
Chapter 321 Obtained, cloud and smoke illusion

Since it was not their turn for the time being, Luo Tian and the two found a place to sit down and watch the battle in the arena as a pastime.

"I'm a mother!" As soon as he sat down, Luo Tian, ​​who had sharp ears, heard a voice that seemed somewhat familiar. Then he followed the voice and couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that fat man who looked extremely shrewd to appear before. it's here.

"This fat man is really a slut." Bai Yan'er couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "This guy told us that fighting for the island is very dangerous, but he came to sign up for it, it's really wicked!"

"Well, what the lady said is right, this fat man is so vicious and fuming." Luo Tian quickly expressed his agreement, and after speaking, he did not forget to smile at the fat man.

"Why are these two evil stars here? Damn, are they here to seek my bad luck?" The fat man shrank his neck, then moved away a certain distance calmly, this guy ran a full distance away from Luo Tian With a distance of fifty or sixty feet away, he was still uneasy, and the brocade robe on his body was propped up by a layer of green light, only now did he feel more at ease in his heart, with a little sense of security.

"Look, lady, you've scared that fat man." Luo Tian smiled.

"Who is to blame? Blame him for being full of lies. I really want to beat him up to vent my anger." Bai Yan'er waved her small fist in the direction of the fat man in a demonstrative manner, revealing her little demon personality.

"Mom, hello!" Seeing that Bai Yan'er seemed to be interested in him, the fat man couldn't help feeling bitter. He blamed himself for being too handsome and conspicuous. Finally, he was targeted by that demon girl, but this young master didn't like her. The married woman's... Immediately, the fat man moved a few feet to the side again, and then looked at the ring with a concentrated expression.

At this point, the arena battle has already begun.Those who competed for the last two islands turned out to be two foundation-building monks. I saw the two foundation-building monks coming and going on the ring, their lights flashing, and they were manipulating the magic weapon with great effort, hoping to defeat each other as soon as possible.The monks like them who compete for the worst and most barren islands are generally casual cultivators. They have no background background, and they are poor. The island of Yuandao can also take this opportunity to protect it temporarily under the wings of Sanyuandao. Anyway, an island can be used for a hundred years at most. It is better than being wiped out by someone.Besides, there are some monks at the alchemy stage competing for the island of Sanyuan Island. If they take their talents as apprentices, it is not impossible to break through to the alchemy stage.

"This world of cultivating immortals is much more dire than the secular world." Luo Tian looked at it for a while and sighed softly.

Bai Yan'er snuggled into Luo Tian's arms and smiled lightly: "Who says it's not? At least in the secular world, it is possible to live a stable life, but in the world of cultivating immortals, you have to worry all day long. It's easy to kill people, especially those casual cultivators, who live a life of ups and downs all day long, and even if they barely survive to the limit, they are still trembling all day long, why bother?"

"It's true, we casual cultivators are suffering..." Luo Tian couldn't help laughing teasingly, and secretly moved his big hand up Bai Yan'er's waist.

"Oh, it's not you that people are talking about!" Bai Yan'er couldn't help but annoyed, pouted her lips aggrievedly, "Master, if all casual cultivators are like you, then Xinghai will really be in chaos this day... Xianggong, where did you put your hand?"

"Hey, miss, definitely miss, who told my Yan'er to be so beautiful and delicious, I can't control it!" Luo Tian laughed loudly.


Bai Yan'er looked around like a little girl in Huaichun, and found that the surrounding area was extremely empty, and some monks were far away from him, and he didn't even dare to look this way, so he couldn't help turning his body away. Then let Luo Tian's big hands cover his plump and upright twin peaks.

The sweet scene always passed quickly, and the battle between the monks was also quickly decided.Just as Luo Tian was about to ascend to heaven with his hands up and down, the Sanyuan Island monk who presided over the battle for the ring yelled again.

"The following is Yandao, which ranks fifth in the number of people, and Zixia Island, which is No.6. There are 13 people in Yandao and 12 people in Zixia Island. Please come to the stage after your consideration!"

"It's our turn, Xianggong!" Bai Yan'er quickly reminded.

"Ah?!" Luo Tian was feeling the softness in his hand that was changing in various shapes, and suddenly came to his senses. He couldn't help but withdrew his hand a little embarrassingly and unsatisfied, "Anyway, you and I are not afraid of wheel battles, so let's go first."

"The first ones on Yandao are Han Yi and his wife!"

At this time, the monks fighting for Zixia Island had already started fighting, and after the two Luo Tian who were fighting for Yandao went up, many people hesitated.

"I'm a mother!" The fat man stared at the two of Luo Tian dumbfounded, and couldn't help crying and muttering to himself, "Why am I so unlucky to meet these two evil stars? These two Nascent Soul stage monks have nothing to fight for." What are you doing on the deserted island? Let others live. These two people are too wretched, and they even concealed their aura in the middle of the alchemy stage. Fortunately, I have discovered the true strength of these two people, otherwise I would not have been killed Ah. Abstain, I want to abstain!"

As Fatty expected, after Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er entered the arena, soon there were other alchemy cultivators who thought they were strong enough to suppress them, but Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er didn't even show their strength. , using only some middle and high-level talismans that Luo Tian refined in his free time, he beat the opponent into a pig's head alive.In the eyes of the fat man, the behavior of such an upstart is even more collapsed.That was a mid-to-high-level talisman, and in the hands of these two, it was thrown out like a worthless roadside wild flower and weed.The fat man calculated carefully, and the cost of fighting for Yandao between the two of Luo Tian alone was at least the price of hundreds of high-grade spirit stones.

"Smoke Island will eventually belong to Han Yi and his wife!"

The monk who presided over the island scramble directly handed a token made of green jade offering to Luo Tian. Luo Tian only needed to hold the token to activate all the prohibition formations that control Yandao.The Sanyuan Island cultivator is also in the middle of the alchemy stage, but he is really afraid from the bottom of his heart for the inscrutability of Luo Tian and the other two.

The two of Luo Tian didn't hesitate, and directly held the token and flew towards Yandao according to the address recorded on the token.

Arriving at the outskirts of Yandao, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er only saw that the entire island seemed to be covered in clouds and smoke, and they couldn't help being surprised. Luo Tian hit the hand formula, and then the token flew up in the air, reflecting Countless streaks of green light directly opened a channel for the smoke outside the Smoke Island.


Luo Tian grabbed Bai Yan'er's waist, and immediately flew into Yandao, and the clouds outside Yandao healed by themselves.

"I'm a mother. I don't give me two opportunities to peep, it's so uninteresting." Soon, a void outside Yandao twisted, and then the fat man flew away with a face full of regret.

After entering Yandao for a few days, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er searched carefully, and found that the entire Yandao was as Sha Sheng said, without any valuable things, and there was only one middle-level spiritual vein on Yandao.However, the scenery of Yandao is pleasant, quiet and quiet, which is very suitable for retreat and enlightenment.

On this day, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er were lying in the seaside grass beside Yandao, looking at the blue sky above them, watching countless white clouds and smoke transforming into the blue sky, suddenly Luo Tian's face straightened, and a purple shot shot out of his eyes One blue and two rays of light looked directly into the changing clouds and smoke.

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