
Chapter 305 Complete Sword Manual, Luo Huachen

Is it because Luo Tiantai collapsed before and did not change color?

No, it's just that the appearance of those lotus flowers was too weird and fast, Luo Tian didn't realize it at all with his primordial spirit cultivation base, but Luo Tian's reaction at this moment seemed to be too late, as if he could not even cast Qingyun and escape. There is not enough time to enter the black lotus space.

Is that the end?In the previous life, he had traveled across the world for nearly a thousand years, and in this life, he practiced hard and intensively. It took less than 20 years to cultivate to the early stage of Yuanying. Such an amazing and brilliant genius will fall early.


At this time, a black lotus flower slowly turned and appeared above Luo Tian's head, constantly blocking the several lotus flowers that were close in front of him, making a dull impact sound, as if even the magic weapon of the black lotus, which has always been invincible It was difficult to last for a long time, but the next moment, Luo Tian's real expression changed.

It turned out that no matter how Luo Tian urged the black lotus magic weapon and Qingyun at this moment, he couldn't draw out any mana, not even a single bit of mana.It was as if the magic power in Luo Tian's body and the spiritual power of heaven and earth in the surrounding space disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Luo Tian has never encountered such a strange situation in his life!


Then, the black lotus above Luo Tian's head was tempered into nothingness by those purple lotuses, but the moment the black lotus disappeared, two beams of colored light suddenly swept out from the void, one green and the other yellow, sweeping away those purple lotuses extremely quickly. Falling, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, is powerful and incomparable.

"What a powerful force!"

Even with Luo Tian's composure, his complexion changed wildly. After the two beams of light swept away the purple lotus, they disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.But the two forces that Luo Tianyuanshen felt in an instant were extremely overbearing. The strength contained in them alone was probably at least one hundred thousand catties, not to mention the terrifying power contained in them.

Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng Teng, Luo Tian took a dozen strides back one after another, and immediately there was a sense of weakness in his body, which was a sign that his strength and mana had been drained.After sitting down on his buttocks, Luo Tian was shocked to find that there was only a sliver of his original physical strength and mana that could be used.

Sitting cross-legged and looking at the blue stone tablet vigilantly for a long time, Luo Tian dared to take out the elixir to recover.The destructive aura contained in those two beams of light just now is simply irresistible, as if an ant is powerless in the face of an ancient dragon.

After sitting cross-legged quietly for two days and two nights, Luo Tian had just completely recovered his physical strength.But at this moment, he was quite hesitant, wondering whether he should enter this strange courtyard next, if there were many purple lotuses like this in the other courtyard, it would be like going to die.

It's just that an absurd idea suddenly popped up in Luo Tian's mind. The purple lotus flower seemed to have escaped the scope of sword qi and reached the extremely high state of sword qi transforming Tao. The purple lotus sword energy at home, but after comparing the two, Luo Tian was very annoyed to find that even though the purple lotus flower was composed of sword energy, it far surpassed his current attainments, even Luo Tian could imagine that under normal circumstances In this case, Luo Tian even used all his hole cards, but he could only hold on for a while longer.This kind of sword intent that contains the way of heaven is really too heaven-defying.

"Forget it, if you come here, let it be. If God let the young master be buried here, it would be a good ending." Luo Tian laughed at himself, stood up, his body was as straight as a javelin, and then his eyes turned towards Walking in the other courtyard, the back is lonely and lonely.

As soon as he entered the other courtyard, Luo Tian immediately felt the strong aura coming from the entire other courtyard. The aura was pure and free of impurities, almost turning into water mist. It was indeed the best place for monks to practice.Luo Tian scanned the courtyard carefully with his spiritual sense, and finally found several extremely obvious formations.It seems that the owner who built this other courtyard has reached an extremely high level of cultivation and state of mind that he is not afraid of anyone's prying and intruding, and he doesn't even bother to set up some hidden formations to fool those who come.

If you have strength, you can enter!

Without strength, leave!

Speaking of it, Luo Tian's attainments in the array are also at the level of wandering around with a bottle full of less than half a bottle. It is far behind the master of the array, but it is much better than some monks who know nothing about the array.

Don't do it again and again!

Luo Tian boldly stretched out a purple lotus flower composed of sword energy, and rushed towards the eye of the formation.

"Huh? You also learned my Purple Lotus Sword Code." A divine sense instantly swept across Luo Tian's mind, and he said with some doubts.

"Who?" Luo Tian immediately gathered all his thoughts, and his spiritual consciousness separated countless strands into that divine consciousness, so as to track down the source of the divine consciousness.

"The little guy is really cunning, what a ghost." That divine sense chuckled, not seeming annoyed, "Seeing that you also have such a relationship with me, you can go directly to the main hall in the center of the other courtyard. "

After finishing speaking, that spiritual consciousness disappeared out of thin air without any reason, and Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness could never be captured at all.For a while, he could only walk towards the center of the other courtyard along the stone path paved with Tianxing Stone with suspicion.

The main hall in the center is called so, but in fact it is only a little more simple and beautiful than normal houses. Luo Tian is not afraid that the person who secretly conveys his spiritual knowledge will harm him. It's just a matter of breathing, so why waste such effort.The only thing to worry about now is that the other party took a fancy to Luo Tian's physical body to seize the house, but Luo Tian has the magic weapon of black lotus to protect him, so he can deceive himself to the most favorable area for the other party. I am afraid that the other party's plot will not succeed .

Almost instantly, countless thoughts flashed through Luo Tian's mind.

"You came."

Just as Luo Tian opened the door and entered the hall, he found a blur before his eyes, and immediately a hazy white light appeared in the center of the hall.The entire main hall reflected was bright, and there were dozens of pillars as thick as a person on the main hall, which seemed to be densely carved with patterns.

"Excuse me, senior?"

Although Luo Tian is arrogant, he has always been very polite to his seniors, which is also a habit of his previous life.

"Your surname is Luo?" A voice came out of the white light and shadow, which meant more affirmation than negation.


"Not bad, not bad." Bai Guangying said two good things in a row, and then continued, "To reach such a height at your age, you can be regarded as one of the best geniuses in the history of my Luo family..."

"Are you also a member of the Luo family?" Luo Tian blurted out and asked in surprise.

Bai Guangying did not answer quickly this time, but fell into silence. After a long time, Bai Guangying said, "Do you know the name Luo Huachen?"


Luo Tian couldn't help shouting excitedly, Luo Huachen, he clearly remembered this name in his heart, it was the ancestor of his Luo family who created countless backs, and the founder of the Excalibur Luo family.

Nine Desolation Excalibur, Luo Huachen!

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