
Chapter 328 Wheel-running supernatural powers, primordial spirit silver beads

Immortal Clothes of Immortality!

Luo Tian froze on the spot. In the world of cultivating immortals, let alone a defensive fairy weapon, even an offensive fairy weapon, Luo Tian has only seen one so far, which is the five poison lock fairy sword, but according to Wu Ren Wuyi later said that the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword was only a semi-immortal weapon, not a complete immortal weapon.If so, Luo Tian was able to defeat the Silver Shark Clan's Heaven Splitting Sword with the Five Poison Lock Immortal Sword, from this we can know how terrifying the attack power of the real immortal weapon must be.

At this time, the thunder of the fifth round of catastrophe had already fallen.The cyan thunder is as thick as a child's waist. Every time a thunder falls, it creates a distorted void gap in the void, and there are countless densely packed miniature lightnings around the sky thunder. A thunderbolt looks like a revived head. Cyan Canglong.Just the might of the Heavenly Tribulation contained on the cyan dragon made the faces of many monks below pale. This level of Heavenly Thunder is already so terrifying, not to mention the next fourfold Heavenly Tribulation, its power is doubled increment.


Bai Shijie in the sky finally moved at this moment. I saw him slowly taking a few steps in the air, and the sky blue water curtain around him suddenly shrank, from the original width of more than thirty feet to about five or six feet. Immediately, Bai Shijie's whole body emitted a brilliant sky-blue brilliance like a transparent crystal, which was extremely dazzling.

The two brilliance in Luo Tian's eyes were suddenly blocked, and immediately, Luo Tian's eyes were in pain, but the moment he closed his eyes, he seemed to see the Nascent Soul in Bai Shijie's body wearing a miniature sky blue gauze, The veil was angular and looked extremely simple, emitting an extremely pure band of light surrounding it.

That should be Wuwang Immortal Cloak.Luo Tian thought to himself.

Next, Bai Shijie raised his arms suddenly, and a misty sky-blue light directly met the blue sky thunder falling from the sky.


A total of [-] cyan thunderbolts were defeated by Bai Shijie's blatant blow in the end.Bai Shijie has easily passed the fifth catastrophe.

"too strong!"

"It's really too strong! The fifth heavenly tribulation was defeated by him!"


Many monks watching below couldn't help exclaiming in surprise, everyone really didn't expect that Bai Shijie was so strong that he could defeat the sky thunder.

"Although he has a defensive fairy clothes, Bai Shijie's own strength is already too strong." The existence of Wu Ren, Wu Yi and Daqian Zhenren are naturally vicious. Bai Shijie resisted part of the power of the sky thunder, but most of the sky thunder was defeated by Bai Shijie's own strength. This kind of strength is really too heaven-defying.

"I'm afraid, the general Eight Tribulations Loose Immortals are nothing more than this." Daqian Daqian sighed, although there are very few Loose Cultivators and Loose Demons in the world of Immortal Cultivation, there are still some after all.


Suddenly, the sixth level of catastrophe has begun to descend.

The sixth level of Heavenly Tribulation is blue. The dark blue Heavenly Tribulation is like a water curtain covering half of the sky, and the power of the sky thunder seems to have increased several times.

Almost at the same time, the sky blue water curtain around Bai Shijie's body shrunk a bit, from five feet to about one foot, and the misty sky blue water curtain looked more and more pure, pure and almost without any impurities.

A burst of dazzling thunder fell, and the sixth layer of thunder fell extremely fast. The blue water curtain around Bai Shijie was cut off by [-] to [-]%, but Bai Shijie finally blocked it safely.

"This old thing is still so arrogant." Not far away, the old man in purple smiled wryly and shook his head, "Could it be that the old thing wants to shock the world?"




At this moment, the tens of thousands of monks watching Bai Shijie's crossing the catastrophe all stared dumbfounded at the thin figure in the sky. Although the figure was small, countless people had the absurd feeling that this one person was enough to fight against the world.

The one who felt the deepest was the many monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. Almost all of them raised their hearts to their throats and looked excited.You know, the one who is going through the catastrophe is their spiritual leader!their king!Their pride!

too strong!

Luo Tian and Bai Yan'er held hands, because they were a little too close to Huangsha Island, although the aura from Daqian Daqian and the three of them countered the aura of Heavenly Tribulation, but Luo Tian already felt a burst of fear.Not to mention Bai Shijie who was within the scope of the robbery.

Of course, at this time, among the many monks who watched the tribulation crossing, there were also many opponents of the Loose Cultivation Alliance. At first, they also planned to rush into the tribulation crossing area and sacrifice their lives to make it more difficult for Bai Shijie to cross the tribulation, but they were surprised to find that, They couldn't even get close to Huangsha Island.

"Boy Luo, be careful, Bai Shijie is about to use the magic power of turning the wheel!"

At this time, Luo Tian heard a shout, and Luo Tian immediately cheered up and looked up into the sky.

I saw Bai Shijie standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the Seventh Heavenly Tribulation with a smile on his face.

The seventh heavenly tribulation, purple!

Bai Shijie waited until the vortex on the high-altitude turned dark purple, took a deep breath, and immediately waved one hand towards the high-altitude, and an ancient wheel the size of a millstone slowly appeared in the area between the vortex and Bai Shijie. The wheel couldn't stop rolling, and the void around it burst directly, and it couldn't heal in a short time.

"Then...that's the Seven Shocking Styles?" Luo Tian almost fainted without excitement. It turned out that the Seven Shocking Styles carved on Yuchi Island could eventually develop the magic power of turning the wheel!And even though Bai Shijie only waved lightly just now, Luo Tian discovered that there were at least a thousand changes in that wave.

Thousands of variations!How tyrannical this is!

Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned. He also practiced the Seven Shocking Forms to the second form, but he could only produce dozens of changes, and these dozens of changes would consume at least [-]% of Luo Tian's mana.

As the practice progresses, it will undoubtedly consume more mana, but how much mana is needed to support thousands of changes in an instant?

"This wheel-running supernatural power can only be regarded as average in attack power, but its defensive ability can definitely rank among the top five in the world of cultivating immortals and even in the world of ancient cultivating!" Wu Ren said solemnly. Of course, what he said was aimed at Luo Tian said.

Luo Tian nodded. At this moment, he had seen Bai Shijie's magical power of turning the wheel completely block the seventh heavenly calamity.

The eighth stage of heavenly tribulation, the color of sky thunder is black!

At this level, Tianlei already contains a trace of fairy fire, and I am afraid that even a high mountain can be smashed into nothingness in an instant.

"Ha ha…"

What stunned all the monks was that Bai Shijie laughed wildly at this moment, all the sky blue water curtain around his body dissipated, revealing his real body directly, and then the Nascent Soul was shot directly from the Tianling Cap, suspended three times above his head At the moment, the Nascent Soul has also undergone some changes. In addition to wearing a miniature sky-blue gauze dress, the Nascent Soul is tightly holding a silver bead the size of a pigeon egg in both hands.

"This... this... this is?!"

Some of the discerning old monsters and trolls below all fell into a sluggish state.

"It turned out to be... Yuanshen Silver Bead!" The purple-clothed old man moaned feebly as if all his strength had been exhausted, "When did he become so strong?"

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