
Chapter 315 A wolf-hearted old friend?

"Do you want to help the little guy?" Above the sky, the two old men looked at each other, and in the end Daqian Daqian sighed and spoke first. He didn't dare to touch the road, he really wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of achievements the other party could achieve. Therefore, he loved and cared for Luo Tian extremely in his heart.

"Don't help me." Wu Yi was still riding his black donkey that didn't make a fuss, and said with relief, "The little guy can stand alone now, I'm afraid we old guys will need an opportunity in the future. Less!"

This time, Daqian just nodded, and then he still couldn't help looking at Luo Tian.Although Zhou Qingbo from the Fire Demon Palace is a low-level guy in the eyes of the two, he is still a formidable opponent compared to Luo Tian.

In fact, Zhou Qingbo really caused some troubles for Luo Tian.I saw that the power of the bone-shattering arrow in his hand was beyond imagination, and even the sword energy Hualian condensed by Luo Tian had been refined a lot. If it wasn't for the innate masculine energy of the purple lotus sword energy, I'm afraid I really can't resist the crisp bone killing arrow for the time being.

"Master, I'll do it." Bai Yaner frowned slightly, and glanced at Zhou Qingbo with a fleeting murderous look in her eyes.

The one who answered Bai Yan'er was Luo Tian's disappearing figure who disappeared without a trace. In the entire void, Luo Tian actually disappeared.

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

At the same time, Zhou Qingbo grinned, and then conjured up several spells with one hand, and a terrifying black disaster suddenly took shape in front of him, like a huge meteorite rolling through the air, making bursts of roaring and earth-shattering noises.

"Li Huo Jue." Zhou Qingbo smiled disdainfully, aren't you physically strong?The Fire Demon Palace's pacification formula is said to be able to dissolve all things, but it's a pity that a child molester with such aptitude is gone.


Next, what made Zhou Qingbo's complexion change greatly was that a ghost-like figure emerged from the black sea of ​​flames, and then the figure slowly enlarged, and a cyan light flashed. Treasure armor, the opponent was able to hurt himself, and then the whole person flew out.

Luo Tian also became angry, and shot at Zhou Qingbo again and again like a shadow. After punching and kicking, Zhou Qingbo was shocked to find that every time he was hit, the void behind him would burst. Only by paying a high price can one escape from the ruptured void.

In this situation, it seemed that every time Zhou Qingbo was hit by Luo Tian, ​​he would sink into the void as if falling into the ground.This is simply too scary.

"This... this is, the power of space!"

Even Daqian Daqian and the old donkey rider Wu Yi who were watching from a distance were shocked and speechless.

Puff puff!

Zhou Qingbo, who was blocked by the crisp bone killing heart arrow, was bombarded continuously by Luo Tian, ​​and finally couldn't bear it anymore. Even though he had a spirit treasure to protect him, he couldn't bear the damage of space, and finally he was seriously injured.


A tactful sigh came from Zhou Qingbo's carriage, and then a vision appeared in the sky.

The sky is full of flowers and rain.

At some point in the entire void, there seemed to be a rain of flower petals, floating out in the void, and the petals of some strange flowers were extremely heavy, falling almost vertically from the sky, which looked extremely strange.

"I know you can't help it." Luo Tian's face turned cold, and he clasped his hands together, and Fen Baoyan flew out directly, and then grew from a small size, and gradually grew to the size of a mountain peak. out, isolating those flower petal rains that almost covered the entire area.

In the whole world, only Hua Shendao can have such an offensive.And there is only one person who happened to appear in the vicinity of Hua Shendao, Hua Ruyi, the flower fairy!

The next moment, Luo Tian single-handedly shot five purple sword qi, blasting Zhou Qingbo into the air. These sword qi seem ordinary, but they are the strongest attack that Luo Tian has now comprehended the sword code. Zhou Qingbo was hit by this blow , almost fainted by the fierce sword energy.

At this moment, Bai Yan'er was already fighting with the Flower Fairy holding the jade flute of heaven and earth. The two daughters are both from famous families, so it is hard to tell the winner for the time being.

Luo Tian saw that Zhou Qingbo's body protection spirit treasure was extremely difficult to break through, so his eyes turned cold, and he moved sideways, directly to Zhou Qingbo's side, and then pointed his hands at the void, and the space where Zhou Qingbo fell was suddenly separated by a crack, Then Luo Tian sent Zhou Qingbo into the space crack without hesitation.


Luo Tian snorted, then merged the space cracks profusely, quickly swallowed a few elixirs, and then looked at the bone-shattering arrow, trying to destroy this treasure with all his strength. It's too vicious, it hurts the harmony of nature.

To Luo Tian's surprise, before he could make another shot, the bone-piercing arrow flashed in the air, and then disappeared strangely.

"I didn't expect that old guy from the Fire Demon Palace could not help but make a move. Do you want to leave a mark for him?" Daqian Daqian looked at the old donkey rider Wu Yi teasingly, and said with a smile.

Wu Yi's face was cold and stern, "He wants to take action when the children are playing around. It's really embarrassing."

After finishing speaking, Wu Yi waved one hand, a green light flashed all over his body, and then the whole person escaped directly into the void.

"Luo Tian, ​​we will meet again. Hehe." Seeing that Zhou Qingbo was exiled by Luo Tiansheng, the flower goblin smiled coquettishly and drifted away.

"Long hoof!" Bai Yan'er spat angrily, there was nothing she could do if the flower fairy wanted to leave.

"Sanggong, are you alright?" Bai Yan'er saw Luo Tian's pale face and sweat profusely, she couldn't help supporting Luo Tian with concern.

Luo Tian shook his hand, "It's okay, just a little bit out of strength."

Just now Luo Tian was so cruel that he used the secret method of forcibly tearing open space cracks that he had never used before. This is also a secret method of the Xuanyin Taishang Daojing, and it needs the support of an extremely powerful soul to perform it.

"You stop me!"

At this time, two auras in the air quickly chased towards Luo Tian, ​​one in front and one in the back, very fast.

A gentle middle-aged scholar in front of him has a complicated expression on his face, and he is only in the early stage of alchemy.And behind him was a female monk, her cultivation was in the middle stage of alchemy, a level higher than the scholar in front.

Luo Tian glanced casually, and couldn't help frowning slightly. The middle-aged scholar in front of him looked familiar, and when he got closer, Luo Tian just recognized that the man was actually the owner of Qinse Island.

"Ouyang Ruoshu, you wolf-hearted bastard!"

Just as Luo Tian wanted to say hello, he was overwhelmed by the shouts of the female monk in red.

The owner of Qinse Island, a wolf-hearted dog?

Luo Tian's face could not help but slowly darken, if so, this person deserves to be killed!

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