
Chapter 323 Yinyan, Yinzhu, 1 page ancient book

After a few days, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er comprehended the Immortal City Fusion Technique almost without rest, and finally achieved some success.Speaking of which, this secret method is not so difficult or obscure, but it restricts many, many conditions for practitioners, the most important of which is that one must communicate with each other in order to practice such a method, otherwise it will be absolutely impossible to proceed. Cultivation may also lead to the danger of becoming obsessed. With Luo Tian's cultivation base and supernatural powers, it is estimated that it is difficult to get rid of it, but as a monster, Bai Yan'er is much more dangerous. Becoming a demon, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive the arrival of the catastrophe, and it is also possible that the body and spirit will be destroyed by then.

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er have cleared up their previous suspicions, and they are in love with each other, so they naturally connect with each other, and they consider each other unreservedly, so the cultivation of the Immortal Capital Fusion Art naturally progresses very quickly.

Holding hands, Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er flew over from Yandao like fairy couples in fluttering feathers. Both of them were dressed in green clothes.

"Although you and I have reached the state where our minds and mana can complement and transform each other, we still can't relax our guard." Luo Tian told Bai Yan'er solemnly, and Bai Yan'er nodded obediently.After all, this matter was no small matter, and Luo Tian was also thinking of her, if something went wrong and the two of them were locked in, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After a while, the sun shines through the clouds and mist directly on the sea in front of the two.

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er were holding hands, the primordial spirit was incomparably domineering, Luo Tian felt like he was coming to a distraction cultivator, even if he couldn't beat him, it would not be a problem to escape.

Leaving the sea, Luo Tian quickly popped out a purple lotus and shot it into the deep pit of the sea. Because the two of them performed the Immortal City Fusion Technique, the speed of this purple lotus was incomparable compared to the previous speed. reached the bottom of the sea.

Luo Tian and the other tried this twice, and found that a cup of tea seemed to be enough.

For the third time, Luo Tian popped up three purple lotus flowers, and immediately looked at each other with Bai Yan'er, before his figure flashed and he sank into the bottom of the sea.

The wind was howling, surrounded by dark sea water, and occasionally you could see many fat fish and shrimp swimming in the sea water, but the more you went to the bottom of the sea, the thicker the cold breath, if it weren't for Luo Tian A layer of yellow flames enveloped the two of them, and the two of them could hardly bear the chill.

"It's so cold." Bai Yan'er said via voice transmission.

"Look at me." The seven-color brilliance on Luo Tian's body flashed, and he teleported down, instantly keeping up with the speed of the purple lotus, almost reaching the bottom of the sea with his front and rear feet.Then he flew directly towards the sealed place. Since it takes mana to separate the sea water above, and Luo Tian used the teleportation power several times, the mana consumption is quite astonishing, but Luo Tian has already had a few in his mouth in the end. After the panacea was crushed and swallowed, the mana in the body immediately replenished, and some of it was given to Bai Yan'er.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it." Luo Tian walked around the sealed place and murmured, "This place is actually a once-in-a-lifetime dark eye, no wonder this place is so cold."

"Sanggong, what do you think is that?" Bai Yan'er suddenly shrank her pupils, and pointed at the top of the sealed place with a face full of shock.

Luo Tian was familiar with the book of rare treasures, so he naturally recognized several black pearls floating above the sealed place, the size of pigeon eggs, they were Yin pearls that could only be bred in a negative place such as Yinyan.

"It turned out to be Yinzhu?"

"Sir, this is not a yin bead, but a transformation bead." Bai Yan'er quickly corrected her.

Luo Tian's body shook, and he finally understood, he couldn't help laughing and said: "It turns out that the Transformation Orb you and Boss Sha mistakenly took was the Yin Orb, now I finally understand!"

When Bai Yan'er heard Luo Tian's words, she couldn't help but suddenly realized.

Next, Luo Tian carefully transformed into a big hand, and took a few Yin beads floating on the edge of the sealed land into his hand. Estimated that more than half of the time had passed, Luo Tian pulled it without hesitation. Bai Yan'er's hand used the teleportation power again, and returned to the surface of the sea.

Just a moment after the two returned to the surface of the sea, there was a bang on the surface of the sea, and it healed itself again.

Immediately, Luo Tian began to study the yin bead in his hand, his spiritual consciousness poured into it, and found that most of the transformation bead contained the power of yin and cold, a small part was the power of masculinity, and a small part was inexplicable power , the strength is extremely strong, it seems to be somewhat similar to the essence of a monster, and it is the kind of monster with a very high level.

"Yan'er, how could there be spirit essence from the monster clan in this yin bead?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, solitary yin does not grow and solitary yang does not grow, Luo Tian naturally understands that there is no ultimate existence in the world, and yin grows to the limit At the extreme, that is Yang, and vice versa.Therefore, Luo Tian has no doubts about the masculine power in the Yin Pearl.

"I don't know that either." Bai Yan'er shook her head, "When I was young, I took the Transformation Orb by mistake, but I heard afterwards that many monster races in the Star Sea took the Orb by mistake. It's really annoying."

"Hey, Yan'er, if you have not mistakenly taken the Transformation Bead, you will not have the appearance you have today." Luo Tian smiled, deliberately trying to dispel Bai Yan'er's unhappiness.He remembered that Sha Sheng had also taken the Transformation Orb by mistake, and had to suffer from the backlash of the Transformation Orb every few years. Only the Styx Flower could suppress this pain.At that moment, the feeling of pity in his heart was overwhelming, and he hugged Bai Yan'er in his arms.

"Well, Mr. Xiang is right." Bai Yan'er also smiled, "Master, quickly absorb these Yin beads, these Yin beads are also very beneficial to the exercises you practice."

"it is good."

Luo Tian directly refined the Yin Bead and soaked it in Yuhua Pond for five years. Luo Tian's meridians, muscles and bones are much tougher and wider than ordinary people's. The foundation of the Taoist scriptures, the cold energy contained in the yin beads is also suitable for Luo Tian to absorb.In general, Luo Tian can now absorb almost any attribute of heaven and earth energy, but the absorption of some attribute energy is slower, and it has become a pseudo-all-attribute body.

Soon, Luo Tian absorbed all the yin and cold power on the yin bead, while wisely giving up the yang power and monster essence.This kind of Yuanli is very complicated, Luo Tian doesn't want to spend a lot of energy refining it for such a little Yuanli.

When Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er entered the deep pit for the second time, they couldn't help being shocked by the sight in front of them.

Above the sealed place, in the center of the dark yin bead, it seemed that a faint milky white light slowly appeared.

Luo Tian swept his eyes and finally saw the thing clearly. It turned out to be a page of an ancient book, and the words on the ancient book were very strange, like tadpoles and caterpillars, as if they were floating on the page like living things.

ps: It was almost twelve o'clock in the evening when I came back yesterday, and I didn't have time to update it. I will make it up today.

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