
Chapter 306

Back then in the Profound Sky Continent, although there were countless powerful forces, the Luo Family of the Divine Sword of the Great Wu Kingdom was still well-known.It's not all because the Luo family's sword skills are unparalleled in the world, but because the ancestors of the Luo family were actually named Zhentianxuan Continent and Tianxinghai thousands of years ago. Only the Luo family has some real secrets about these secrets. Only the core figures of the Luo family can know, even in the world of cultivating immortals, I am afraid that only those monks who have been out of their bodies have vaguely known some news about Luo Huachen, the ancestor of the Luo family.

Regarding the origin of the ancestor of the Luo family, few people know its origin.Until he traveled to Xuantian Continent, at that time, the ruler of the Great Wu Kingdom met Luo Huachen by chance. The country settled down and established the Excalibur Luo family.At the beginning, the power structure of Tianxuan Continent was not as peaceful as it is now, but because of the situation of melee, and the Great Wu Kingdom at that time was only a country at the middle and upper levels. The Great Wu Kingdom trained an invincible army - the Futu Cavalry, which led to the Great Wu Kingdom becoming one of the three major countries in the Profound Sky Continent.Most people in the Profound Sky Continent only know that the Futu Iron Cavalry is almost invincible in group battles, but they don’t know that the Futu Iron Cavalry’s individual combat ability is also extremely tyrannical. Such a terrifying army is not invincible and it is too ridiculous.

And it was Luo Huachen who caused all this. Don't look at the fact that the ruler of the Great Wu Kingdom is turning a blind eye to the suppression and exclusion of domestic forces, but in fact, the rulers of all generations of the Great Wu Kingdom have an ancient motto in mind: In this life, even if you Even if the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, the Luo family must not be allowed to decline.The one who left such a legacy was none other than the Lord of Wu who had a close friendship with Luo Huachen back then. That man is a wise king among emperors, and his vicious vision is astonishing.In fact, it was the astonishing foresight of the Lord of the Great Wu that made the Great Wu Kingdom strong until today. Today, the Luo family has been passed down for two thousand years, and Luo Tian is also the veritable seventh-generation sword god. The Wu Kingdom and the Excalibur Luo family have never declined.

Moreover, Luo Tian faintly sensed in his heart that the Luo family did not seem to be what he appeared on the surface, but concealed many shocking secrets under the prosperous world.These secrets, only when they return to the Profound Sky Continent in the future, can they get a glimpse of the true meaning of them.

"Luo Tian, ​​the No. 16 descendant of the Luo family, met the ancestor!"

With a sudden change in his mind, Luo Tian immediately pushed the golden mountain and inverted the jade pillar, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times firmly, and said respectfully.

"...It's been sixteen generations, hehe, I didn't expect the jokes at the beginning to come true. I, Luo Huachen, are also the ancestors. Get up, Tianer, and tell me about the current situation of the Luo family." The white light and shadow An extremely weak divine sense swept across Luo Tian's body, and immediately, Luo Huachen's voice became a lot softer, "I didn't expect that you are still my direct grandson of Luo Huachen, haha, this old man It’s an exhilaration.”

After Luo Tian got up, he was very respectful, no matter what, the person in front of him was the ancestor who founded the Luo family, the first generation ancestor, without him, where would people like Luo Tian come from? Judging by the aura of this old ancestor, I am afraid that it is enough to enter the top five among the masters of Tianxinghai. If he is still alive, he is also a peerless person who stomped his feet and caused a major earthquake in Tianxinghai. No matter how he listened to the tone of the old ancestor, it seems that there are still people who can suppress it. Like him.

Next, Luo Tian described in detail the situation of the Luo family that he knew so far.

After a long time, the white light and shadow enveloping Luo Huachen slowly spread out, and a young man in white clothes who was seventy percent similar to Luo Tian's appearance appeared. The bloodline prohibition arranged by Zhang Yang was broken after all. God, the Dao is ruthless, once you enter this Dao, you will never turn back. Is this right or wrong?"

"You are only in your thirties now, so besides your extraordinary talent, you must have an extraordinary situation. Let me tell you about it." Luo Huachen sighed for a while, then looked at Luo Tian.

Luo Tian hesitated for a while, and then told Luo Huachen without missing a single bit. In front of this ancestor's penetrating eyes, Luo Tian always felt that it was difficult to tell any lie.

"That's right." Unexpectedly, after Luo Huachen heard about Luo Tian's situation, he laughed loudly, "It seems that this old man made a mistake at the beginning, but then he made every move right. It's God's will. Those old men, you Now wait and cry!"

"Old Ancestor, this is..." Luo Tian said cautiously.

"You don't have to be clear. You just need to remember that you are the biggest hero among the sixteen generations of my Luo family." Luo Huachen looked in a good mood, and then stared at Luo Tiandao with a half-smile, "Look at you , I must have already practiced the fourth level of the Sword Code, do you want to practice the following exercises? Although you have several exercises now, the Sword Code itself is the comprehension of the Tao, and the deep thinking of the battle, it is not worth mentioning. The upper exercise method was created by myself at the beginning."


Luo Tian was shocked now. With his current attainments, he did not realize that there would be a follow-up after the fourth level of the Sword Code, which shows how shocking this Sword Code is.

"Speaking of which, this old man is also responsible. At the beginning, I was used to seeing the ups and downs in the world of cultivating immortals. I thought that it would be good for my descendants to live in peace and stability, so I only left the first four layers of the sword code, and I erased all the rest. Now It seems that I was really wrong. Fortunately, I still have such a soul clone here, otherwise, even if you come here, I am afraid that you will not be able to break the restriction here."

Yuanshen avatar?

Luo Tian has been numb from the shock, grandma has such a leg, is there any reason?Any random avatar of the primordial spirit will put pressure on him that cannot be surpassed. If the real person is here, will he be seriously injured by the aura of the ancestor?

"Don't think so much, kid. I have been ascending for nearly 700 years. If you want to catch up with me, it will take more than [-] years at the earliest."

Then, Luo Huachen threw another big news to Luo Tian.

Ascend!My dear mother, this old ancestor is too fierce, he actually ascended to the immortal tower as early as 700 years ago!

Luo Tian is almost about to pay homage, old ancestor, we won't take you so scary.

"Don't be in a daze, time is precious, this avatar of the primordial spirit of the old man can last for more than [-] years at most, so you can take a good look at the last five realms of the Sword Code here."

After finishing speaking, Luo Huachen stretched out his hand and waved lightly, countless colorful lights burst out from a pillar in the hall, and immediately, all the countless colorful lights turned into purple lotus flowers, flying up and down around the pillar.

"let's start."

The blue light in Luo Tian's eyes flickered, and it landed directly on the purple lotus flowers. Immediately, his body shook, and his whole momentum seemed to change.

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