
Chapter 322 Immortal Capital Fusion Technique, Strange Sea Pit


Bai Yan'er beside Luo Tian couldn't help but stand up, and floated in the air, looking at the ever-changing clouds and mist in the sky above Yandao without blinking her eyes.

After a long while, a few ray of sunlight came out from the clouds and mist that covered the whole sky, shooting out like countless straight sword glows, extremely dazzling.

At this moment, Luo Tian's eyes regained their clarity, and the two brilliance, one purple and one blue, quickly disappeared. It took a long time to get up and meditate, his brows were slightly frowned, and he walked back and forth on the beach with his hands behind his back, as if he was thinking about something.

"Yan'er, there seemed to be a change in the cloud and mist just now. I don't know if you noticed it, but when I touched some veins, the abnormality in the cloud and mist disappeared. It's really strange."

"I didn't notice." Bai Yan'er glanced at the sky again, and shook her head lightly, but felt that the clouds and mist changed extremely quickly and looked very beautiful.

"here we go again!"

After a while, two beams of light, one purple and one blue, shot out from Luo Tian's eyes again, quickly shooting into the cloud and mist.Bai Yan'er also used her consciousness to enter it, to see if she could find anything.

This time, it lasted for half an hour before the cloudy mist was pierced by the sun, and Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er also looked away.

"This seems to be an incomplete set of secret techniques." Bai Yan'er expressed her guess.

Luo Tian nodded, and said: "There seems to be a new change in this cloud and mist, next time, Yan'er, you have to divide your mind into the faintly floating mist around you, and only by watching like this can you feel something .”

For a whole day, until night fell, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er returned to the residence hand in hand.Within one day, the cloud and mist changed a full five times. After Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er immersed themselves in it, they recorded all the changes. After comparing the two, they finally discovered that the cloud and mist There are countless changes in the change, it is really all-encompassing, and it is impossible to understand [-]% of this secret technique in just one day, so the two decided to continue to observe the cloud and smoke changes on the second day.

In this way, fifteen days passed in a flash.For the past fifteen days, Luo Tian and his two have been studying the secret technique contained in the cloud and smoke with all their heart and soul, and finally integrated this secret technique into a complete [-]% to [-]% complete. After the fusion, it is enough to compete with the monk whose cultivation level is one level higher than the others. It is indeed a strange secret technique that surpasses the world.

After another three days, Luo Tian and the two were very depressed to find that there was no new change in the method of changing clouds and smoke, but only repeating the old changes.

"Master, this Immortal Capital Fusion Art is not complete, could it be that the senior monk who created this art has something to hide?"

Luo Tian looked flat, and said: "I don't think that's the case. I don't know if you have noticed that every time the sunlight shines through the cup of tea, it falls somewhere outside Yandao, so that the sunlight is gathered in such a fixed way. In one place, the last [-]% of the secret art methods must be in the sea outside Yandao."

"Then let's go and find out." Bai Yan'er said eagerly, her face was full of excitement. The world of cultivating immortals has a long history, and among them, countless senior monks who have reached their limit finally died in a hidden place in obscurity. Many of their secret skills are lost.This has also caused some monks who cannot break through in their cultivation base to risk their lives to go to some wild places to find the place where the senior monks were buried, and maybe they will gain something.However, wild and ferocious places often have harsh environments. Even if there is no restraint formation, the harsh environment that makes it difficult to move and the powerful monsters that have lived for an unknown number of years are extremely difficult to deal with. Landing is certainly a shortcut, but it is also an extremely dangerous act.Many monks with low cultivation bases fell one after another in some wild and ferocious places, which was very miserable.

Luo Tian thought for a moment, and then his spiritual consciousness directly enveloped the entire Yandao, and then quietly waited for the sun shining through the clouds and mist.

Soon, the first rays of sunlight appeared.

Luo Tian immediately stretched out his hand and shook himself, and the waves of green clouds wrapped himself and Bai Yan'er directly, and then turned into a blue silk thread and flew towards the sea outside Yandao.

After a few breaths, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er stood three feet above the sea surface, and saw that the chaotic sunlight was only flowing within a thousand feet in front of them, reflecting golden waves and ripples , extremely dazzling.

"Here." Luo Tian closed his eyes and searched carefully, and suddenly opened his eyes. Immediately, he parted his hands, pressed down on a certain sea surface, and then two big purple hands that appeared out of nowhere directly fiddled with the sea water. A dark deep pit was directly separated.

With a flash of light, the two of Luo Tian went directly to the top of the deep pit, their spiritual eyes flashed, but they found that the deep pit was extremely deep, even with Luo Tian's spiritual eyes, they could not clearly see the reality under the deep pit.

Chi Chi!

Luo Tian flicked his fingers, and a purple lotus flower the size of a palm fell into the deep pit at high speed. After about a cup of tea, Luo Tian finally felt that the trace of soul attached to the purple lotus touched the real thing, and then Before he had time to explore in the future, that trace of spiritual consciousness directly turned into nothingness, and lost contact with Luo Tian's body.

Luo Tian looked up and found that the sunlight in the sky was once again covered by clouds and smoke, and he could not continue to explore this place until the next time.

Sure enough, the second time when the sun shone down, Luo Tian parted the sea and shot a purple lotus flower directly into the deep pit. This time it took half less time than the first time. Tianyi's divine sense drove the purple lotus to explore at the bottom of the deep pit, and finally found a sealed place, but that sealed place seemed to have been sealed for a long time, and the seal was slightly loose, and Luo Tian's divine sense was very weak. Kuai was keenly aware of the faint aura of magic under the seal.

"This place is probably not a place to stay for a long time."

Luo Tian said this to Bai Yan'er when the deep crater on the sea closed itself again.

"What's sealed underneath?" Bai Yan'er frowned slightly, "I can clearly feel that breath, it's too eerie."

"It's not an old devil, or the evil thing under the seal has already given birth to spiritual consciousness." Luo Tian frowned slightly. When he chose Yandao, he didn't realize that there would be today's adventure. Looking at the current situation, then It won't take long for the seal to be completely broken. At that time, the sealed things may be born, and the world may encounter another catastrophe.

"What should I do next?" Bai Yan'er couldn't help asking worriedly.

"The most urgent thing is for us to find out what is hidden under this deep pit. Maybe it's a false alarm and we don't know yet." Luo Tian quickly came to a conclusion.

"That's all it takes."

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