
Chapter 304 Generous, Unparalleled Sword Qi

"Rotten Stone, if you chase me again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Above the sky, two figures, one in front and one behind, quickly passed by. Although there was always a gap between them, Luo Tian found to his dismay that if he didn't use teleportation magical powers, it would be difficult to get rid of him in a short time. Even the speed of the Nine Nether Stone King, whose speed has become a little frightening, shouted through sound transmission.

After hearing Luo Tian's threat, the Nine You Stone King was not moved at all, and still followed Luo Tian diligently.

Originally, it didn't matter if he followed Luo Tian, ​​but Luo Tian's spiritual sense was very strong, and he had already discovered that Lei Fengtu and another familiar aura were chasing after him, and it seemed that he was about to catch up with the Nine Nether Stone King.

"Grandma's legs! Are you carrying me with the young master?" Luo Tian became ruthless, his speed increased sharply, a blue light flashed on his body, and a blue cloud of waves flashed out, wrapping his body and turning into a white line flying from the air He escaped, leaving the Nine Nether Stone King far behind.

When he arrived at a place with a lake, Luo Tian directly restrained his whole body's breath, then fell directly into the lake from the air, twisted his magical powers while panting, cast his water trap and fell into the bottom of the lake, and quietly dived towards the bottom of the lake.Now it's one against two, even if Luo Tian can win, I'm afraid he has to pay a certain price, not to mention that there is an unpredictable Lei Fengtu watching from the side, Luo Tian will not really believe it just because he gets along with him for a few days If this guy is killed, I'm afraid this guy is the most likely to play tricks behind his back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Tian sank into the bottom of the lake, he found that there seemed to be a huge suction force coming from the bottom of the lake, sucking it down, and he couldn't help being shocked.Once the mana in his body circulated, Luo Tian wanted to control the suction, but it was in vain, and he couldn't help adding bad omens in his heart.

With his current combat strength, he can already fight against ordinary monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, but he can't resist the huge pressure at the bottom of the lake, which is really shocking!

In the air, the Nine Nether Stone King and the golden light had already converged into one place, and the two looked at each other looking around. Just now Luo Tian's aura had obviously disappeared near this place, but no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find Luo Tian.

"Where did Xiao Tiantian go?" High above the sky, Lei Fengtu's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, frowning and sitting on the back of the four-winged golden toad, "He must have used Qingyun just now, otherwise it would be impossible to kill my Even the spiritual eyes can't find any clues."

Suddenly, Lei Fengtu's eyes fell on that lake, "Could it be that he hid in this lake?"

After finishing speaking, Lei Fengtu opened his eyes, and a silver halo in his pupils shone with thunder light. He threw himself into the lake and probed towards the bottom of the lake.

After a long time, Lei Fengtu withdrew his eyes in horror, and murmured: "What is there under this lake? Even my Lei Huan eyes can't really see through it. This place must be a dangerous place, so we can't stay here for long. "

Just as Lei Fengtu set off to escape, he saw a young man with long hair flying towards him from afar. He was wearing a piece of animal skin and holding a spear in his hand. He was wild and fierce.

"Unlucky." Lei Fengtu cursed secretly, he could have slipped away without a sound, but he did not expect to be met by this guy by chance, looking at this guy's eyes full of fighting spirit, a fight is inevitable.


Nine You Stone King and the golden light also landed behind Lei Fengtu at the same time, staring closely at Lei Fengtu.

Lei Fengtu had a wry smile all over his face, why did the unlucky person become himself in the end?


However, Luo Tian was slowly sucked towards the bottom of the lake by the inexplicable and hard-to-break suction force. At this moment, he might have reached the bottom of the lake three hundred feet away. Even Luo Tian's astonishing physique felt extremely cold. The yellow flames floated out, but it only made the cold fade a little bit.

The more he went down, the more Luo Tian felt that this lake was a bit strange. When it was on the top of the lake, the lake didn't look very wide, and it only looked like seven or eight miles. It was formed as a place with a narrow top and an extremely wide bottom. After Luo Tian activated his spiritual eyes, he did not find any traces of man-made development at the bottom of the lake.

"This...these are?"

After half an hour, Luo Tian couldn't help being shocked.

It turned out that at the bottom of the lake, not only were there many dagger-like silver fishes, but also there seemed to be light green pebbles the size of pigeon eggs floating in the water. Naturally, Luo Tian didn't recognize these silver fishes, but those Luo Tian, ​​a little stone, still remembers it fresh, but this turned out to be the Sky Star Stone!

At the moment, Luo Tian didn't care about thinking about it, and directly used his mana to capture all the star stones he could see in his hands. Good guy, there are quite a few star stones here. It only took less than a quarter of an hour, and Luo Tian was enough Dozens of them were harvested.

I don't know how long it took, anyway, after Luo Tian collected more than [-] Star Seas, Luo Tian finally felt that his feet touched the ground lightly.The ground is very soft, and there are more and more small silver fishes around, they can't stop swarming among the saw-toothed aquatic plants, looking for the Sky Star Stone to eat.

Luo Tian couldn't help but collapse a bit, the so precious Sky Star Stone outside is just food for these little silver fishes?

Stepping on the ground full of fine sand, Luo Tian circled around for at least a few days. When Luo Tian couldn't hold on, he finally found a strange place.

This strange place is located in an inconspicuous mountain depression. Standing on a high place and looking down, you can vaguely see that it is a courtyard that is not too big or small, but this courtyard seems to be made of strange stones. , Most of these strange stones are the Star Stones that everyone outside is vying for. Even though Luo Tian is well-informed, he couldn't help but be stunned.

A real bonanza!

Luo Tian immediately had an absurd idea of ​​tearing down this other courtyard and taking it away, but in the end he suppressed this crazy idea, and then trotted towards the other courtyard.

The entrance of the other courtyard is neither magnificent nor majestic, but it has a special momentum, which makes people unforgettable at a glance.At the entrance is a blue stone tablet about Zhang Xu high, which is completely made of Tianxing stone. There are no words on it, only four lotus patterns.

Suddenly, Luo Tian's spiritual eyes opened suddenly, and he seemed to notice that the lotus pattern on the stele had moved, but when he looked carefully, there was no change, which was surprising.

Luo Tian seemed to be completely immersed in it, and then several purple lotus flowers suddenly turned into a unparalleled sword energy that was like a ruler over the world, and shot towards Luo Tian's head. Luo Tian remained motionless, as if facing the sword that was about to fall Qi is indifferent.

ps: Fourteen chapters are still owed.After completing these chapters, it will still explode.

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