
Chapter 317 Detoxification and Apprenticeship

Ice sea plain.

This place is not a forbidden place that birds cannot cross, but there are some ancient aborigines living in the northern region of the Star Sea. All the native residents of the Star Sea agree that it is a holy place in their hearts.Some people have even heard that there are some ancient races of indigenous people living in the depths of the Ice Sea Plain. They are proficient in poisonous witchcraft and are extremely difficult to deal with.As for the monks who entered the ice sea field, the weak ones would never return. Even if the advanced monks had been there, they would keep silent about anything about the ice sea field when they came out.

"It should be impossible..." Miao Ling'er fell into deep thought, and after a long while, her eyes brightened, "Wait, if my Xiaoyun meets someone from the Ice Sea Plain, I'm afraid that person is the most suspicious!"

"Let's hear it." Luo Tian saw that Ouyang Ruoshu, the owner of Qinse Island, was about to speak, but he just shook his head slightly, knowing that he must be asking for his daughter's name. As a father, he didn't even know his daughter's name. , is too embarrassing.

"About half a year ago, I took Yun'er to go to Qinse Island to find her heartless father, but on the way, I met a very mysterious man in white. A deserted island was fishing on the seashore. At that time, Yuner saw the man fishing but had no bait. It looked very interesting, so she walked over and said a few words to the man, but the man did not make a sound from the beginning to the end. Strange, when I took Yun'er out of Baizhang and looked back, that person disappeared strangely."

Luo Tian fell silent after hearing this, and then his face changed slightly, "No, I'm afraid it's a technique of seizing the house!"

After all, Luo Tian stretched out his hand and a layer of transparent flames emerged, covering Xiaoyun's body without hesitation. Xiaoyun's face immediately became extremely ferocious, and in the frost, there were even a few traces of blackness that looked extremely terrifying. Wandering out of breath.

"Where is the evildoer actually using the technique of seizing the house?" Luo Tian shouted, "Get out quickly!"

"Wow..." A terrifying voice like howling ghosts came out of Xiaoyun's body, and then a hoarse and cold voice resounded throughout the attic, "You meddlesome guy, I've heard Black Snake tell you about you a long time ago. , I didn't expect you to dare to destroy my ice devil's good deeds! Just stay here!"


After the ice demon finished speaking, Xiaoyun's body suddenly moved a few times, and then her crystal-clear jade palm flicked in the air, countless frost and ice mist swept out of thin air, forcing everyone to retreat.

"You go out first, leave this to me!" Luo Tian yelled at Bai Yan'er and Ouyang Ruoshu Miao Ling'er, and then the yellow flames on his body burst out, and the Fumo Ganghuo popped out of his hands one after another, Moganghuo immediately enveloped Xiaoyun's body with a misty brilliance. The other party's magical powers were astonishing. Luo Tian understood everything from the few words just now. This old devil is actually the same as the Dark Snake Emperor. It seems that he is also a well-known old devil in the ancient cultivation world, otherwise he would not be able to control the avatar of the soul to do evil in the lower realm. When Luo Tian detected Xiaoyun's body just now, he had already discovered that Xiaoyun was born with nine yin and extreme veins. This kind of system is most suitable for practicing yin attribute skills and magic skills. If it is cultivated to great success, I am afraid that it will bring disaster to the world.Moreover, it is even recorded in Xuanyin Taishang Dao Jing that if the primordial spirit is used to seize the body, it must lie dormant in the body of the object to be seized. Although the chance of success of this technique is extremely low, once it is achieved, it will be as difficult as a volcanic eruption. contain.Fortunately, Luo Tian deduced it based on some clues. Otherwise, if Xiaoyun was regarded as a sign of ordinary poisoning, Ouyang Ruoshu and Miao Linger would definitely die in the future.

"Half a month, half a month, I will be able to make such a powerful clone, you kid should be killed!" the ice demon roared sinisterly, clearly out of breath, even if he killed all the people in front of him Killing, the Ice Demon has to use the secret method again to successfully seize the house, and the previous efforts can be said to be in vain.

"It's you who should be killed!"

Luo Tian's face turned cold, "There is nothing wrong with seizing the house, but since you met the young master, don't even think about it!"

After all, the Fumo Ganghuo in Luo Tian's hands accelerated the refining of the ice demon's defensive cover, and he had no other distractions, no matter how bewitched or furious the ice demon was, he would ignore it.

A full month has passed.

When Bai Yan'er and others outside the attic couldn't help rushing in, Luo Tian walked out of the attic energetically, with a trace of tiredness on his face, obviously exhausted too much.

"Is your husband alright?"


Luo Tian waved his hand and said with a faint smile: "It's okay, the old devil was finally completely refined by me, but Xiaoyun's soul suffered some damage, as long as he cooperates with the spirit pill to take care of him for three to five years, he can recover."

"Thank you, senior!" Ouyang Ruoshu and Miao Ling'er had finally resolved a lot of knots after a month of communication. They looked at each other and knelt down to Luo Tian in unison.

"You don't need to be so big." Luo Tian didn't even move, and Ouyang Ruoshu and his wife supported him with a limp force, "This matter is not just for you, there are also some things of my own. Clear it up."

"No way!" Ouyang Ruoshu said hastily, "The next couple owes senior a favor again!"

Luo Tian didn't say much, and was silent for a while, before he said: "Xiaoyun still has some residual ** in her body, and it will take a few days to get rid of them all. But this little girl has good qualifications, you husband and wife If someone wants to return me a favor, let this little girl come into my sect. Anyway, I haven't accepted an apprentice yet."

"Ah?" Ouyang Ruoshu and his wife could not help but look overjoyed, and immediately nodded in agreement, "Senior is able to take a fancy to my little girl, it is the little girl's good fortune, but now it seems that I already owe my senior three favors!"

Regarding Ouyang Ruoshu's stubbornness, Luo Tian was also helpless. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Since Xiaoyun has become my apprentice, you should stop being seniors. It is not too much to call me brother, haha!"


After a few more days like this, all the organs in Ouyang Yun's body were pulled out, and she has come to her senses. Under the auspices of her parents, Ouyang Yun solemnly performed the ceremony of apprenticeship, and officially became Luo Tian's apprentice.Luo Tian is now considered a rich man in the world of cultivating immortals, so naturally he will not be stingy, and directly gave Ouyang Yun a lot of spiritual stones, magic pills and magic weapons, and even gave Ouyang Yun the Xuanji Yugui. Of course, in terms of skills, Luo Tian Tian even passed on the Xuanyin Supreme Dao Sutra and the Sword Code to Ouyang Yun without hesitation. With Ouyang Yun's physique, he might have a certain advantage over Luo Tian in practicing Xuanyin Tai Shang Dao Sutra.

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