
Chapter 320 Target, Smoke Island!

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er were very thoughtful, and after thinking about it carefully, they realized that there must be something strange in it that is difficult for outsiders to know.Next, Luo Tian saw even a few monks in the late stage of alchemy coming forward, just glanced at the notice, and walked away without hesitation.

"Again?" Suddenly, a muttering sound fell into the ears of Luo Tian and Luo Tian, ​​and Luo Tian instantly locked onto a chubby man in brocade clothes. From the hairpin to the shoes, he is almost armed to the teeth, full of the style of a nouveau riche.

"My friend, what is unusual about this notice?"

"Who is your friend..." the little fat man rolled his eyelids, and refused without even raising his head, but immediately, he raised his head in shock, stretched out his fat fingers, and pointed at Luo Tian, ​​" You...uh, this senior in the Nascent Soul stage, what did you ask just now?"

Luo Tian didn't care about the arrogance and condescension of this nouveau riche-like fat man. In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are always respected. No matter what words are used, words are not as real as words with fists.Therefore, although this fat man came from an extraordinary background, it was impossible for him to offend two Nascent Soul stage monks for no reason. If his old man known for his strictness knew about it, he would inevitably be beaten and whipped hard.

"Tell me about the strangeness of this notice." Luo Tian smiled patiently, and waved his hand secretly, signaling the fat man to keep quiet.

Fatty is also a smart person, he had already used his spiritual sense to detect the faces of the two Luo Tian when they appeared, but he found that the faces of the two opposite were faintly covered by a layer of mist, making it impossible to see clearly at all.This made him even more horrified.Fatty, who had been in the world of cultivating immortals for a long time, naturally couldn't think that the real appearance of the two Nascent Soul stage monks in front of him was like this, but after investigating, he was even more frightened.

Next, the fat man looked around cautiously, and then lowered his voice to transmit to Luo Tian, ​​with a cautious look on his face, "Since it's a senior asking, I'll say more, Sanyuan Island has played this trick not once or twice, It's better for seniors to think carefully."

After finishing speaking, this fat man dexterously slipped into the crowd and disappeared before Luo Tian continued to ask.

"Oh, I forgot about Boss Sha!" Luo Tian patted his head with a flash of inspiration, then separated his consciousness and entered the space of Heilian, and quickly transformed into his own appearance, appearing in Sha Shenghe who had a good chat In front of Xiao Hei.

"Master, why are you here again? Have you encountered a strong enemy again?" Xiao Hei asked with some distress.

"Hey, third son, if you have something to say, don't delay my brother's soaking in the spiritual liquid pool. Now brother, I can't live without this spiritual liquid pool!"


Luo Tian's face twitched a few times, feeling that the two of you regard the second day domain as your lair?

"Well, Boss Sha, Yan'er and I have arrived at Sanyuan Island. There is a notice on the gate at the entrance of Sanyuan Island. It is about some deserted islands near Sanyuan Island. It is said that there are still more than a thousand years left. The former treasure Yanboqin..."

"Wahhaha..." Unexpectedly, when Sha Sheng heard it, he hugged his stomach and laughed wildly, the tears of laughter almost flowed out, "I said, third, you will not be so naive as to believe the tricks of those old guys in Sanyuan Island Bar?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Tian frowned.

"What else is so interesting!" Sha Sheng finally laughed enough, and then said seriously, "Then Sanyuan Island will use this trick every time it encounters such a scene where monks gather. It has been used for thousands of years. It’s boring enough. Think about it, if the deserted islands around Sanyuan Island really have Yanboqin, can they still leave it to others? Besides, even if there is Yanboqin, it depends on luck, and you are sure to get your turn The Sanyuan Island has occupied this place for so long and has not been found, outsiders have even more hope. Moreover, the veterans of the Sanyuan Island are all smarter than foxes. If you win one of the islands, you may have to Being reduced to the peripheral thugs of Sanyuan Island, there are also many enemies in Sanyuan Island, such as the Thunder Bamboo Sect Tianyin Gate of the Dry Bone Sect and the Liuli Island of the Nether Island. Yuan Dao, you live on someone else’s land, how can you be ashamed not to shoot? Third child, I advise you not to be a free fighter. By the way, Yan’er is here too? Hey, answer me first!”

Luo Tian went out of the Heilian space and explained the reason to Bai Yan'er in detail, but Bai Yan'er nodded hesitantly.

"What's the matter? You want to fight for an island?" Luo Tian smiled lightly.

Bai Yan'er pouted and said: "No, father and mother met each other in Yandao, and they wanted to go and see Yandao."

"Go as you please." Luo Tian laughed loudly, holding Bai Yan'er's hands tightly, "It's not enough for Sanyuan Island to make your husband their thug, the young master just wants to be thick. It's shameless once!"

"Mister." Bai Yan'er looked at Luo Tian gratefully, full of lingering affection.A woman is lucky to have a man who loves her so much in her life.I just met the right person at the wrong time and the wrong place, but we still came together.

"Then go fight for Yandao."

Luo Tian is not a person who is afraid of getting into trouble, and at this moment the pride in his heart surges up, which is really very attractive.It caused several passing female monks to secretly look at him.

Even Luo Tian himself didn't know, from now on, Luo Tian really did what he liked with a solid heart, and never hesitated again.Thus, Demon Venerable Xuanyin achieved great prestige in the world of cultivating immortals.

After inquiring a little bit, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er came to the place where they registered to compete for the island. After the name Han Yi used to be used in the newspaper, Luo Tian and the two were a little surprised to find that Yandao was unexpectedly It is still a relatively sought-after island. At present, there are already eight monks competing for this island, ranking third among the islands released by Sanyuan Island this time.Number One and Number Two Luo Tian guessed in their hearts that it must be an island with abundant aura, otherwise it would be impossible for dozens of people to fight for it.

According to the regulations, a husband and wife can fight together to fight for the island. Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er glanced at each other, knowing each other's thoughts, they smiled and said nothing.

Fortunately, there are still fifty days before the official opening of Sanyuan Island, and the competition for the island is scheduled for three days later, so there is no conflict at all in terms of time.Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er came to the registration office after wandering around Sanyuan Island for two days, and found that the wooden sign floating under the Yandao had increased to thirteen places, but the overall number of people in Yandao had dropped to No. .5, the competition for the first four islands became more intense.

"The battle for the island begins!"

Many monks filed into a ring on Sanyuan Island, and then the monk who presided over the battle for the island shouted loudly, "There are a total of [-] island quotas this time, and they are divided into two rings. The battle for the two islands with the least number of people begins!"

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