
Chapter 319 Three Jue Laomo, Yanboqin

In fact, Luo Tian's behavior is not a sign of impatience, and it's not because of Bai Yan'er's promise, but because of the original character he portrays now, nostalgic for the past, without the strong style of sweeping all obstacles in his previous life.He just set a goal for himself in his heart, so that the sourness in his heart that has not completely dissipated will be temporarily forgotten, so that he can really get out of this low emotional factor.

The road is ruthless.Could it be that you really want to be unfeeling and unyielding?

In his previous life, Luo Tian was always alone. Ever since the master who taught him passed away because he couldn't resist the power of time, he has been alone in the world, without friends, without feelings, and even without a loving lover.But now, the changes in him are no different from those in the previous life, so how can he let go easily?

"The front is Sanyuan Island!" Bai Yan'er got up and stretched, showing her curves, extremely attractive.

"Why are there so many monks in Sanyuan Island?" Luo Tian frowned slightly. He has spiritual eyesight, and he has long seen colored lights falling rapidly over the sky of Sanyuan Island. It was a few people who headed towards Sanyuan Island continuously.

"I'm afraid most of them are watching the excitement." Bai Yan'er took a few more glances, covered his mouth and chuckled, "After all, the Three-Yuan Futian Order has not been issued for hundreds of years, and now it is born again, how can these monks hold back?" live?"

"Look and talk." Luo Tian finished speaking and took out two pieces of gorgeous brocade that felt like running water, and handed one to Bai Yan'er, "This is the concealment yarn I knocked from Daqian Daqian, this Sanyuan Island is now hiding dragons and crouching tigers Dragons and snakes are mixed, it's better for you and me to keep a low profile."

"En." Bai Yan'er took the concealing veil, swept away his consciousness, and a wonderful formula appeared in his mind, recited it silently, and wiped the concealing veil on his face, his appearance changed immediately, from a The young and beautiful beauty has become a middle-aged lady who still has charm.

Luo Tian chuckled, and immediately wiped off the concealing veil, turning into a middle-aged man with a three-strand beard, with a clean face and a bit of fairy demeanor.

"You're smart." Bai Yan'er smiled coquettishly, mist rippling in her eyes.

Luo Tian became obsessed with watching it for a while.

Sanyuan Island is worthy of being a well-known and rich force in the eastern region of the Star Sea, but it covers an area of ​​more than a thousand miles, which is enough to make people dumbfounded.Moreover, the entire island is triangular in shape, and there are layers of light curtains flickering in the sun outside, obviously a lot of strange formations have been arranged.At this moment, the island guards of Sanyuan Island almost formed a long queue, checking the identity of the monks who entered Sanyuan Island very seriously and responsibly.

Even though Sanyuan Island is well-known for being friendly and easy to get along with, it also has some extremely difficult enemies. There are so many monks coming and going to Sanyuan Island at this moment, it is normal to be so guarded.

What makes Luo Tian feel a little strange is that not to mention the alchemy stage, there are so many monks in the Qi refining stage and foundation building stage, which is really surprising.Moreover, all the monks queuing up for the inspection restrained their temper, and none of them made any noise.


Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er looked towards the distant sky with awareness, and saw an extremely gorgeous red cloud billowing in the distant sky, and immediately a figure fell directly, and the powerful momentum around them blown away the monks who lined up all around There was a burst of staggering.

"Who is so ignorant of the rules?" Finally someone spoke softly.

"Ah, keep silent, it's the Sanjue old devil!"

"Why is this demon here? Isn't he locked up?"

All of a sudden, the monks present started talking.

"It turned out to be him?" Bai Yan'er muttered with a slightly changed expression.

"Where does this old devil come from?" Luo Tian couldn't help asking softly, looking at the Sanjue old devil who was swaggering towards Sanyuan Island.

At this moment, the Sanjue old devil seemed to be aware of it, turned his head and looked at several people, and then entered Sanyuan Island thoughtfully.The guards of Sanyuan Island did not step forward to stop him, but just bowed slightly, and then let the old devil enter the island.

Luo Tian frowned slightly. The moment the Sanjue old devil turned his head just now, he seemed to have stayed in the three places for a long time. Of course, a long time is also relatively speaking, but it is slightly longer than other places. Those who are profound cannot perceive the difference.

The three places that Sanjue Laomo paid attention to, besides Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er, there was also an ordinary-looking gray-clothed Taoist priest and a greasy-faced young master. Changed a bit, went around in a circle and then pretended to sweep past the two unintentionally.

"The cultivation of these two people is not inferior to mine." After a long time, Luo Tian cautiously transmitted the voice to Bai Yan'er.

Bai Yan'er pondered for a moment, and suddenly said in shock: "I seem to have seen that greasy-haired and pink-faced cultivator before. When I think about it, he is the current sect master of the Jujian Sect, Bashenjian Gongyangqi!"

Luo Tian couldn't help being a little speechless, although he knew that some monks in the world of cultivating immortals acted strangely, but this master who was also well-known in Tian Xinghai seemed to be dressed a little too unexpectedly.

During the inspection, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er intentionally or unintentionally let out a little breath, and the guards immediately changed their expressions and allowed them to enter the island easily.

"They're all pretending to be pigs and eating tigers!" The greasy-haired and flour-faced Gong Yang closed his folding fan, then glanced at the dull gray-clothed Taoist priest intentionally or unintentionally, and wobbled forward.

"There should be a treasure born during the trip to Sanyuan Island, but why can't it be calculated? It's really strange." The gray-clothed Taoist sighed secretly, and started to deduce again on his own.


The two Luotians who had just entered Sanyuan Island, before admiring the gorgeous and elegant buildings of Sanyuan Island, they saw a large group of monks surrounding the gate of the city. The paper is average.

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er looked at each other, walked forward holding hands, looked around, and couldn't help laughing strangely.

It turned out that it was a notice, and what was written on the notice was that there are many uninhabited islands vacant in Sanyuan Island. If monks are willing, they can sign up to compete for these islands. Of course, the most attractive one is One is that one of the islands seems to have some news about the famous treasure Yanboqin thousands of years ago.Of course, the notice did not specify which island it was, presumably to attract the eyes and attention of many monks.

"Extremely boring." Gong Yangqi, dressed in greasy hair and pink face, shook his head and walked away after only one glance, while the Taoist priest in gray walking behind him didn't seem to even glance at it.

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er immediately looked at each other in dismay.

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