
Chapter 316 Ice Heart Poison, Ice Sea Plain

Therefore, Luo Tian didn't care about continuing to adjust his breath to recover from the injuries in his body. He wasn't injured much, but his mana was overdrawn. Now the internal exercises are running on their own, and mana is slowly regenerating.Uncertainly, he raised his hand and flicked lightly at the void in front of Ouyang Ruoshu, the owner of Qinse Island, and suddenly some unknown changes took place in that void.


Luo Tian's attack is naturally extraordinary. Today's Luo Tian can single-handedly kill the late Nascent Soul monks who have no defensive spirit treasures, let alone the Qinse Island Master who only has the early alchemy monks.Luo Tian was really going to be cruel to find a killer, Ouyang Ruoshu, the owner of Qinse Island, didn't even know how he died.

Ouyang Ruoshu is naturally not like Zhou Qingbo, the young master of the Fire Demon Palace, who is covered with spiritual treasures all over his body. Luo Tian even discovered that he has a spiritual treasure for the defense of the primordial spirit on him. It's not enough to kill him, after all, Luo Tian himself doesn't have a soul defense treasure, but others do.Otherwise, Luo Tian didn't have to waste so much effort to exile Zhou Qingbo, and he could kill Zhou Qingbo directly by using the Yuanshen Killing Technique in Xuanyin Taishang Daojing.

Ouyang Ruoshu, the owner of Qinse Island, seemed to have crashed into a soft barrier. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move on. He was sweating profusely for a while, and looked at the woman in the fiery red dress behind him. The monk got closer and closer, and his face turned pale.

"Linger... You, listen to me explain carefully to you first!" Ouyang Ruoshu shouted with shame on his face, "Forget it, you saved my life back then, and today I will give it back to you."

The female cultivator who caught up was stunned for a moment, and then her face was full of anger, and she said in a mixture of shock and anger: "Ouyang Ruoshu, are you still a man? I didn't care about leaving me in a hurry, but now even our daughter is poisoned. If you ignore it, you are simply a beast!"

Ouyang Ruoshu was like thunder, and said, "Daughter? We actually have a daughter? What's going on? How could she be poisoned?"

"Island owner, we meet again." Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er also looked at it for a while, thinking that there might be some misunderstandings, so they showed up immediately, while Ouyang Ruoshu, the owner of Qinse Island, just looked after himself He muttered, turning a deaf ear to Luo Tian's words, as if he had lost his mind.And the female monk in red looked at Ouyang Ruoshu with tears in her eyes, without any movement.

"Miao Ling'er pays homage to the two seniors." Miao Ling'er came back to her senses first, swept away Luo Tian and the two of them with consciousness, and saluted respectfully with a slight change in expression. Naturally, Miao Linger's cultivation level was immediately detected by Miao Linger, and Miao Linger also discovered that the two seniors with extremely high cultivation levels in front of him seemed to be old acquaintances with that heartless person. Could it be that they were going to be stopped again today? What a miserable person, for a moment the sadness came from his heart, and he started to cry in a daze, two lines of clear tears dripped directly from his cheeks without knowing it.

"Senior!" Ouyang Ruoshu was stunned for a long time, and suddenly realized that there were two more people in front of him. When he looked around, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I didn't expect to meet two seniors here. The rapid growth of senior's cultivation base is really impressive. I will never forget my shoulders."

As far as the entire Tianxinghai is concerned, apart from Sha Sheng, the only person who saw Luo Tian's true appearance and knew Luo Tian's identity was the island owner of Qin Se.

"Here, what's going on with you?" Luo Tian and Sha Sheng saw that Ouyang Ruoshu, the owner of Qinse Island, had profound virtue and shouldn't die, so they helped him survive the four or nine days of calamity, so that Ouyang Ruoshu was promoted to the The knot period prolongs its lifespan.Seeing that there might be something hidden in it now, he couldn't help asking softly.

"Hey, it's all the sins caused by my youth and frivolity." Ouyang Ruoshu shook his head and sighed, "Senior, when my grandparents were still alive, I didn't know right and wrong. I was playing around in the Star Sea, but unexpectedly encountered a storm. When I woke up, I was rescued by Linger...Ms. Miao Linger. At that time, I was seriously injured. Thanks to Miss Miao Linger who waited for half a year in undressed clothes, I was able to recover. Then we fell in love with each other, so, I couldn't help it...In the end, because I am the only descendant of Qinse Island, so I had to return to Qinse Island, but I have been away for 50 years... I don’t even know that the two of us have a daughter, and I really have no face to show people."

"You are a bastard!" Miao Ling'er burst into tears, "You are cruel enough not to see our mother and daughter for 50 years... woo woo..."

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er glanced at each other, they had understood the outline of the matter at this moment, and couldn't help being a little speechless. They thought it was a story about a passionate woman who betrayed her heart, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a big misunderstanding.

"Daughter...how is she? Even if I die, I still want to see her!" Ouyang Ruoshu straightened his spine at this moment, unexpectedly possessing an inviolable awe-inspiring brilliance.

"You have a strange poison in your body, what do you think?" Miao Ling'er became even more sad when she mentioned her daughter, and her eyes turned red again.

"What kind of strange poison is it? Can you let me take a look." At this time, Luo Tian said lightly, with a calm face. For the current self, it is difficult for poison to cause harm to him, so no one imagined it. The Chinese have a great fear of poison.

"Senior, yes, senior is proficient in the art of Qihuang, maybe, maybe our daughter can be cured!" Ouyang Ruoshu has seen Luo Tian's alchemy skills, and knows that alchemy can achieve such a master, and he must also understand the way of medicine. .

"Call me Luo Tian from now on."

For simple and honest people like the master of Qinse Island, Luo Tian was too lazy to put on airs of a superior person, the most important thing to make friends is to make friends, and if the status is not equal, make friends with a shitty friend.

"Luo... Luotian?!"

Ouyang Ruoshu and Miao Linger were shocked at once.Luo Tian's recent fame has almost resounded throughout the entire Tian Xinghai. It is said that this person is a three-headed and six-armed devil-level figure, who can eat human flesh and drink human blood.I didn't expect to see such a handsome young man in front of me.Especially Ouyang Ruoshu, the owner of Qinse Island. He had seen Luo Tian's real face before, but he only knew that Luo Tian's name at that time was Han Yi... This huge gap is really shocking.

Next, as the two of Ouyang Ruoshu flew for about a quarter of an hour, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er landed on an island full of green grass and trees. It can be seen from the bottom that the scenery of this island is good, and there should be a middle-level spiritual vein hidden.

"Senior, please follow me."

Miao Ling'er impatiently brought Luo Tian and the two of them to an attic.

As soon as he entered the attic, Luo Tian felt a layer of icy breath blowing towards his face. It was obviously scorching summer and the temperature was extremely hot. Could it be that there is an ice cellar in the attic?You must know that the strange poison in the body can delay the spread of the poison in the ice cellar, but some poisons will become more difficult to suppress.

The bed made of thousand-year-old red sandalwood was already covered with frost. In the middle of the frost, a small figure could be vaguely seen lying quietly. Its face was somewhat similar to Ouyang Ruoshu and Miao Linger. It is their daughter.

There was a layer of yellow flame on Luo Tian's body, and immediately his consciousness spread into the man's body, and he couldn't help frowning.

"This is the Ice Heart Poison, a very rare and strange poison. The entire Star Sea should only be found in the Ice Sea Plain in the Northern Territory. Have you offended the masters of the Ice Sea Plain?"

Ice Sea Plain!

As soon as Luo Tian said this, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

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