
Chapter 307 5 years, the beginning of the road

When Luo Tian's consciousness merged into those purple lotus flowers, a vague figure in white clothes appeared in his mind to fight against people with swordsmanship. Although it was just an indistinct image, Luo Tian could already feel the power of the figure in white clothes. How strong and unstoppable the opponent is.But the white-clothed figure often slashed out with a sword, as if it contained the whole world, and often made the opponent's hands and feet bound involuntarily, making it difficult to compete with it.In the next scene, the figure in white is majesticly displaying peerless sword energy against the enemy. The opponent is almost completely suppressed by the figure in white's sword energy. From the beginning to the end, he can't find the weakness of the sword energy to counterattack, and finally falls with regret.The next picture...

After a long time, Luo Tian opened his closed eyes profusely with sweat, frowned slightly, thinking about the battle scenes in his consciousness just now.He had never imagined that the way of swordsmanship could reach such a heaven-defying realm, let alone the strange and almost endless sword moves of the figure in white in the battle, which were constantly evolving, and seemed to be moving towards the great way bit by bit, and finally Wan Liu Return to the clan.

"The way of the sword is also the most simple." Luo Tian muttered to himself.

"That's right, you can understand this at such a young age, and practicing sword art will get twice the result with half the effort." Luo Huachen smiled very satisfied.

It was nothing more than previous life experience, Luo Tian shook his head, and then his eyes fell on another stone pillar, only to find that the ancient pattern on that stone pillar seemed to be moving. The next moment, countless purple lotus flowers flew out from among those patterns, towards Luo Tian fell off as a hood.

"Quickly take back your consciousness, mess around!" Luo Huachen snarled rarely, and immediately rolled his sleeves into the air, and a force suddenly appeared in the void, shaking those purple lotus flowers back to the pillar.

"These pillars have restrictions set by me, no matter whether it is physical body or spiritual consciousness, if you study without my permission, you will be backlashed by the restrictions." Luo Huachen said solemnly, "It must not be like this in the future. "

Luo Tian hurriedly responded with a respectful yes, and then sat cross-legged in the void without looking sideways, comprehending the battles in his mind.

Next, it took Luo Tian a full half a year to memorize the eighth layer of the Sword Code, only the last layer of the Sword Code has not been comprehended.

Luo Huachen didn't seem to want to teach the ninth level of the Luotian Sword Code for the time being, but he strictly warned Luo Tian to integrate the first eight levels to Xiaocheng for the time being, and then he didn't know where he went.

Luo Tian was alone, and he was not lonely. Except for a half-hour rest, the rest of the time was spent studying the Sword Art.Fortunately, this other courtyard has sufficient aura comparable to the second domain of the black face space, and Luo Tian frantically absorbs aura to temper his body and condense mana.

It's been a long time since I entered the Nascent Soul stage, and during this period, Luo Tian never stopped cultivating. His hard work, even Luo Huachen, who secretly watched Luo Tian, ​​couldn't help but praise him secretly, but Luo Tian felt that his cultivation was progressing. little.In fact, this is no wonder to Luo Tian, ​​but after a monk enters the alchemy stage, it is very difficult to advance to a small realm every time. The growth rate of Tian's cultivation base is also enough to be ranked in the top [-] that can be verified.Just imagine, Luo Tian can be proud of being able to achieve such an achievement in the world of cultivating immortals where there are endless emergence of masters and strangers, but it's a pity that Luo Tian still despises his own cultivation base growth too slowly, so how can he be embarrassed by others?

Time, for monks in the world of cultivating immortals, is the least valuable.Because these monks often take the concept of time very lightly, and there are countless monks who have reached the limit and have no way to break through.

In a flash, 15 years have passed.

Luo Tian has also been sitting cross-legged quietly in the other courtyard for 15 years. During the past 15 years, Luo Tian has not moved at all, and the fluctuations of the primordial spirit on his body seem to have disappeared. The sky absorbed one-third of the aura, and even Luo Huachen thought that this stunning grandson was closed to death.

"It's true that this little guy has practiced several kinds of exercises, but these exercises are so weird and unpredictable that even the old man can't see through them. It's so strange. This little guy is simply the darling of heaven. It's really shocking." Incomprehensible."

Luo Huachen was naturally extremely nervous. This grandson, who had given him a lot of face, seemed to be leisurely all day long, but in fact, he was secretly watching Luo Tian's every move with great concern, lest he might have problems with his cultivation and go mad. .

Bo bo bo bo!

At this time, after a series of soft sounds, a purple vortex suddenly appeared above Luo Tian's head, and the purple vortex kept surging until later, the purple vortex turned into a purple lotus flower, which was naturally formed by the sword. It is composed of aura, but there is no form of sword aura, as if this purple lotus has already achieved a small way, the way of killing and destroying.

Luo Huachen couldn't help being secretly surprised that this grandson's comprehension is so high. It only took fifteen years to comprehend the essence of his own way. It is still possible for the young to be better than the blue.

Chi Chi!

Luo Tian suddenly opened his eyes, the blue light in his eyes was completely covered at this moment, and replaced by two purple sword lights, which came out through his body and landed directly on a black stone pier in the distance. Shoot the black stone pier directly.

"The avenue is formed, the avenue is formed, I didn't expect this kid to be so good-natured!" Luo Huachen almost couldn't help exclaiming, the surprises brought by his grandson were wave after wave, not only the sword canon After comprehending the essence of the first eight levels, even the Dao has been initially formed. After the Dao is initially formed, it means that there will be no obstacles to Luo Tian's future entry. If he cultivates normally, he has almost avoided the danger of becoming mad.

In fact, Luo Tian was not as powerful as Luo Huachen imagined. He just refined the coercion of heaven and earth in his body into the artistic conception of the sword code while comprehending the sword code. By accident, his own avenue took shape.Otherwise, relying on Luo Tian's own comprehension, I'm afraid it will take at least a few decades before he can fully comprehend his own Dao and lay the first step in the Dao.

"Old Ancestor, grandson can practice the ninth level of the Sword Code now." Luo Tian restrained his breath in an instant, and smiled slightly.

"There's no rush. It won't be too late to talk about this matter after you have consolidated the initially formed avenue."

Luo Tian: "..."

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