
Chapter 327 Double Lightning Tribulation


At this time, the vortex above the sky turned dark red, and the air flow was surging.And when Bai Shijie slightly raised his head to look at the dark red vortex, a curtain of blue water suddenly rose up all over his body, completely enveloping him within [-] feet of his body, and the space twisted unceasingly. It's like steaming water mist.

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, he could clearly feel the destructive power contained in the blue water curtain, if Luo Tian hadn't been tyrannical now, and had already reached the late stage of the out-of-body stage, I'm afraid that the consciousness would be easily destroyed if he met him. obliterated to go.


At the same time, an old man in purple seemed to have seen something interesting, and appeared directly in front of Luo Tian with a flash, then smiled faintly, and looked at Luo Tian with interest.

For the first time, Daqian Zhenren and Wu Ren and Wu Yi brothers did not get angry, nor did they get angry, and they did not make any moves to chase people away.It's just that when they saw the old man in purple, they all rolled their eyes at the same time, looking very depressed.

"I said, the three of you are willing to let this good seed be ruined?" His mouth moved, and the old man in purple couldn't help but look at the three old monsters who rolled their eyes.

"Can you see his future achievements?" Wu Ren, who was still riding a tortoise, asked in the end.

The old man in purple shook his head.

"Then what you're talking about is nonsense! Even you can't see it, so how can it be called waste? I say old things, familiar with them, don't aim at nothing, or don't blame me for not talking about the past."

"Do you like to talk or not." The old man in purple smiled authentically, "Anyway, your brothers have never defeated me, and it will be the same if you fight again."

Brother Wu Ren and Wu Yi ignored the purple-clothed old man, then turned to see Bai Shijie crossing the robbery.

"Heavenly Tribulation is about to begin!" Master Daqian said in a low voice with a serious face.


The whole sky trembled suddenly, and then the dark red vortex seemed to sink a little bit, and a red thunder thunder fell down, so fast that it didn't even take the blink of an eye, the red thunder had already reached the top of Bai Shijie's head More than ten feet above.

On the other hand, Bai Shijie looked like an old god, with his hands behind his back. Although he was looking up, he gave people a subtle feeling of being invincible. It seemed that in his eyes, Tianlei was not worth looking up to.

Just when this feeling of contradiction arose in the hearts of many monks, the red lightning fell directly into the blue water curtain around Bai Shijie and disappeared without even causing a ripple.

So strong!

Thousands of monks around Huangsha Island came to watch Bai Shijie cross the catastrophe this time, and even those who had been closed to death all left early, because this kind of situation rarely happens in the world of cultivating immortals. They came here with the intention of not being missed.But seeing that Bai Shijie resisted a thunderstorm almost effortlessly, he felt powerless.In fact, it's not that Bai Shijie's power of this catastrophe is too small. Many monks have also seen the power of the first catastrophe, which is several times the power of all the four or nine catastrophes combined. Luo Tian If he went up by himself, he might be seriously injured by the first thunder, and the second thunder would be enough to kill him.

Soon, thunder after thunder quickly fell from the dark red vortex, Bai Shijie was still motionless, and the thunder did not cause him any trouble that day.

Next, the scene that caused all the monks to collapse appeared!

Ninety-nine heavenly calamities are nothing but nine rounds of heavenly thunder baptism, and there are nine rounds of sky thunders, making a total of ninety-nine and 81 heavenly calamities.But after the first round of nine thunders in Bai Shijie's catastrophe, nine thunders continued to fall from the sky.

"Double Thunder Tribulation!"

"It turned out to be a double lightning tribulation! Now Bai Shijie is in danger!"

"Oh my god, Bai Shijie is too unlucky."

"A group of pig brains cultivated to pigs." Luo Tian was also dumbfounded by this. This is a catastrophe of ascension. Just one weight is enough to kill a person, let alone double, and he couldn't help but worry about Bai Shijie for a while , but immediately, he heard someone mutter.

"I'm talking about old stuff, do you know something? Let's hear it." Wu Ren also had a puzzled expression. Obviously, the power of double thunder tribulation is far from being as simple as one plus one equals two.This is like a person who can lift a weight of two hundred catties, but this is already the limit of this person. At this time, if you add another straw to him, that person may not be able to bear it.

The old man in purple smiled meaningfully, "You'll know if you read it."

Immediately, Daqian Zhenren and Wu Ren and Wu Yi brothers cursed in their hearts, hateful old things.

"Curse the old man in your hearts again, three of you, be careful that the old man spanks your ass." The old man in purple groaned viciously at the three of them.

Among the dense crowd in the distance, the grey-clothed Taoist Luo Tian met earlier couldn't help looking at Luo Tian with a changed expression, and said in a voiceless voice: "Master Uncle, it turned out to be Master Uncle! Pindao finally understands now, it turns out It's my master and uncle who deceived the heavenly secrets! I'm so stupid, so stupid..."

At this time, the old man in purple muttered in a voice that only he could hear, "You are really stupid."

At this time, the double thunder tribulation has reached the second round, the dark red vortex in the sky has also turned dark orange, and the falling thunder is also orange.However, the power has obviously doubled, only the falling speed of the sky thunder is slightly slower. "

"Little guy, have you seen any tricks?" the old man in purple said to Luo Tian via voice transmission.

Luo Tian didn't dare to offend this old monster who couldn't even do anything to the three old monsters, so he could only respectfully say: "It seems that the power of this catastrophe is getting stronger and the speed of falling is getting slower and slower. Afterwards, that kind of spiritual fear will become more and more powerful. If the primordial spirit is not cultivated enough, I am afraid that the body and spirit will be destroyed directly."

"That's the truth." The old man in purple nodded, "What color do you think the third round of Heavenly Tribulation should be?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Luo Tian's mind, and he blurted out: "Could it be yellow?"

"Hehe." The old man in purple didn't say much, just smiled, and then his figure fluctuated and disappeared.

Next, the third round of Heavenly Tribulation was as expected by Luo Tian, ​​it was a yellow sky thunder.

Could it be that the Nine Flames Mysterious Art is related to this Tianlei?Luo Tian couldn't help but startled, and immediately looked more attentively at Bai Shijie in the sky.

After a full day and night, Bai Shijie finally survived four rounds of heavenly tribulation, and the next five rounds of double thunder tribulation.At this time, Luo Tian still didn't see any sign of Bai Shijie's attack, so he couldn't help but frowned tightly.

A big hand clapped on Luo Tian's shoulder.

Luo Tian looked back and found that it was Wu Ren, but he saw Wu Ren sighing: "This Bai Shijie is indeed the No. You can easily pass through the first five thunder tribulations with Wuwang Immortal Clothes, you must take a good look at the trajectory of his supernatural powers later on."

Wheel-running supernatural powers!

Immortal Clothes of Immortality!

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