
Chapter 302 Bone Eater, Another Old Enemy?

After a while, Luo Tianling's eyes flickered with a blue light, and he saw through the infinite void in an instant. On the grass under the void, there were actually quite a few mice. These mice were all brown and yellow in body, and all of them were more than two feet long. Gleaming teeth were exposed in his mouth, and a pair of mung bean-sized eyes were looking around, while a gray-faced human monk in the crowd turned into a tall giant, with more than ten green rays radiating from his body. The green light has a very strong defense. Although there are many giant rats, it may be difficult to break through the green light in a short time. However, the giant rats are infinitely superior, and they will still gain the upper hand in the end.

"Is there anyone? Help!"

To Luo Tian's surprise, the monk who looked extremely cold and arrogant suddenly yelled.

The blue light in his eyes was bright, and Luo Tian instantly noticed the strangeness. The giant rat's teeth were originally sharp and needed to be sharpened, but it seemed that a lot of Lan Youyou's saliva was secreted from the mouth of those giant rats, which brought the monk with him. The mask was directly wound and fixed on the ground, and the faint blue saliva seemed to have a corrosive effect, and the green light was being corroded at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye.

Let it be fate.Luo Tian sighed in his heart, turned around and flew forward, extremely cautiously.

Luo Tian didn't want to get himself into trouble because of a moment of mercy. At the moment, he was walking through the sky, but found that there seemed to be a group of monsters flying below. He even knew these monsters, and they were poisonous bone birds. .However, these poisonous bone birds are more than twice the size of the ones he saw during the trial in Cuilongtan, and there are as many as six poisonous bones on the back, looking white and miserable, very permeable.

Holding his breath, Luo Tian finally flew past without any risk, but it didn't take long before he felt like scolding his mother.

Poison miasma!

The whole sky was filled with a layer of black smoke, which had no smell, but after Luo Tian grabbed a single monster and threw it in, he saw that the rough-skinned and thick-skinned monster struggled a little. After a while, it was melted into blood and filled with black smoke.

"What the hell is this place?"

Luo Tian couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling. Since his debut, what he has seen and experienced has never been as shocking as today's.This weird place seems to be full of poisonous insects and beasts, and the environment is extremely harsh. It seems that it is difficult for human beings to survive in this kind of place.

"Hoo hoo hoo—"

A strange roar came from the front, and immediately a ray of thunder shot up into the sky, continuously spreading towards the surroundings, sweeping up the surrounding low trees, and flying them high.

Lei Fengtu was at the center of the thunder light at this moment, his face was indifferent, as if the elephants with thin hairs standing around him were not in his eyes at all.

"not bad."

Lei Fengtu was startled suddenly, then turned his head and looked behind him, and found a person sitting on the branch at some point, and couldn't help smiling wryly.

"Xiao Tiantian, we brothers are destined to be together. I'll talk to you about the old days after Brother Wei has dealt with these evil beasts."

"Please go ahead." Luo Tian shrugged his shoulders and replied, and then he continued to enjoy the scenery, which depressed Lei Fengtu again.

Chi Chi Chi!

Several thick thunderbolts suddenly fell from the sky, splitting the elephants that were about to move into the air, and fell heavily into the distance.

"That's right." Luo Tian clapped his hands and laughed, "As expected of being the descendant of Lei Dao."

"..." Lei Fengtu was speechless, this guy is so ungrateful, it's fine if he doesn't help, he just watched a good show by the side.


Luo Tian suddenly let out a low cry, and then flicked his big sleeve, knocking a leaping elephant into the air. The elephant's body twisted and danced in the air, and then exploded into a pool of blood.

After doing this, Luo Tian sneered again, stretched out his big hand towards a void, stirred it a few times, and a figure staggered and fell from the void.

"Having followed me for so long, have you seen enough?"

After Luo Tian finished speaking, his expression changed, "It turned out to be a puppet?"

With a slight shake of his hands, the puppet shattered, and Luo Tian's consciousness quickly spread out, but nothing was found.

In the distance, a figure surrounded by dazzling golden light couldn't help but smiled softly, "Luo Tian, ​​it's really amazing."


"This ghostly place is really irritating." Lei Fengtu and Luo Tian stood side by side on a mountain peak, with their thumbs pointing to the northeast, "Little Tiantian, do you feel anything unusual there?"

"A little bit." Luo Tian's face was solemn, "It seems to be separated by a barrier, and the spiritual sense cannot penetrate."

"Are you interested in following Brother Wei?"

"Not interested." Luo Tian said lightly, "Now I just want to leave this ghost place as soon as possible."

Lei Fengtu rolled his eyes, looked at the sky and said helplessly: "Do you think you don't want to leave this ghostly place? Brother has traveled all over this space in the past few days. Apart from harvesting some star stones, he didn't find anything. Any exit. If nothing else, the exit is right there."

Luo Tian couldn't help but fell silent, and after a long time, he said, "In that case, let's go and have a look."

Then, two guys with their own ideas soared into the air and shot towards the northeast direction.

In the middle of the journey, Luo Tian frowned slightly, and immediately recovered. After a few breaths, Lei Fengtu wondered: "Why is there someone fighting in front?"


The two huge seals that were transformed out of thin air were crushed in mid-air by several stone sticks, and slowly disappeared.

Luo Tian speeded up, dodged a few times, and then arrived at the field. He saw that they were indeed the Zheng brothers from Green Demon Island. At this moment, the two brothers were covered in blood and surrounded by a group of barbarians.

"Boss Luo, you old man hurry up and save my brother." The eyes of the eldest brother of the Zheng brothers lit up, and he almost cried out excitedly.

"It's saved, it's saved..." The young and old were also crying and laughing there.

When the group of savages saw the arrival of Luo Tian and the two of them, they didn't even raise their eyelids, and directly turned their backhands, and countless densely packed scale insects flew towards the two of Luo Tian.

"Bone Eater!"

Lei Fengtu's eyes widened, and he cried out, "It turned out to be a bone-eating insect from ancient times."

Luo Tian, ​​who has read a lot of rare books, naturally also knows bone eating insects, but it is recorded in the rare books that although this kind of strange insects only eat bones, they have been extinct for a long time.Unexpectedly, these barbarians were released at will.

The Zheng brothers looked ashamed, it seemed that their cultivation bases were too weak, and they obviously did not want to release bone eating worms to deal with them.Otherwise, the two of them would have died hundreds of times.

"Little black."

With a flash of black light, Luo Tian directly threw Xiao Hei out of the space of Hei Lian.

"I... wow, master, where did you get the bone eating worms to feed the little one?" Xiao Hei called out happily, and then opened his mouth to suck water, swallowing the countless bone eating worms in one go. In the middle of the day, he chewed it loudly, "Well, the taste is not bad, it's quite crunchy..."

Now it was the turn of the group of savages to panic, and then they yelled, as if they were calling for something.

"Who is it? How dare you disturb me!"

A slightly familiar voice sounded to Luo Tian, ​​and immediately, a light and shadow slowly walked out from the black smoke in the distance, and the black smoke dispersed automatically.

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