
Chapter 312

Even someone as clever as Luo Tian, ​​who knew the sloppy old Taoist priest, didn't even guess that the old bastard had a backhand blow.The dull-looking old monk Bayeux might not even be able to guess his intentions.

Dasha finger!

Just such a low shout, and immediately a light spot suddenly appeared in the air, and then the whole world seemed to be dancing with wind and clouds, the light spot spread around non-stop, the space was shattered layer by layer, and a huge and unparalleled black hole suddenly appeared, as if Devouring everything generally rolls towards the old monk Baye.

In the misty halo, the old monk Beiye's face became more and more distressed, but it was strange that the aura around him did not change at all, and he still folded his hands together, looking at the terrifying black hole above his head with pity. Hole.

The circle of light emitted by the dragon elephant ring trembled once and for all, and there was a scene of welcoming the foreshadowing of a stormy wind, as if the calm lake surface suddenly became turbulent, and there were layers of simple yet gorgeous halos, among which, unexpectedly Blossoming golden lotus flowers appeared.

At this point, Luo Tian was not suspicious or surprised. The lotus flower is a holy thing, and it is a carved pattern respected by both Buddhism and Taoism.It is reasonable and expected that the old monk Bayeux can have a vision of a lotus flower.

"It's...it's this person?" Dashasha pointed out, and the mysterious person hidden in the golden thorn ball couldn't help but tremble, and immediately murmured, he came from one of the oldest forces, so he naturally knew There are many secrets in the old Taoist priest's many secrets, the Great Destruction refers to someone's unique secret skill against the sky, not only him, but Lei Fengtu and Huo Yunye may have seen some of the old Taoist's origins.

"Fuck!" Lei Fengtu opened his mouth wide, stammering with an expression of disbelief, "This... how could this ruthless person appear here again? It seems that he still has a little relationship with Xiao Tiantian ?”

Huo Yunye, on the other hand, was honest and straightforward, and had long since stared straight at Luo Tian without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Let me tell you, I would be embarrassed if you look at me like that." Luo Tian held back for a long time before saying shyly.

"..." The three of them immediately turned into petrification, this god damn beast who suffered a thousand knives.It's all about being perverted himself, but he even hooked up with a famous super old pervert.

"Wow, my old man forgot one thing..." The old monk in Bayeux was struggling to resist the Dasha finger, and when Lei Fengtu and the others were about to violently beat Luo Tian, ​​the old Taoist backed up and returned Come on, "You little guys who are always causing trouble, you are so naughty, my old man can't come here for nothing, and I have to send you out."

After finishing speaking, the old Taoist stretched out his withered arm without everyone's consent, and countless dense palm shadows appeared in the entire sky, and then these palm shadows seemed to form a huge gust of wind, which swept Luo Tian and others up one after another, and rushed towards Going to the black smoke zone.

The dense black smoke on the black smoke zone directly separated by itself, revealing an empty road, and then everyone in Luotian felt like a huge rolling boulder, and quickly rolled out of it.

At the end of the black smoke, there was a portal shining with wandering colors. Luo Tian and others flew in from all directions, and then crashed into that portal.

"Old monk, don't move around, or if you move, this space will be shattered, and it will be bad for the people to die..." The old Taoist finally did not forget to joke with the old monk Bayeux, and then just once again With a wave, a crack is opened in the space, and the whole person directly enters it.


"Everyone, everyone, you can be regarded as coming out!"

The space portal is not too long, just a few breaths of effort will come to an end. When Luo Tian and others came out one after another, the patriarch of the Silver Shark Clan greeted him in person and greeted him without any pretensions.

Although many monks secretly slandered that this old guy was probably an insider in this crisis, but all of them were dignified and well-known people, and they didn't reach out to hit the smiling face, so they didn't embarrass the patriarch of the Silver Shark Clan.

"Xiao Tian!"

A hurried figure jumped out from behind the head of the Silver Shark Clan, and then rushed into Luo Tian's arms like a sucking swallow throwing itself into the forest under the eyes of everyone, hugged Luo Tian tightly, and kept murmuring, "Fortunately, you are fine, Luckily you're okay..."

When everyone saw that the instigator was Luo Tian, ​​the guys who were originally filled with anger retreated one after another. Luo Tian is a ruthless person, even dare to kill people in Xueyu, what else he dare not do, At the moment, everyone pretends not to see it.

"There is adultery." Lei Fengtu rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"There is definitely adultery." The mysterious man also echoed.

"There must be adultery!" Huo Yunye himself is a big bastard, he has always made big mistakes and never made small mistakes, a disaster that is similar to Luo Tian's temper, when he said this, his loud voice almost made everyone listen arrive.

The patriarch of the Silver Shark Clan glanced at Luo Tian expressionlessly, secretly proud of himself, this little daughter is cute enough to have found such a husband-in-law, the old man is very satisfied, very satisfied, I hope the other two daughters will also submit to her. Yan'er's vicious eyes matched.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "Brother Huo, your words are ugly enough."

"Hey, this is my fault." Huo Yunye scratched his head embarrassingly, "Brother, in order to make amends, I will not return home without getting drunk with you, um, I must not return home without getting drunk."

Luo Tian laughed out of breath, "Apologize to your sister, you are obviously cheating on drinking under the banner of apologizing, thinking of this, Luo Tian looked at Bai Yan'er with a slightly resentful expression.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You idiot." Bai Yan'er blushed, and then twisted Luo Tian's ribs hard with both hands.

"My lady, I have some bad news for you." Luo Tian didn't seem to be aware of the pain, and looked up at the sky, "Your family's wine cellar is going to be lost..."

"Ah, what are you talking about, who is your wife!" Bai Yan'er immediately broke free from Luo Tian's arms, and then looked around in a panic, with a sweet but shy expression on her face.

"There is adultery!" At this moment, all the monks had this thought in their hearts.


"Come on, little Tiantian, do it!"

In Luotian Bieyuan, Luo Tian was looking at Lei Fengtu and Huo Yunye with a green face, these two shameless scourges, they are so fucking bullying, seeing that Boss Sha lost his body, he teamed up to bully the young master, Shamelessly obscene!

At this time, the entire Silver Shark Clan, and even the entire sky above the Star Sea made a strange humming sound.

Then several beams of light descended from the sky and fell straight towards the palace where the chief of the Silver Shark Clan lived.

At this moment, when the sad-faced chief of the Silver Shark Clan was thinking about how to drive away those guys who were eating and drinking in the Silver Shark Clan in the name of recuperating their injuries, he flew up immediately, and then went With a wave of his hand, he grabbed the quaint token in the air.

"Three-Yuan Dog Day Order!"

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