
Chapter 311 The Old Taoist Priest Reappears, The Point of Destruction

When the four of Luo Tian showed their abilities and jointly attacked the old monk Beiye, the old monk Beiye didn't show any expression on his face. With his head down halfway, he whispered the Buddha's name, and then the Buddha's light behind him shot out like a bright moon.

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, the purple sword light in his left eye, and the green wheel in his right eye turned, and finally he caught the object shot out from the Buddha's light of the old monk Baye. Some.Luo Tian directly split a trace of consciousness into Heilian's space to inquire.

"What?" Xiao Hei was sparring with Sha Sheng without saying a word, when he suddenly received a voice transmission from Luo Tian, ​​and put on an expression as expected, "Please, the dragon-elephant ring is originally a child-mother ring. Although the mother ring is smaller, its power is several times that of the sub-ring, and the sub-ring is the displacement force, and the mother ring is the suction force. Such a row-by-absorption repulsion force is instantly converted, and the resulting force is extremely powerful. It is said that Comparable to space fault."

After hearing this, Luo Tian was noncommittal. If the Dragon Elephant Ring could rival the space fault, then it would not be a secret treasure, it might be a fairy treasure. Besides, even if it is a fairy treasure, it might be difficult to resist the space fault for a long time.People in the world always like to spread rumors.

Chi Chi Chi!

Luo Tian displayed the greatest power of the sword code, and the purple lotus flower transformed by the sword energy was only one step away from being able to aspire to the moral category, but although it was only one step away, the power was quite different.Even so, the sword scriptures that Luo Tian has now comprehended are enough to cause damage to monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

The purple lotus that crushed the void all the way and formed a black gap finally broke into the aperture of the Dragon Elephant Ring. The aperture moved, and then was squeezed away by the purple lotus. In the end, the purple lotus just entered the aperture Within six feet, it was difficult to take a step forward, and it kept swaying in the circle of light. The circle of light seemed to recover very quickly, and finally wrapped the purple lotus in the center, slowly crushing the purple lotus into nothingness.

Afterwards, Luo Tian was very helpless to see that the mother ring of the dragon-elephant ring emitted another ray of light, and that ray of light was like the Buddha's light behind the old monk in Bayeux, condensed into substance, and seemed to possess great power able.

The power of Buddha Sect is really powerful!

Luo Tian sighed in his heart, facing the old monk Beiye, he thought he was far from being the opponent of the opponent. I am afraid that with the power that the old monk Beiye has shown so far, he must at least break through to the out-of-body stage to be able to match the opponent In the fight for right and wrong, at present, even if all the cards are played out, I am afraid that it will not be able to truly hurt the old monk Bayeux.

Knowing that he was invincible, Luo Tian had countless thoughts in his mind, all of which were ways to escape.Since he is not the opponent of the old monk, why bother to fight endlessly. I am alone, and I am not as good as Lei Fengtu and the other three. Seeing that the old monk Beiye has never made a move against them, but only came towards himself, you can tell that this has already reached the goal of pure heart and asceticism. The power of the six pure Buddhist sects may really contain an invisible Zen mechanism.

Difficult to shake away the big hand that suddenly appeared in the Buddha's light of the old monk in Bayeux, Luo Tian thought with some difficulty, could it be that the old monk saw his real secret, Luo Tian was reincarnated into this world suddenly, the last Buddhist Paying attention to cause and effect, Luo Tian suspected that the old monk had already seen that he was unusual, so Luo Tian became more determined to get rid of the old monk.

But the more Luo Tian wanted to leave, the more he fought the old monk Beiye, the more he felt how unfathomable this old monk was.The four of my party shot at him together, but they couldn't even break through the outer circle of light emitted by the complete dragon elephant ring of the old monk Bayeux. This shocked the four of Luo Tian to the extreme.You must know that among the four of them, apart from Luo Tian's unknown background, the other three were born in extremely powerful forces, and their foundations are so thick that they have reached the point where the forces behind them can cause a major earthquake in the entire Tian Xinghai. The three of them who have been blessed with urination and have been piled up by panacea, miraculous skills and secret methods all have their eyes high on weekdays, and it is extremely rare for them to look up to someone among their peers, of course the current Luo Tian is not among them.But at this moment, the three of them were extremely horrified to find that the old monk in front of them was like an extremely hard tortoise shell. crazy.

"I said big guy, boy, are you two in the same place?" Lei Fengtu pulled one in his hand, and the strange thunder hammer in his hand chopped down countless thunderbolts one after another. These thunderbolts spread continuously and connected together, and then pulled the void It became a piece of darkness, but it still couldn't tear away the halo of light from the dragon elephant ring.

"Call me a jerk again and I'll kill you. You are the jerk, and your whole family is a jerk! Also, do you think I have the right to be called a jerk in front of Luo Tian?" The mysterious man must have been very angry , he who has always seldom talked, couldn't help scolding Lei Fengtu savagely.

Huo Yunye sighed, and shook his head secretly, but at this moment, he felt a nameless fear of the old monk in front of him who was always in the same posture.

"Little benefactor, don't try to struggle, let me go with the old monk." The old monk Beiye rolled his eyelids and said softly, the voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by several people.

"Go away, sister!"

Luo Tian couldn't bear it anymore, this old monk is too much, I have no grievances with him, why does he always stare at him?After cursing, Luo Tian felt like a god, stepped directly on the clouds, turned over and shot dozens of feet, and decided to go back to his ancestor's other courtyard. This old monk is too tight, and Luo Tian has no other way to deal with it now. He had no choice but to rely on the strong restraint of his ancestor's other courtyard to wound the old monk.


The old monk Beiye proclaimed the Buddha's name, and immediately put his hands together, and then the Buddha's light behind him suddenly trembled, and the dragon elephant ring that was originally fixed in the void reversed, and then gave birth to a huge suction force, and Luo Tian fell to the distant place at high speed. The figure paused suddenly, and then was sucked back uncontrollably by this extraordinary suction force.

"This..." Luo Tian didn't seem to have any room to resist, he really didn't know that the ordinary old monk in front of him was so powerful.

As if it was just a matter of breathing, Luo Tian was sucked into the aperture by this suction, and then stared dumbfounded at the old monk Bayeux who was getting closer and closer to him.

"The old bald lady is bullying the juniors again. Here comes the old man, let me use my sword!..." Suddenly, there was a rather resentful shout in the void, and then Luo Tian felt the suction force on his body disappear suddenly, and then a five-color The streamer flew directly to the void above his head.

"I xxx..." Luo Tianguang knew it was the unscrupulous old Taoist priest from the voice, and he couldn't help cursing, "Every time I borrow the sword, you might as well take it back!"

"That's right, the old Taoist has exactly this intention." In the void, an old Taoist priest with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes walked out of a hole in the space, and saw him catch the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword with a thief, and then flicked the treasure lightly, "The old Taoist priest There is an important matter to be done recently, and the old man needs to use it, boy Luo, I will trouble you."

"If you can, don't bother me in the future!" Luo Tian said loudly while running outside, "Every time I meet you, nothing good happens..."

"Origin and extinction, it turned out to be extinction..." the old monk Beiye's expression changed slightly.

But before he finished speaking, the old Taoist priest who was about to turn around and rush into the space portal turned around, and then pointed out a finger to the old monk Beiye with a smile.

"Since it's an old friend, let's take the old man's trick."

"Great Finger of Destruction!"

ps: I came back late, but I finally got out.Now five chapters have been repaid, and ten chapters are still owed, which should be paid within the next two weeks at the latest.

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