. "

"That's natural." Luo Tian immediately nodded and agreed, but he was a little puzzled. Naturally, he would not let Sha Sheng's soul return to the Cancer family, that would be too dangerous.But Sha Sheng's conditions were a bit unexpected, "Boss Sha, don't you want to stay here for a while?"

"Nonsense!" Sha Sheng curled his lips, "This place is full of spiritual energy, and the ground is full of high-grade spirit stones, which can also nourish the soul. I'm not a fool, of course I want to stay here for a while."

"Then your physical body..."

"Don't worry, brother, I will stay here for at least half a year before returning to the Cancer family. By then, how strong my brother's soul will be, I guess my old man will be envious of me, wow haha..."

"... "


Regardless of Sha Sheng and Xiao Hei's competition for the spiritual liquid pool and spiritual energy in the second day domain, Luo Tian took back the primordial spirit and began to practice the exercises. At this time, he has recovered 6000%, which is enough to protect himself, and then He ran to the First Heaven Territory in a hurry again, took out some elixir that was almost [-] years old, and then started to refine Wuji Pill.This Promise Pill belongs to the seventh-grade pill, which is extremely difficult to refine, but it is of great benefit to the recovery of cultivation. Generally speaking, for Luo Tian, ​​who is not considered to be seriously injured, taking a Promise Pill may take three or three years. You can restore your cultivation in a few days.

The Qingyun cauldron shook, and Luo Tian threw out a ball of yellow flames to wrap it tightly, and then Luo Tian began to concentrate his mind to refine the elixir.

It took Luo Tian half a month for such a refinement, and he failed more than ten times before successfully refining two Promise Pills. Luo Tian took one directly, and then quietly refined the medicinal power.

Three days later, the hard ground suddenly parted, and then a white shadow flew out from the ground, but only when the white shadow flew high into the sky did he realize that he had made a big mistake.

There is no doubt that Bai Ying is Luo Tian, ​​but at this moment Luo Tian is floating in the air, but he is looking around solemnly.

The original calm and peaceful trial space seems to have changed the scene at this moment. There are small dark cracks everywhere, and there are many broken spider web-like cracks visible to the naked eye that are constantly changing in the air. A panicked little The bird flew by, and one of them failed to dodge, and was directly cut into pieces by the densely packed cracks, and sank into the cracks in space without leaving any feathers. It was terrifying.

"How could this be?"

Luo Tian was carefully struggling in the space, and when his movements were extremely slow, he suddenly saw an old man flying past, and quickly opened his mouth to call, "This old man, please stay."

"Huh? Why is this fellow Taoist still here?" The old man asked in a soft voice when he saw Luo Tian startled.

"I originally participated in the trial space, but it was delayed for more than half a month because of some things, and I didn't expect to come out with this scene."

The old man nodded and sighed: "Come with me, fellow Taoist will know at a glance."

Next, with a trace of vigilance, Luo Tian followed the old man. Beforehand, he had known the old man's cultivation level, the early stage of Nascent Soul.With Luo Tian's current strength, it wouldn't be a waste of time to deal with the early Yuanying monks.

After flying for about two hours, Luo Tian followed the old man of the Silver Shark clan to an extremely wide space portal.

"Fellow daoist, please take a look, this is the mutation that happened five days after the trial space was opened that day." The old man sighed, "Fortunately, after the mutation, there is an extra space portal that can be passed through. Originally, the patriarch planned to Please go back to those genius monks, but those genius monks rushed in like crazy one by one, regardless of their own lives. The patriarch was unable to stop it."

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Tian frowned, "Knowing that there are tigers on the mountain, you choose to go to the mountain?"

"That's not the case." The old man sighed again, "The other side of this space portal is an incomplete space, and there are quite a few sky star stones, so it's not dangerous?"

"Have you ever gone in?" Luo Tian couldn't help becoming alert.

"Of course I went in. There is only one place inside that cannot be entered, and the others are still very safe."

Luo Tian became silent, took the opportunity to spread his spiritual consciousness, and found that the auras of Lei Fengtu, Huo Yunye and others had all disappeared, and then made a decision.

call out.

Luo Tian just flashed, then flew into the space portal, extremely fast.

"This..." The old man stared dumbfounded at Luo Tian's disappearing figure, "This person's speed is too weird and fast, he should inform the patriarch as soon as possible."

After finishing speaking, the old man turned back with a sad face and walked back the way he had come.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the boundless sea of ​​clouds.It was Luo Tian who broke into the space portal.

"Eh? The spiritual energy here seems to be much thinner?" Luo Tian couldn't help but secretly surprised, and kept looking around.

This is a quiet grassland. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is quiet, but because there is not even a sound of the wind here, it is indeed a bit too quiet.Moreover, Luo Tian secretly exerted the coercion of heaven and earth, and found that the power has also been reduced a lot, but now it is too late to return from the turbulent flow of space by riding the waves and blue clouds.Once you lose your way in this vast space, it is quite dangerous.

ps: The debt repayment time is generally between Friday and Sunday, because the first few days are classes, for example, I didn’t come back until 09:30 today.Explain.

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