
Chapter 318 Bad idea, Luo Tian's passion!

Next, Luo Tian stayed for a few more days for the sake of Ouyang Yun, the pioneering disciple.Even without heartache, he took a lot of rare elixir from the first day of the Black Lotus Space and refined several pills to restore the primordial spirit.

Outside the attic, Ouyang Ruoshu and his wife looked at me and I looked at you, their faces were full of disbelief.

"Master, Xiaoyun, you are right! Brother Luo is really a rich man, unexpectedly, so rich, the spirit stones given to Xiaoyun for cultivation are all top-grade spirit stones..." Ouyang Ruoshu Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he said in a broken voice.

"..." Miao Ling'er also nodded, with an expression of approval, "If things go on like this, Yun'er's achievements will surpass you and me in less than 20 years."

"Remember, ask me in time if you don't understand anything." Luo Tian said with a serious face. Opposite him stood respectfully a beautiful girl Ouyang Yun. With a mid-term cultivation base, he is looking at Luo Tian with admiration all over his face at this moment, and there is an inexplicable admiration mixed with the flickering eyes.

For this apprentice, Luo Tian also had nothing to do, this girl was too eccentric, if it wasn't for him, Ouyang Ruoshu and his wife would have been really hard to suppress her.And Bai Yan'er looked at Ouyang Yun very fondly, hoping that he and Luo Tian could also give birth to such a lovely daughter. You must know that it is extremely troublesome for female monks in the world of cultivating immortals to have children. After decades or even hundreds of years of gestation, and Bai Yan'er, as a monster, if he wants to have children, it may take a hundred years.

"Ignite this when you are practicing, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation!" After Luo Tian finished speaking, he took out dozens of plates of Ningshen incense and handed them to Ouyang Yun. Don’t let outsiders know what is given to you, otherwise it will definitely bring disaster!”

"Master, when will you come to pick him up?" Ouyang Yun's moist eyes flickered, and she curled her lips immediately, "Don't worry, Master, I'm not a fool, and I will keep a low profile until my strength is not strong."

Luo Tian was speechless for a while, and said in his heart, it would be good if this precious apprentice didn't provoke others, with her brain of great wisdom like a monster, it would not be easy to make her suffer.Speaking of Dazhi Ruoyao, Luo Tian couldn't help thinking of his childhood brother, Xiao Qing.Now it has been nearly 50 years since I left the Great Wu Country. I don’t know how many years it will be before I return to the Great Wu Country, 100 years, or 200 years?


"Master, remember to pick me up early!"

The sea of ​​clouds was boundless, Ouyang Ruoshu's family stood in the air, watching Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er slowly disappear into the distance, Ouyang Yun was already waving and shouting to herself.

"Let's go." Ouyang Ruoshu looked extremely funny with two black and blue eye circles, and sighed in his heart, brother Luo, you have done me a disservice.

It turned out that Luo Tian was mysteriously called out by Ouyang Ruoshu on the eve before leaving. At that time, Luo Tian was flirting passionately with Bai Yan'er, and was directly destroyed by Ouyang Ruoshu.So Ouyang Ruoshu, a stupid guy, was put on a table by the dissatisfied Luo Tian.

"Brother Luo."

"What's the matter, Brother Ouyang?"

"How do you say that Linger and I can ease the knot between each other? I feel like I want to make out with her but I don't think it's right."

"Two ways, absolutely work."

"Let's listen to it." Ouyang Ruoshu's eyes lit up.

"The first way is to possess my sister-in-law wildly and wildly, and then surround her with your man's peerless tenderness."

"Uh... something wrong with this one? Let's talk about the second one."

"The second way is to possess my sister-in-law wildly and wildly, and then show off your masculinity and conquer her with your masculine and masculine charm!"

"...Brother Luo, why do you want to possess your sister-in-law wildly and wildly first?" Ouyang Ruoshu asked weakly.

"You are stupid! How long has my sister-in-law been away from you? It's been almost 50 years. Have you been a widow for a long time? Have you ever been alone? At this time, you are most needed to show your strength and kill her. out…"

"Then I'm going!"

So, in the middle of the night, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er heard the groaning, but it was Ouyang Ruoshu's groaning, and it didn't stop until dawn.

High above the sky, Daqian Daqian and the old donkey rider Wu Yi rolled their eyes, "Boy Luo is too bad, he tossed that little Ouyang half to death, really perverted."

"Just talking nonsense!" Wu Yi snorted coldly, "Are you not serious?"

"Are you serious? Don't you just look at that little girl Ouyang Yun's face full of mischievous expressions!"

"Fart! I'm envious of that girl's qualifications, I'm jealous of that kid Luo Tian, ​​I'm the first to act first!"

"Still coveting that little girl!"

"I can't communicate with you!"


"What's the matter, Mr.?" Bai Yan'er was sitting on the green boat transformed by the blue clouds, seeing Luo Tian's expression of silence, "Yesterday...it's not that he didn't want to give it to you, but that he wasn't ready, don't be angry Well."

Luo Tian came back to his senses with a half-smile, "In your eyes, I'm such a anxious person? It's just that I remembered some past events, and I'm a little embarrassed."

"Tell me, people want to hear about your past. I don't know where you came from?"

"Then let me tell you, these things have been in my heart for too long." Luo Tian smiled lightly, starting from the Luo family, and then how to step into the world of cultivating immortals, how to come to Tianxinghai...

"That Qing He, you must love her very much, right?" Bai Yan'er said with some enjoyment after listening to Luo Tian's story with fascination.

"In my heart, you are all the same."

The fragrant wind blows, Bai Yan'er throws herself into Luo Tian's arms, and said in a daze, "I didn't expect you to go through such a thing, and I didn't expect you to suffer so much. It's because I'm thinking too much, my husband, don't be angry. OK?"

Bai Yan'er looks like a savage and aggressive woman on the surface, but in fact she is the kind of woman who can give everything for her lover, even if the poor family only has a pot of porridge left, she will give the thick one to her husband traditional woman.How could Luo Tian not know about this?Some women, on the surface, seem to be good women who can be with you, but in fact they are not.

"This trip to Sanyuan Island is probably extremely dangerous." Luo Tian said solemnly, "Yan'er, if you are in an extremely serious crisis, leave me alone and run away first! Do you understand?"


Bai Yan'er became anxious all of a sudden, "Even if it's death, I want to be with you, my husband! Promise me, don't leave me behind, okay? If you defeat all other opponents, they will let you...let you ..."

"Ah?!" Luo Tian became fierce all of a sudden, and shouted loudly, "Sanyuan Island, I'm here, anyone who stops me will die, kill, kill, kill!"

"Is this kid crazy?"

Daqian Daqian and the donkey-riding old man Wu Yi looked down at Luo Tian, ​​who was extremely unrestrained, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

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